That being said, it is possible for us to understand what will likely happen in the future, if we do the hard work of learning the hidden details of history (like the Media-ignored comparisons between Bush's 9-11, and Hitler's Reichstag fire). We can also understand what will likely happen in the future if we pay close attention to current events. Most people don't have the time for that, because their time is spent on their jobs, families, or other priorities of this world. But those people who have studied, because of a hunger to know the truth no matter what cost...people who come to know what's going on, who's behind it, and why it's happening are entrusted with "a message of hope for those who receive it, and a warning to those who will not".
The above quote is a lyric from the Psycho-spiritual-Metal band, "Tool". This band produced an album in the spring of 2001 that eerily predicted the post-9-11 world. Read the lyrics to Laturalus here. It's amazing.
What's more amazing, Alex Grey, who has painted the artwork for their album covers since 2001, actually predicted the post-9-11 world in a painting he made in 1989. The picture below shows two airplanes flying towards the twin towers in the background, and in the foreground, there are three characters: a "terrorist", a dark suit wearing gentlemen who looks suspiciously like George W Bush, and a "Dick" (as in, Dick Cheney). I am publishing this painting because of it's foresight and significance to the greater spiritual picture. I hope that I will not offend anyone by doing so.

I believe that because both the lost and the wicked are in darkness, we must not condemn those who are in darkness. "Done" recently remarked on that, warning those gathered here not to get sucked up into the same condemning spirit that has it's grip on most people. He makes a very important point. We must confront and stand up when we're facing a lie, but we must not eternally condemn the liar, because it is God's duty to judge who is a deceiver, and who has simply been deceived.
God will distinguish what to keep and what to throw away, and always has. Even still, Light must penetrate the darkness. The lost will not like light shining in their eyes at first, but it's the only way to get them out. The wicked will fight to destroy the light. None of us has perfect light, but we do all have some of that light within us. It is our sacred duty to share it, in love (patience, kindness, etc). That task is certainly difficult, but in Christ it is possible, and we must be in Christ to share the light. We know the darkness will be done away with, let us continue to proclaim it. To our friends, relatives, neighbors, and strangers. The harvest is plentiful, and ripening even now. This is a wonderful time to be rooted in the Rock of Christ.
John 1:4-5
In Him (Jesus, the Word) was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.Jesus says in John 15:1-12
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
Love is the Key. We know this, but it's good to remember it constantly, and not to be lured away from it for any reason. If we begin to argue with others purely for the thrill of winning, we are not abiding in love. The truth can only be received if it is offered in love. We must act out of love, for God, for brother, for neighbor, for enemy, and for self. We must teach in love, share in love, and most importantly, demonstrate love. Love is the Light that has been given to us, and that we must give out. Praise the Lord!
1 Cor 13:1-3
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. more...
When 9/11/01 happened nobody connected the dots and so many were caught up in the lie. I remember watching it on T.V. and going to my bible and reading Rev. 18. I believed I was witnessing the fall of Babylon. I did not cry over it but I felt sick to my stomach literally. I have to admit I got caught up with people who were praying and repenting of their material ways and I thought maybe we can change and I did pray to help us and have us learn from this. In other words I prayed for the country to have another chance. Over the past 7 years I realized nothing has changed and those on wall street have gotten greedier and greedier. Actually people started getting the attitude that they could have it all without consequences on what they did to the environment and those who were the least among us.
I have learned my lesson. I will not pray for Babylon this time. I think we have to come to our knees on our greed and pious attitude we have in this country.
Let God be God. I will truly get out of his way this time. I will pray for people but not the corrupt system that has caused so much greed and wars in this world.
God Bless
Reality vs denial