
I was reading through the Psalms tonight, and was blessed to find something very interesting.
On Monday 9-15 Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and Merrill Lynch was bought out by Bank of America.
Psalm 9:15 says,
The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
The U.S. government had to "bail out" yet another major company, AIG on Wednesday. AIG was given a "Bridge Loan" for $85Billion . Mind you, all of this happened about a week after the massive U.S. government takeover of Mortgage Gurus Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Remember? The one that could cost taxpayers $5 Trillion! This truly is the economy from hell.
Earlier this year, I remarked that the food crisis was a fulfillment of Revelation 6:5-6 which describes the "Third Horseman of the Apocalypse". The Amplified Bible version says:
There can be no rational doubt that American capitalism is the keystone of the world economy. This week we saw a domino effect of economic ruin that forced Russia to stop trading entirely midway through the week. A global rise in food and fuel prices has added 9 million people to the number of those who are starving to death because of their extreme poverty. Before this year, there were almost no cases of someone paying an entire days wages for a loaf of bread... but that part was being fulfilled in several countries by April of this year. But the second part, "And do not harm the oil and the wine", is referring to the upper crust, the elite. While the poor are being gouged, the rich are being protected and rewarded...does that sound familiar?
When He broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature call out, Come and look ! And I saw, and behold, a black horse, and in his hand the rider had a pair of scales (a balance). And I heard what seemed to be a voice from the midst of the four living creatures, saying, A quart of wheat for a denarius [a whole day's wages], and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not harm the oil and the wine!
The Bush-approved stock market boosting "solution" to this catastrophe was to cancel the debt of the reckless, lawless bankers by writing a check on behalf of American taxpayers worth up to $700 Billion. Instead of distributing that money to citizens who are about to miss their mortgage payment one too many times...instead of using the people's money to help the people, Bush is paying off the Tycoon's debts. Bush has offered all sorts of blessings to the super-wealth that trades among the rest on Wall Street. I see this as nothing less than an overly-publicized bribe from Bush to his Cronies, at our expense. But this was all foretold. As the Shaking continues may you all stand firm and tall!
The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.Psalm 10Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight.
Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
Why do You stand afar off, O LORD?
Why do You hide in times of trouble?
The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor;
Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.
For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire;
He blesses the greedy and renounces the LORD.
The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God;
God is in none of his thoughts.
His ways are always prospering;
Your judgments are far above, out of his sight;
As for all his enemies, he sneers at them.
He has said in his heart, “I shall not be moved;
I shall never be in adversity.”
His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and oppression;
Under his tongue is trouble and iniquity.
He sits in the lurking places of the villages;
In the secret places he murders the innocent;
His eyes are secretly fixed on the helpless.
He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den;
He lies in wait to catch the poor;
He catches the poor when he draws him into his net.
So he crouches, he lies low,
That the helpless may fall by his strength.
He has said in his heart,
“God has forgotten;
He hides His face;
He will never see.”
Arise, O LORD!
O God, lift up Your hand!
Do not forget the humble.
Why do the wicked renounce God?
He has said in his heart,
“You will not require an account.”
But You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief,
To repay it by Your hand.
The helpless commits himself to You;
You are the helper of the fatherless.
Break the arm of the wicked and the evil man;
Seek out his wickedness until You find none.
The LORD is King forever and ever;
The nations have perished out of His land.
LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble;
You will prepare their heart;
You will cause Your ear to hear,
To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
That the man of the earth may oppress no more.
More truth first thing in the morning; everyday should be this good. Beautiful young brother, just beautiful and thank you for your dedication.
Shine on my brother.
with lots of love from your sister.
Good article:
In regard to your comment and article on the previous post, I am not a big fan of Nostradamus and therefore tend to shy away with anything connected to him. But with that being said, there are little bits of truth everywhere. I have always thought of the Whore of Babylon as spiritual, but there certainly is something unusual going on with this person named Sarah Palin. I used to think if there was a physical manifestation it would be Barbara Bush. Anything is possible now even if it is ~them~ manipulating prophecy to keep deceiving the masses. Listening to the evangelicals at the other site, they believe that every time a disaster has happened it was because of something that was going on in Israel with leaders dividing the land. Everything is happening for a reason; this I know. We have to pray for discernment to know which side is up because everything is twisted.
Love, prayers, blessings and holy kisses.
You are truly a person who wants to bring TRUTH to people. That is what we are to do in these end times. Those that wake up to the reality will be set free from the serpents snare. All we can do is bring the truth as we see it and allow others to make their own choice. We don't have to get in arguments about it but speak our truth and let others have the free will to make their choice. Sometimes that might be hard because we want no person to be lost in darkness.
Jesus came to show us how to love and to break down the barriers that separate people. He did the hard job of exposing the hypocrites and told us to first look at ourselves and to break the chains of hypocrisy within ourselves. I find that so many people see the hypocrisy in others and want to reveal it but don't want to see it within themselves. First take the log out of your own eye and than you will see more clearly to take the speck out of your brothers. The Lord is letting us see clearly the hypocrisy of this system and what we honor and love more. It makes you want to cry when you see it happening this week. While those struck by disasters are suffering the government bails out Wall Street. Those same people who don't want big government or health care for all our people will spend trillions bailing out business. Do we Love God or Mammon??? It was shown this week where the government puts their loyalties. The government is the people and we owe it to take care of each other not protect mammon. They said that if the government did not bail out Wall Street that we would have economical Armageddon. So all the suits and elite got relief temporally.
I don't think it is over and people still have an opportunity to align with truth and expose the hypocrisy of this system. To teach others to Love God and than extend that love out to your neighbor. To stop coveting and start sharing. To stop lying and start being honest with your brothers and sisters. To honor our elders and take the wisdom that they have and apply it to our life. To love and respect your spouse and be equal partners in the raising of your children to love God and have compassion for others. To have integrity in your walk here on earth by being truthful and not covet and steal that which is not yours. To make every day the Sabbath and Thank the Lord for helping you walk the straight road to salvation.
So let us go forth and expose the hypocrisy and not align with any party but align with God..God First not country first.
Love you guys so much. You all have special gifts that you bring to this community.
God Bless
From the link below:
"Many find it particularly hypocritical that McCain, who founded his reputation on straight talk, has resorted to lies, distortions and doubletalk. Some say he's sold his soul for a last grasp at the presidency. But maybe - just maybe - we've got McCain wrong. Maybe the lies are not calculated to misrepresent his record or Obama's. Maybe they're part of a larger strategy.
Maybe McCain is really chasing a vast bloc of voters that candidates usual ignore, at least explicitly. In this tight race, the outcome could come down to America's vast hypocrite vote."
Interesting read:
God Bless
2 Peter 3:1-18
1 Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking.
2 I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.
3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.
4 They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."
5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.
6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.
7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives
12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.
13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.
15 Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.
16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
17 Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position.
18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
Be of good courage, and love to all.
Another hypocrite exposed but for the majority it does not matter because they are locked into their party politics. Does not matter. Let the truth come out on both sides because we know our allegence is with God our Father:
God Bless and thanks so much FF for the God's Word.
YB--just confirmed my thoughts, which I posted in the last comment thread, before I even read this blog post.
Their idea of a 'solution' is to further tax the poor and hard-working, who struggle every day to make ends meet while the rich get richer. Close to $800 bil. We can be sure that figure isn't coming from their wallets, bonuses, or salaries.
Does it not strike all of you that this whole issue on wall street has gotten every politican behind Bush again and blindly following what his administration is proposing without question as they did on 9/11. The news media was calling 9/11 the new Pearl harbor and they are saying this is as serious as the the Great Depression. Interesting...
They can tax me but they can not own my soul. Our hope is in God's word not in what this world believes is important:
Revelation 21
The New Jerusalem
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."
God Bless
Forever Faithful, I was up until the early hours writing this one. The Lord has blessed me with a reminder that seeking his face is an enjoyable experience. Babylon may be falling apart at the seams, but God's hand in all of this is becoming more and more clear. May His Kingdom Come, and His will be done!
Sandra, I am very glad that you have returned. thank you.
Kelly, what a blessing to hear. The more strange coincidences happen between us, the more evidence we have of being shared by one spirit. Forever Faithful has those moments a lot here, if you remember. We are supposed to be in tune with each other. Thank God that we seem to be.
Everyone, Please read through this wonderful sermon by Bill Britton called "Sons of God Awake!". Brother Britton was truly a "voice calling out in the wilderness..."make way for the coming of the Lord!"
Young Brother,
And what a beautiful reminder that is for all of us to remember that seeking God's face is an enjoyable experience. It is what sustains me and it is what allows us to watch the world fall apart and rejoice in it because we know there truly is 'light' at the end of the tunnel. Nothing else matters.
Indeed...'make way for the coming of the Lord!' I rejoice and desire nothing else.
Love and prayers to all.
Bush wants his financial 'resolution' passed quickly (which should make anyone nervous at this point in time, but..) and it will have no congressional oversight allowed.
Russia is heading to Venezuela with a nuclear armed warship to practice maneuvers. What's good for the goose is good for the gander they say.
Love and prayers.
Oh yes, and the temporary powers that be are saying Al-Queda is planning an attack in October to tip or deter the elections.
If they get any more transparent, they will be invisible.
Below is a story I think you guys will find interesting. Please be aware that this money was refused by the Sioux Tribe for the taking of the Black Hills. This money was put in money markets in the stock market and now this happened.
Excerpt from the link below:
When the poorest people in America turn up their noses at nearly $1 billion dollars, what does that tell you? And why is this one of the least reported stories in this country? When a Lakota family is struggling to put food on the table or trying to find money to pay for a ride to the Indian hospital or grocery store or is looking at ways to survive another South Dakota winter with a premium on heating expenses, don't you believe that they think about what they could do with the money sitting in a money market on Wall Street?
And yet they refuse to accept the money. This is one of the major stories of the century and yet it continues to go unreported in the mainstream media and even in the American Indian media. Why?
God Bless
Hey there my beautiful sister,
All I can say are two things: GO LAKOTAS and I still want to be one and live among the People. Soon, I may have my heart's desire...and so much more. Keep rejoicing and looking up for there are more than us that are sensing a change in the air; this is from our brother Les Visible at http://smokingmirrors.blogspot.com and I believe that he has been given a gift of prophecy that he is going to be posting soon and these are his forewords: (Central Command being the REAL central command = God)
Visible said...
In respect of that and a lot of other things and in respect of the Central Command post coming soon to Visible Origami, this is something I just said to a neo-con who was explaining how McCain has it in the bag.
Why it may be in the bag is not about Obama or McCain... why it may be in the bag is due to who is holding the bag and also due to the bag over everybody's head. I'm going to clue you in on something. I don't know which way which goes with either of these posses chasing Fata Morgana across the landscape of their imaginations as if it were their personal turf but I do know that there's an incredible dawn on the horizon that is going to look one way to certain people and another way to the other.
For myself, I happen to know- KNOW that there is a God and my proof is that I could not begin to define him/her/it. If you think you can then you might get into trouble with the sinistra side. Those who know God inasmuch as one can do surely know that they do not know and that everything is a bunch of hocus pocus. That's the point. You're into the hocus pocus or you are with the hocus pocus or you're not. I'm not into the hocus pocus but I do know that it is what it is... a lie and a deadly game and only a fool thinks to walk that road alone... or thinks he walks alone... or thinks that there are two things when there is only one.
The one in person is about to make something crystal clear. The hour of forgiveness is on and God has his own watch that he uses to tell time with even though he knows what time it is all the time.
I can tell you right now what time it is. It's time to wake up. It is definitely time to wake up because people who refuse to wake up are mot certainly going to get woken up and a lot of them in broad daylight with their pants down. Now in some cases that's perfectly okay. It really depends on what you are up to.
Things are not like they were.
Things have changed
cave deus videt
9:15 PM
Visible said...
I'm sorry your comments are not coming up... appearing. Certain forces know that certain forces are on their way so certain forces are ramping up the anty in the 'mean'while. But it isn't going to do any good and that is what hallelujah is all about.
I'm getting ready to go over to Visible Origami and talk about some tribulation and it happens to juxtapose with world events.
It is never a good idea to piss God off...after all, he's God. But some people have the idea that the Slim Shady is the real world... but it's not. The real world is about to break into our world and some people are going to be very happy and some people are going to be very unhappy. Well... you can't please everybody. Know what I mean? That's why things happen the way they do and why they happen to whom they happen to and that happening? well...
The Good news is that the door is still open. I definitely would not want to be there when that door closes.
People make their choices every day and day follows day and one day comes the day. Sooner or later. Sooner is what I hear.
3:40 AM
cave deus videt meaning, "Beware. God is watching." (I had to look it up).
God is with us. This I know for certain.
Love to all.
Hey there my beautiful sister,
All I can say are two things: GO LAKOTAS and I still want to be one and live among the People. Soon, I may have my heart's desire...and so much more. Keep rejoicing and looking up for there are more than us that are sensing a change in the air; this is from our brother Les Visible at http://smokingmirrors.blogspot.com and I believe that he has been given a gift of prophecy that he is going to be posting soon and these are his forewords: (Central Command being the REAL central command = God)
Visible said...
In respect of that and a lot of other things and in respect of the Central Command post coming soon to Visible Origami, this is something I just said to a neo-con who was explaining how McCain has it in the bag.
Why it may be in the bag is not about Obama or McCain... why it may be in the bag is due to who is holding the bag and also due to the bag over everybody's head. I'm going to clue you in on something. I don't know which way which goes with either of these posses chasing Fata Morgana across the landscape of their imaginations as if it were their personal turf but I do know that there's an incredible dawn on the horizon that is going to look one way to certain people and another way to the other.
For myself, I happen to know- KNOW that there is a God and my proof is that I could not begin to define him/her/it. If you think you can then you might get into trouble with the sinistra side. Those who know God inasmuch as one can do surely know that they do not know and that everything is a bunch of hocus pocus. That's the point. You're into the hocus pocus or you are with the hocus pocus or you're not. I'm not into the hocus pocus but I do know that it is what it is... a lie and a deadly game and only a fool thinks to walk that road alone... or thinks he walks alone... or thinks that there are two things when there is only one.
The one in person is about to make something crystal clear. The hour of forgiveness is on and God has his own watch that he uses to tell time with even though he knows what time it is all the time.
I can tell you right now what time it is. It's time to wake up. It is definitely time to wake up because people who refuse to wake up are mot certainly going to get woken up and a lot of them in broad daylight with their pants down. Now in some cases that's perfectly okay. It really depends on what you are up to.
Things are not like they were.
Things have changed
cave deus videt
9:15 PM
Visible said...
I'm sorry your comments are not coming up... appearing. Certain forces know that certain forces are on their way so certain forces are ramping up the anty in the 'mean'while. But it isn't going to do any good and that is what hallelujah is all about.
I'm getting ready to go over to Visible Origami and talk about some tribulation and it happens to juxtapose with world events.
It is never a good idea to piss God off...after all, he's God. But some people have the idea that the Slim Shady is the real world... but it's not. The real world is about to break into our world and some people are going to be very happy and some people are going to be very unhappy. Well... you can't please everybody. Know what I mean? That's why things happen the way they do and why they happen to whom they happen to and that happening? well...
The Good news is that the door is still open. I definitely would not want to be there when that door closes.
People make their choices every day and day follows day and one day comes the day. Sooner or later. Sooner is what I hear.
3:40 AM
cave deus videt meaning, "Beware. God is watching." (I had to look it up).
God is with us. This I know for certain.
Love to all.
My bad; so sorry...hope one can be deleted.
And this is what we are up against; copied from the christian right pro-Israel site:
President Bush gave us 8 years to repent of the killing of 52 million babies, making homosexual life styles okay and destroying our marriages at a 65% rate therein destroying the next generation. We have learned anything so I believe God will judge this nation but, not because we didn''t have good leadership at the helm. I do noting lib congress hasn''t helped anything and the hate Bush group are a bunch of nuts with a lack of morals. Of course the scriptures say they will call good evil and evil good, I guess your there already. And Jim B. explained his beliefs very well. Hope you find that one God we serve.
If you watch the news, you'll notice the term "deregulation" has taken over the airwaves...for good reason. John McCain is a self-proclaimed "deregulator". The reason we are in this mess is George Bush's potent, bold, and uncompromising policy of deregulation. Recently I came to realize that "deregulation" is the same thing as lawlessness!
For some reason, this really makes me think of that passage in 2 Thess 2:6-12
"And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
UN Call to Wake up and Resist the American Empire ('06)
Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today that the massive blast that caused 53 deaths at the Islamabad Marriott hotel in Pakistan was an operation conducted by India's foreign intelligence agency The Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] in an attempt to 'decapitate' Pakistan's entire leadership, including their President, Prime Minister and Military Chiefs all of whom, at 'the last minute,' changed the location of their planned meeting with the United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who had arrived in their country unannounced.
These reports continue by stating that India had become 'alarmed' by the United States Defence Intelligence Organization [DIA] and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI] plan to provide Al Qaida and Taliban terrorist forces with 37 suitcase nuclear weapons to be used against Western Nations in the coming month.
Great insight, young brother. Exciting, isn't it, watching all truth be revealed. I couldn't agree more, deregulation is the same as lawlessness and it is what has gotten us to where we currently stand.
The world situation is heating up; Pakistan is vowing revenge, Syria is amassing on Lebanon's border, Russia is heading to Venezuela, and ~they~ are furthering their NWO agenda in a big way. All this comforts because if the devil knows his time is running short and his plans do not come to fruition, then surely we are on to much bigger and much better things. I rejoice in my body, mind and spirit.
I would love to hear your thoughts on Les Visible's insight. I am really looking forward to his new post. Today he said God is coming to do some Spring cleaning. I liked that! If he is indeed being blessed with prophecy, it is my desire that we all be blessed by his blessing.
Love and His peace to all. I love you all so much.
An October surprise that might not be so delightful. The world is on fire. People stopped for a brief moment last week when they thought that their lives might be affected by the economic tsumani, but now since the sky has not fallen on their heads are comfortable now. I believe it is merely the calm before the storm.
Thanks for posting and keeping us a little better informed.
And ~they~ want immediate action with no oversight. They are threatening imminent danger and a world collapse if we don't let them save us. Imagine that.
I think if people had followed this advise (the link below)this country would have been better off but people were caught up in material wealth. Even though I just found this site today I did realize this after 9/11/01. I tried to warn everyone on the reservation not to get caught up in the American Dream because they will eventually wake up and find out it was a nightmare. I decided to do the hard work of getting out of debt, keeping my car which is 15 years old in good shape by taking it in every three months for maintenance and stopped buying things I did not really NEED but only wanted. Got out of debt, paid off my modest thousand square ft home and lived a simple life. I watched as the reservation got caught up more and more in the American nightmare and started isolating myself from those who were trying to drag me into the nightmare. Now I will have to go out and start doing the hard work of trying to wake people up. Started it already and people seem more interested now of listening instead of dismissing me as "weird". I only wanted to help them but they were not willing to listen. It is hard to stay focused on what really counts in this world and not get caught up in the world of Babylon but I thank the Lord that he gave me the strength to deny myself and my "wants" and to focus on the bigger picture. It is sad and I have compassion for the people but not the "system." that deceived them.
From the link below:
Depressions have a way of fleecing the poor and the middle and making the rich even richer (the Rockefellers, Morgans and others came though just fine). In fact, it is part of the pattern of the Federal Reserve over the years. Greenspan knows, or at least he should know, that a major crash is coming. Do they care? Not really. The coming crash will bring down the entire world and throw it into chaos. Along will come a man with the answers, a way to bring economic order… and as Christians we know who that is.
What can we do about it? Get ready! Don’t get caught up in the system. Nine tenths of it is spiritual as we have discussed extensively. We have to guard our hearts and minds from the influence of the world. Turn off the TV and open your Bible. Don’t let the messages of the world draw you in. Advertisers don’t spend $2.4 million for a 30 second advertisement for nothing. They work. The message sinks in.
The other tenth is to get out of debt. Lower your standard of living if necessary. Live in a smaller, less expensive house. Keep your old car a little longer. Don’t get caught up buying things. Tear up your credit cards (or pay them off every month). Don’t refinance your house so that you would be in a deficit if the value fell by half. Live on a budget. Think about others – not just yourself. How can you prepare for what is to come?
We can’t stop the prophetic time clock. It will happen. Don’t be afraid, but learn to trust the Lord; read His Word daily. Learn to listen to his still small voice and do what He tells you to do.
God Bless
You saw this right after 9-11, and tried to warn people then of what is unfolding now...during that time you were planting seeds. Now it's time to gather the harvest. If you hadn't said anything during the past seven years, they would have no reason to listen to you. Now they are running out of reasons to ignore you! God will get his light into all dark corners of this world. He will shine into the hearts of every single one of his sheep. This is a great social earthquake, but we have our feet planted in solid ground. The storm is coming, and all of those who have built their lives on the rock of Christ will still be standing. Let us continue to share the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. There is no power in the world that could stop its arrival.
Anonymous, where did you get that link?
FF, I haven't had the chance to read Les Visible's post...does anyone else have thoughts about it right now?
Great article:
Wow, what a time we live in.
The knight in shining armor for the whole world:
Hey nathandave,
'bout time! And yeah, wow, what a time we live in. I am loving it for everyday we get closer to the Lord.
I go to the tribal homeless shelter on the weekend and one thing that I have noticed is nobody is concerned about the stock market. My friend who works there and would be considered the working poor said she does not follow it and as far as she is concerned it does not matter what they do in Washington because she knows where her loyalty belongs and that is helping the less fortunate.
I was invited over to the home of the Deputy Director of the tribe for dinner Saturday evening. She said that the tribe needs to get their priorities straight. She said that while they have problems with providing help for the less fortunate the executives of the tribe have retreats and have steak and lobster. She said it needs to stop and it is nothing but being gluttons spending money that is not needed when they can be helping more people. We had a long talk on the days ahead and she does believe we are in the "end times" as we know it.
Thank you for that link. It brought tears to my eyes to know that there are Christians out there that "get it". Jesus came for all of us and we are to align with him not nation or politics.
I love so much your faithfulness and love. Not love of a system that is against the human potential but for the people who are asleep to the nightmare to come. It is with love that we go forth not with gloating on what is happening. We have compassion for all those caught in the snare of this system.
As far as the whole issue on the stock market it has similarities to 9/11. Just like after 9/11, the executive branch has presented an ultimatum to the legislative branch demanding unfettered power to deal with a crisis. Giving the president and his Treasury Secretary a trillion dollar blank check.
It is a scary time but we must put on the armor of our Lord and go forth.
God Bless
That 'America is now Rome' article was incredibly well-written and moving, as much as it was disturbing.
I especially related to the part where he emphasized that our nation now glorifies military activity, in attempts to 'dominate' and 'destroy' all opposition. It's a 'business' that needs an enemy to remain 'in business.' Literally gave me chills, because it's something I've thought time and time again.
Iran's president now calling 'America an empire that is near collapse' and should 'stop interfering militarily in other nations." Of course, blindsided by the fact that this statement was made by Ahmadinejad, I'm sure many will rally behind Bush and the neo-con's in 'patriotic support' to denounce Iran and anyone else who dares say a thing about our military and leadership...
We should probably be aware of this as well:
but always remembering that their plans are thwarted.
I got to catch part of the radio show tonight and was blessed by every minute. Speaking of no coincidences when you guys were talking about NY being the world hub for trading, I thought about NY's nickname of 'the big apple' and how it has tempted and corrupted so many just as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and indeed there is nothing new under the sun. Soon there will be though - a brand new beginning.
Sandra, your kind words and your encouragement are a blessing.
Kelly, soon the world will be crying for whatever it takes for the government to protect their safety at any cost even all the while they have shown and proven that they do not care. Galveston is over and we are back to fighting about politicians while ~they~ are announcing their takeover. Sometimes you have to wonder if they are trying to force us into an uprising, or if the masses are so brainwashed for the sole purpose for prophecy fulfillment. Either way it makes it a really weird world but it is amazing to watch it unfold.
And having you guys to watch it with...priceless. How rich am I - beyond measure.
It feels like Martial Law is in the offing.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad interview (Larry King Live) -- 6 parts --
Back from observatory mode.
Hello Everyone ! :)
Keep the faith,
I think someone else may have referenced this, but this financial crisis feels to me like the fulfillment of this passage from Revelation:
He cried out in a powerful voice, "Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a prison for every unclean spirit, a prison for every unclean bird, and a prison for every unclean and hated beast.
Maybe its just me, but our deliverance may well be at hand.
No, I don't think it is just you, nathandave; it seems to be the general consensus in many places.
I pray that it is so that our deliverance may well be at hand. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. I yearn, I moan, I groan, and I cry out for Him.
The author of smokingmirrors.blogspot.com has posted his experience regarding the matter and I wanted to share it with all of you. While I do not pretend to know how God may speak to one of His own, I cannot imagine God cussing, but here it is:
Ali, so glad to have you back from the observatory mode. My, isn't there a lot to observe? I am glad to hear from you; I have been praying for you - I thought you may have been misplaced from the storms.
Love to all my brothers and sisters who gather here.
I should have posted this with Les' vision:
Thank you,
Well, fortunately my non-contact week is close, so I am gonna have some time to focus on myself.
FF, I don't live in US. I have been living in Malaysia for one and a half years and I live alone.(forgot to mention my books of course, they are my only soul mates here :) )
Thanks for having me in your prayers, My honor. Currently I too do the practice of fasting (Its Ramadan, the fasting months for us). Fasting for me is like the practice of prevention and self-control, it is really effective. I thank god of this lesson everyday.
Keep the faith,
We are even more blessed to have you here then. I was under the mistaken impression that you were in Florida. Maybe that was N?
I hope your books know how lucky they are to be kept in your presence!
Love and blessings - always.
I sent a message and a comparison of Wall street as it pertains to Revelation 18 to all in my address book. I only heard from one person and it was positive about the times we are living in. Most I am sure have 401k's invested in the stock market and I am sure they don't want to believe it. Of course I don't say that it is Revelation 18 but told them it makes you wonder and I think that they should read it. I copied most of the whole passage in the email for them to read because I did not want them to just put it aside and never know what the passage said. Actually one on the email is a minister and usually he comes right back at me with his input and he has not done that this time.
Personally I believe we were giving an opportunity after 9/11/01 to really put God First and to change this country for the better. But our President told everyone that the thing to do was to "go out and buy" instead of helping our neighbor. To turn from the materialistic things and learn to set our priorities. To have God comfort us and give us the peace that passes all understanding. Most followed the president and now today 7 years later what most put their faith in is in crisis. We are now told the taxpayers have to take the hit for this bailout or people on main street will suffer. Jesus suffered for us so if we have to suffer to bring Babylon to it's knees maybe we should be praying for God's will not our own interest. I don't know the future but I am ready to get out of God's way and let whatever happens come to the forefront.
On the link you gave: I know you see truth in this site but I do have some doubts on it. I am not saying he does not have visions and he might have some truth to what he says but he wrote about a month ago that he was taking drugs and that is why he was absent for awhile and asked those who come to his site to help him get them. That caused me to have some questions because I don't think we need an altered reality to have visions from God.
Welcome back....I was thinking of you the other day wondering where you were at and you came back to tell us. Good to hear from you.
God Bless
I agree and I am more than a little disappointed. I do think there is a lot of truth in what he says, but I do not believe that God would have him ingest anything to speak to him or show him a vision. I especially took opposition to this statement that he quotes from God:
In some cases there is no forgiveness and you know some of who they are and they wouldn’t take it anyway; preferring my other side which they do not realize is also me.
How can he be so sure which spirit is guiding him if he is altered? Yeah, I am disappointed but not surprised really. Thanks for your insight my sister; it's always appreciated. I love you Sandra.
Love to all.
I am so glad you took it in the spirit it was given. It was given in love because I do love your spirit so much and I did not know how loyal you were to this site. Your loyalty to God is first and it comes across in your response. We follow no person only the inward spirit of God that guides us in all truth. God is truth and love. He wants none to perish and is giving all people the opportunity to decide what is important in their life. We need to refrain from giving a "holier than thou" attitude that so many on the religious right give and in the process they turn people away from God not towards his way for his children. I will have to admit the far left does the same. If people were honest in both political parties they would say outright that both the Clinton and Bush administration has brought us to this cross roads when it comes to Babylon. Now we are at that cross roads and because God gave all of his children free choice to decide our spiritual path let us pray that people will turn from the division in this country and towards God who loves all of us and wants none to perish.
Love God and Love your neighbor. It takes in all the commandments and Jesus made it simpler and fulfilled the law himself. He did not break any but of course all of us did and that is why we need him because we are all sinners in need of God's forgiveness. I praise God everyday that he sent his son to show us the way home.
Love you sister
Kelly, the UN encounter reminds me of Hugo Chavez speaking to the UN in '06. The message of America's mortality is a foretelling of our immediate future. America will be destroyed, because there can be no mistaking America's allegiance. God will not bless a spiritually dark nation...he is not a respecter of persons. America has been disobedient to love, truth, and the light of God...we are simply seeing the consequences of that behavior.
Ali, what a blessing to hear from you again!
ND, PeterZ posted most of Revelation 18 a week or so ago. The more of us that come to the same conclusion independently, the more we can believe that it is from the spirit we share, and not just speculation.
Sandra's caution is wise. I read the link to Les Visible's site, and while I think that he did see a profound truth about the "hour of forgiveness" that comes before the end...we should all be very cautious in our approach to drugs. This is where we get into the tricky "who are you to judge another man's servant" area.
Drugs aren't needed to get visions from God, but in the right time, and place, they have been known to help. I have had experiences with Gods while under the influence of drugs, but I know that we also have the potential to reach whatever height that drugs can show us without using them.
God wants us to seek his face, to love him, to hunger for his spirit. Drugs can help in that search, but they can just as easily veer us off course and cloud our minds.
When people take drugs they open themselves up to a portal in the spiritual dimension. By the power of God's sovereignty, it is possible to receive revelation while "under the influence" of drugs. But on the same token, darker characters from the spiritual dimension can also come through. These dark spiritual forces can sometimes seem bright, and heavenly...but it is a deception. While the world is still fallen, it is better to be safe than sorry.
FF, your earnest, hungry spirit is a cause of great joy. Your screen name fits you very well. One day you will see with your own eyes something that will blow any drug experience out of the water.
Whatever happens today, and all of the tomorrows ahead of us, may God be praised and may His will be carried out.
I love you guys. And I am blessed to have your love returned.
...may God be praised and may His will be carried out. Amen.
Your new video on this site about ARMY UNIT DEPLOYS IN AMERICA on October 1st, 2008 is very interesting. No mention in the national news yet. Could it be the beginning of MARTIAL LAW? Time will tell but we have been warned to keep our eyes open to that possibility by you so I plan on doing that.
Took me all day to go through your video on money & debt because I could not stay on the computer 45 minutes at a time. Thank you for putting that video on the site. It reveals alot about the whole issue on money.
My own experience on visions is using God's word and fast. I have had very awakening insight when I do that. Also and this is weird but caffeine will give me some insight and I have no idea why that is but it is a stimulant.
God Bless all
This just in: John McCain has announced that he will be suspending his presidential campaign tomorrow morning, and postponing the debates to go back to Washington and help find a solution to this economy issue. He has urged opponent Barrack Obama to do the same. Link is here
As a woman, I agree with this:
I think John McCain is feeling the heat and the poll numbers. It is being portrayed as a stunt and we are to think this is our knight coming in to rescue America. I listened to his press conference and he referred to it as big as 9/11 and he must go back. The only thing is he agreed to a joint press conference with Obama on this issue and than did this to try and get leverage. McCain took no question at the news conference and Obama did a speech and took questions from reporters. Not big ...just politics as usual.
God Bless
I love you people with a great love though I have never seen your faces nor even spoken to you. I cherish the sweet words of praise for our Father that fill your posts, and the love you make so apparent for one another. I long for fellowship with ones with such open eyes and jubilant expectation for the appearance of our Lord. I pray for grace and peace to each of you from God our father. I give thanks to God for you and for being made aware of you.
I have need of your advice on matters of life and ministry in these times. Specifically, I am curious how you are preparing for what lies ahead? How does your ministry to the lost and to our unaware brothren look as we near the collapse of the present world system. How will it look after our society falls off the precipice it approaches? Of what does your spiritual preparation consist? Of what does your practical preparation consist?
your grateful brother in Christ,
Welcome and I too am thankful that you have found us. Your love of the Savior overflows out of you also.
Three words for all your questions: trust the Lord.
Blessings and thanks for the joy of having you here with us.
Welcome and I too am thankful that you have found us. Your love of the Savior overflows out of you also.
Three words for all your questions: trust the Lord.
Blessings and thanks for the joy of having you here with us.
The "surge" has indeed helped the security of Iraq....
and military discipline is the sign of it.
We are very pleased that you have found us! We welcome you with open arms. You have raised a very good question, one that I'm sure many of us have been asking ourselves for quite some time. It would be a great idea if everyone here could give an account of what you see happening in the next step. Just a general picture.
I have an idea of what's in store, mostly from scraps of prophecy that talk about the followers of Christ who will live in the last days. I think it's very important that we stay somewhat open for God's guidance, and don't commit too strongly to our own survival plans. I believe that manna can come again if needed...and that we are on the brink of a revolution of the Holy Spirit. Jordan, I encourage you to Re-read Joel 2 if you are feeling shaken by the recent turn of events. The following is Joel 2:28-32
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.
I wish it comes true faster even:
" Google Audio Indexing is a new technology from Google that uses speech technology to find spoken words inside videos and lets the user jump to the right portion of the video where these words are spoken."
-- with a focus on election materials --
Keep the faith,
How Humanitarian is this?
Keeo the faith,
Great to have you here and welcome. The nice thing about this community is the respect we have for each other, and that each of us has a role to play to build up our communtiy. Someday I look forward to a reunion meeting in the Kingdom!
As far as what will happen and what will come when the system falls, only God knows. I think it will take everyone completely by surprise, but if you stay vigilant and use this time of grace properly, then you will be ready for whatever God asks of you. Until then, do GOOD to your neighbor in need. Seek to be a light to those who are lost, refuse to give into the Satanic spirit of this age, a spirit of domination, accusation, greed, and violence. Speak the truth even if your voice trembles. Don't let your Father's good name be slandered by the hypocrites in the Church of Babylon. Most of all, be ready for some pretty hard times, but God will strengthen his people to serve the lost during these times. Be ready, and prepare yourself for that.
'Speak the truth even if your voice trembles.'
I love that nathandave.
Many people around me are talking about cashing CD's in, stocking up on food and water, survivalist tips and this is human nature. It is time to realize that everything comes from God and have faith that He will provide, after all, He always has. We have just not given him due thanks for all He does. Now is that time.
As for me, I do not plan on doing anything different other than increasing my love and faith in the Lord God Almighty, the maker of Heaven and Earth. He will not abandon His people. This is one of the many reasons I believe He tells us not to fear. If my Lord tells me not to fear, I will not fear.
Love to all - always and forever.
Welcome to our community. You will find in this community people that have different gifts and we come together to support and encourage each other in our walk. As FF said have trust in God and he will show you the way. Follow the teachings of Jesus which is so lacking today.
Very well said. You are such a compassionate individual and it comes through in your wise advise. If everyone followed Jesus and his teachings the world would be a better place.
I am not a survivalist so trusting God and lively gentle on the earth is how I deal with the turmoil. I have come out of Babylon and I am not involved in the material world but instead draw on my spiritual walk with the Lord. This helps me to stay balanced. We all have needs but that is different from our wants that this system of Babylon tries to tell us we can not do without. It is Babylon tempting people into more and more debt. You are not free when you are in debt to this system. Get out of the system that wieghs you down with debt.
Follow Jesus and you can not go wrong. Though there is turmoil in the world the Lord will give you peace.
God Bless
1 John 5:1-10
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
Love you all
Beautiful verse, Sandra; thank you. The Lord will indeed sustain us - just look at what His words do for us.
We can all breath a sigh of relief - the powers that be have reached a bailout agreement and the stocks are rebounding already of the cusp of the breakthrough. No economic depression coming on Monday now; just like that they have fixed the problem. Which means they have probably robbed any remaining coffers to zero and we the people are relieved and thankful not to have to start eating out of dumpsters.
Interesting indeed.
Well it looks like they are going to bring the whole country in the belly of the beast. Babylon - Stock Market.
Not happy with this. Was praying against this but most are worried about their security so I am sure many were praying that it would happen.
God Bless
Here is a link to Bush's speech last night:
God Bless
Jefferson had said it all.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
—Thomas Jefferson, 1802
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Hmmm...interesting quote especially "until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers "conquered."
Was it "conquered" or "stolen"?
God Bless
Living in New York now, I heard that a bunch of people were protesting outside of Wall Street yesterday. People are sick of being fed lies and cleaning up the mess of the greedy governmental and financial few...at least that's what I'm seeing.
YB--I also stopped for a minute today when I heard the news that McCain wants to 'suspend' the campaign and push off the debate to 'put our country first.' Political strategy? Good chance..but I am foreseeing more coming of this..
Something about the little roundtable with Bush today really got to me..it disturbed me. It's all coming at a time where it's a little too 'coincidental' in my opinion. Bush always makes me uneasy, but hearing them make plans for the bailout and hearing talks of 'suspending the campaign' really come close to what I imagined happening...
Like you said, Chavez called this earlier in the war, and it's all materializing, the literal 'fall' of Babylon.
Kelly, That's right! Did you watch the video I linked earlier to Chavez's UN speech? It's amazing how clearly he spoke about what was happening, and coming. Just when it seemed like the plan was taking off, and an agreement was reached by both parties...I read this article about John Boehner renouncing Republican support of the bill. The Republicans are miffed because the Democrats rushed to make an agreement before John McCain showed up...By the way, wasn't he supposed to pull his TV commercials today? Whatever happened to that? I turned the TV on this morning and the first thing I saw was a McCain commercial! I just saw another one at 11:20pm...can't people see that he lied? that his so-called "country first" move is clearly "McCain first"?
Anyway, to read more about the argument in the white house at 0:30 this evening, check out this link.
Bless you all! This is an amazing time.
I hadn't heard that - that McCain was supposed to pull his ads. How strange - getting people used to the idea of no election. Is the debate taking place tonight still? This is most likely the precursor to Bush staying in office by Obama and McCain willingly bowing out because Bush is the only one that can handle this 'crisis.'
China and Japan have cut off funding to the greedheads and that has got to hurt.
Found this interesting:
Keepin' the faith.
Love to all.
A link to Ahmadinejad's speech on 9/23 to the UN:
The debate is on again. I knew it was a stunt by McCain. He was going to be the knight coming in to rescue America but he made more problems than if he had stayed away. The only one who can save this world is our Father God and Jesus.
We would not be in this mess with Wall Street if the Love of Money and Greed was not in the hearts of so many. I do blame the prosperity movement in the churches for leading so many astray. So those of us who were considered "odd" are now realizing that what was given to us by our Lord is coming to pass. Not by our time table but the Lord's time. I don't know about any of you but I was mocked and put down. I was told that I was not living in the "real" world. Thank God the Lord separated me and I found this community to realize that others had the same thoughts and feelings.
God bless you all
Who wants to bail America out of this trouble? What is the price that world has to pay? Zionism WANTS another war. Haven't we had enough?
Blood is dripping from the hands of Capitalism, Communism & National Socialism.
Keep the faith,
There are a few who have had more than enough, Ali, but unfortunately, the deception runs deep and more believe Israel is a Godly nation now and should be catered to on the false pretense God insists on it and in return blessings from God are given. All a part of the big lie.
That video was spellbinding, Ali. I had never heard of the opium wars. Not such a shining example for people who are supposed to be His chosen, just as it is now today, but many want to kill you for speaking against their beloved Israel.
Thanks, Ali. I am still so happy that you are back from the observatory mode...you were certainly missed. Tell your books for me how lucky they are to be in your soul mates!
What a world...desperately in need of Jesus.
Sandra, thanks for the update on the debate. Anyone watching?
Love and peace.
Bush is not a leader anymore. His own party is not listening to him and going their own way. Funny thing is the democrats seem to be going along with Bush which makes you wonder "what" is wrong with them. It is a trap and they are being lead into bailing out the Bush Administration. This is the same with the Iraq war.
Can it get any stranger:
Paulson kneels before Pelosi
Just one more note: If the tribe hadn't bought computers for all tribal households I would not even be on the internet. So I am thankful that they did because I would not have known that there is dissent and people had the same visions as I did on Bush and this administration. The Lord does provide as FF said so that his followers can encourage each other.
Love you guys
Sandra, I am so thankful that the tribe bought computers for the households. I can't imagine not having you here; you have brought so much love and truth and so many blessings...all thanks and praise to the Lord God Almighty for all His gifts and mercies.
Strange days indeed...and getting stranger indeed.
Again, Sandra, thank you for all the blessings, edification and encouragment.
Keepin' the faith no matter come what may...they cannot take our faith.
Thank you for your kind words. I will never forget when I first came on Stephen's blog and decided to interact with the group. You were the first one to welcome me and express your sadness of what happened to the Natives that occupied this country. I will never forget your kindness and have so much love for your faithfulness and encouragement to all on here. Everyone on here has different gifts and we all help each other on our walk. I am grateful for all the input given in this community.
From the link below: "Tonight, George Bush succeeded I think in scaring Americans that this crisis could be a systemic threat. Bush said "our entire economy is in danger."That's the fear button. He pushed it. And he said the clock was ticking."
I don't think the democrats have learned their lesson on this fear administration. Jesus said "Fear Not" but this "christian president says "Fear". Democrats are falling for it AGAIN and this time Obama is with them.
God Bless
Bush is right about one thing: the clock is ticking, and for him it is a ticking time bomb.
Unfortunately Obama has always been 'with' ~them~ as it is all part of their plan...the plan that fails. I think all those poll numbers are all made up also to incite/control those faithful to their parties. Their whole agenda has been about fear.
People who see the whole truth of this picture from other sites are people whose comments you can tell are God's people. They are the only one who can see and Jesus' words of not coming to bring peace, but to divide is so incredibly obvious more than ever. All His people at other sites are all saying the same thing and that is that time is short. I cannot properly express the joy and anticipation this thought creates. Like our young brother said we are going to witness an event so amazing with our own eyes and the thought alone makes my heart literally leap with excitement. It makes leaving this world behind so, so easy - set free from it all. Don't get me wrong, I do everything I have to do still of course, but if I ever worried about anything, I worry about it less now.
Sandra, I believe it was the love for your people that made me first realize that something was very wrong with our claim to be built on 'Christian' beliefs. I am so happy and humbled to have touched your heart and the fact that you accepted it is a huge blessing for me. I believer you are an answer to a prayer from a young teenage girl. I have never had the opportunity to have the pleasure of meeting a Native American. Probably just about every nationality but the one I really wanted, and here you(we) are. God is so good.
Your car has my car beat; mine is 11 years old. It runs great even with 233,000 miles on it - go Toyota.
Pakistan and US(Nato) are engaging in Pakistan and Afghanistan (Taliban) is being blamed while we hear little pieces that they need to tell us something but it has to wait until after the election. Geez, they think we are so stupid and we can't handle the truth. I had thoughts that it could be news of a draft due to the increase in 'terrorism.' Just speculation, but we should always be prepared for anything - the world's on fire. News about Iraq is scarce although I did hear that the surge success might be over due to the Sunnis and Shiites uniting (to kick our ***es out) but no more.
Washington Mutual went under and we know there is more to come. A woman talking loud on her cell phone in a store the other day was explaining that she was purchasing extra stock because 'now is the time to buy...it's america is for sale.' I thought, it's a fire sale and there is nothing left to salvage.
His people that gather here in His precious holy name (as I lovingly call you 'my people') are indeed a Godsend for me. I remember when I first went to Stephen's site and being so strengthened by finding that there were other people who were questioning what was taking place and being so awestruck but not really surprised. This whole journey has been perplexing and amazing, and it is just the beginning.
Rejoice! and call out His name.
Thanks for listening and being there my people. It comforts me greatly. Love and holy kisses to all.
This definitely belongs in the 'be prepared for anything' category:
young brother,
I wanted to give you a special thanks for posting the Chavez video. I had never seen it in its' entirity before and I really enjoyed it. I have always liked 'the devil was standing right here and it still smells of sulfar' part. I thought it actually might have...seriously. I also really enjoyed your breakdown of the verses and glad to hear your friend finally got it. I will keep him/her in my prayers.
We have had 7-8 years to have our heartstrings tugged at with the lives lost in the wars on all sides that is based on lies; our mindstrings tugged at with drastically changing circumstances from many fronts, and yet, the pursestrings being tugged is what is getting people's attention. Figures, but better late than never for those that are last will be first. Yes, exciting times indeed.
Love and His peace to all.
This video from an "Evangelical" source says that by the time they will broadcast their video (Within 24 hours) Israel has attacked Iran! The strike is highly coordinated with America.
This video has claims much the same as WMD claims in Iraq.
Keep the faith,
Thanks to each of you who offered your input in response to my questions. Your spiritually wise advice is well taken. Indeed, we must trust our Lord in every circumstance. He is merciful, always faithful, and able to deliver us from all evil.
We will be sealed by our God (Rev. 7:3-8) and supernaturally protected from the divine judgments to come. Harm will be threatened from a different source however, and while we should have no fear of death at the hands of the evil one, I do wonder, is their any prudence, and wisdom at all in practical preparations? Let me share my inclinations on the subject with you and see what you all think.
It seems to me that the Olivet Discourse has a dual fulfillment- one near (time-wise) and local (Rome vs. Jerusalem in AD 70) and one far and universal (Beast vs. overcomers in our near future). If this is the case, our Lord's warning and advice would have to apply to those contemporary with both fulfillments. He said that those in Judea should "flee to the mountains" when they saw persecution coming. This indicates that they were to make the preparations necessary to leave Judea and take the practical steps necessary to survive. Thus, it seems to me that we also should "flee" from (seek to survive) the coming persecution to the extent we are able. The believers in Judea needed to survive to keep proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the same will be true for us. Might this consideration warrant the making of practical preparations for coming trials and persecutions?
I offer these thoughts with humility, seeking the wisdom of those more mature than I. And I shall be most grateful to hear of your thoughts on the matter.
Grace and Peace,
Thank you very much for your kind words. I have one more video here. Worthy!
Keep the faith,
Very intersting....
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Greetings my people,
The radio news just reported that a hurricane Kyle is heading for Maine, much like a Nor-easter that will cause 15-20 ft. waves. One thing after another after another.
The bailout is still not a done deal and most are now saying the bailouts are not going to do anything anyway...you don't say?
A few of us are starting to take notice at the same time of how the enemy is circling the camp. These evangelicals, christian right, armageddon nuts are so very abundant and it is sad to see so many being led astray. But all the while they believe we are doomed to hell and that is just fine with them. How anyone can believe this is beyond my comprehension other than it is the work of the devil plain as day. I can barely stand to watch them talk about killing and in the name of the Lord because 'He demands it.' The 'it' is Israel attacking Iran.
Thanks for sharing the links and videos Ali and Annon.
And last but far from least, our new brother Jordan, thanks for the great discussion(s) and it is a joy to read your words. It is always such a blessing to meet His people.
A few years back I had a very strong feeling to want to leave the US (I was thinking Venezuela), and thought that maybe God was warning me. After prayers, I began to realize that it was not so much what he was saying to do as it was me wanting Him to tell me that is what I should do. God will protect me wherever I am if He wills me to be protected. He tells us (somewhere...anyone?) to not even worry or think about what we will eat, or what we will wear for that matter. He is going to provide.
There may come a time when all His people are led somewhere to gather...somehow. If He does indeed empower with supernatural powers what else could we possibly need? I have learned on this journey that one day at a time takes on the true beauty of what that means. Today has enough worries and evil, and God will show us what we need to know and when we need to it. All our trust and faith in the Lord; shine for His glory, further His Kingdom every chance you get in any way you can, stay watchful and prayerful and know that He is in control.
Love and blessings.
An article about hurrican Kyle, but scroll further down to a picture of a woman gathering some belongings in Galveston, and look at who she is carrying a picture of:
Damascus was bombed today with 17 people killed, and Syria is blaming US/Israel. Syria claims the attack was aimed at Iranian nationals, but only civilians were killed:
I liked this wording:
“The market was 500 trades away from Armageddon on Thursday...
From this article for any interested parties:
FF: It's Jesus!
When I was a little kid, my Sunday school had a mural painted on a long hallway wall. It was a bunch of kids being dropped off at school, and Jesus was watching it all. Every time we passed that mural I would bang on the portrait and joyfully shout out: Jesus! as though there was something exciting and new about that painting...for awhile later on in development, I dismissed it as childish nonsense. But truly the unwavering eternal "sameness" of Jesus is very exciting and new for a world that has gone horribly off track...we need more of the real light and power of Jesus in the world today. Stay strong and full of love and hope for the restoration of all things...
May God be close to us even when we are being crushed, and may he make sense of every loss. May his name, his teaching, his purpose be established for all time. May his justice reign and his deliverance be complete in the Earth. May we be found faithful when he does return, and may we hear and respond rightly to his Word. May none of His be ensnared by the trappings of our enemy (which can sometimes be ourselves), and may our present suffering be limited to what we are able to bear. Glory to God, who is sovereign in his creation!
I came across this three part video and thought it is important to share with you guys whom I regard as my family in the Lord.
May the Good Lord bless you all as He always does.
As an Iranian its interesting to see how things have changed radically:
Keep the faith,
Practical steps for me was paying off everything and living within my means. To live a more simple life and to not get caught up in the material world. Jesus said not store up material wealth in this life but so many do just that. Your life is so much more enriched when you set your priorities. Right now the government is trying to scare people because they will not be able to get a loan if we don't get this bail out for wall street. So what. That is the problem. Most people are in debt to this corrupt system. GET OUT OF IT...Flee from the traps of Babylon.
Stop all the commercial growth and start living for your community instead of things. We are running out of landfills and why in the world did women get involved in disposable diapers. Can you imagine how many we have in landfills. This nation is a throw away society and we need to start taking care of what we have. Go against the tide of buying things you want and just get what you need. Turn off to the Babylon advertising which is like satan tempting you into going further into debt. If you can't afford a house rent. There is a lot of upkeep to owning a home and it is not as glamorous as it seems. The system wants you to be indebted to it. That way they control you. You will be enslaved to this Babylon system.
Thanks for the last link you posted. Now is the time to show LOVE and UNITY to all while this system wants us to FEAR and HATE. This whole week the administration and elected officials are trying to put fear in the hearts of everyone as was done after 9/11.
Love to all
I love watching this community grow and worship together, and I agree Annon, this is our family in the Lord and I love each one so much so that it amazes me still. We are so connected even in cyberspace, and can we even imagine what the next life will be like to live, laugh, love and worship with no constraints, no distractions..come Lord Jesus come.
Young Brother, your prayer touched my heart as it is so beautiful and it so thoroughly reveals your loving spirit and I thank you for uplifting mine.
I think I know exactly which mural you are talking about; it was in my kids' Lutheran school. I believe Jesus loves the unbriddled affection of children who jump and slap the mural while proclaiming His name. When other kids were outside playing, I remember I would be in my room many times having conversations with Him. Right out loud and unabashedly. My family must have thought I was crazy, but I know He was right there with me and unfortunately I grew out of that, but I am back to trusting in Him just like that little child.
I found this on another site. I have not seen it yet, but I trust the source that posted it:
Nancy Pelosi has taken mortgage assistance to troubled homeowners out of the bailout package and this just figures...they must surely be scratching their heads as to why we are not rioting yet.
Love and peace and joy to all my people who I love so, so dearly.
I finally got around to watching the video of Hugo Chavez speaking at the UN assembly in 2006, YB. I had read reports about it after it occurred, but never fully watched it. Pretty wild stuff. He strikes me as a man who is completely fed up and who was expressing genuine concern for the people of the world, globally, and not simply Venezuelans.
The whole notion of the 'Global South' was brought to my attention about 2 years ago when I took a college course on globalism and the world economy. Taking that class was sort of an 'accident,' as I cancelled out of a class with a professor who was rumored to be pro-Bush and highly conservative (it was a political class, and I needed it for filler before I graduated..but opted out 2 days before the class started, and signed up for the last seat in the class I mentioned above.)
It was through that new class that I know God meant for me to take, as this is when I learned about the using and abusing of the world's people through 'free market capitalism' and really got my first dose of distaste for Bush, and our financial stronghold on the world.
That's also about the time I read Naomi Klein's first book and subsequently, her next, Shock Doctrine. The figurative 'Global South' is all very real, if you think about it. She quotes farmers, artisans, local townspeople who have been oppressed for many years by the rich and powerful in their regions. Our nation has been a major player (albeit a very 'silent' one) in many of the acts of domination down in Latin America.
Why doesn't our nation know or discuss these acts? People are so quick to blindly follow the figureheads of 'leadership' instead of questioning how they maintain their grip on such a grand scale.
I don't know what's going to come of the financial meltdown and mess we're witnessing now, I won't even pretend to have an answer. I don't even want to try and predict what's going to happen come November, if anything at all. I just know that there's alot of God's people crying out to Him to save them from the worker of iniquity...people crying out to God everyday to rescue them.
I think all we can do (or at least, what I think I can do) is to help anyone who comes my way. My mom always taught me that you never know what someone else is going through, and at the very minute you come into contact with them, you have the choice to make a positive or negative impact on that individual.
You may be the only person who has said a kind word to a strung out individual that week, or you may lend a hand to someone and make a huge difference in their life (and never know it..) but any act of love or kindness could stick with them forever.
Daily acts of love and kindness..the only things that make these shaky and uncertain times worth pulling through for.
An editorial in the LA Times, entitled "Bush The Arrogant." God bless this writer, who had the courage to stand up to our imperialist president...an interesting read.
Didn't know Martial Law was declared. Interesting...
Stay blessed and keep watching.
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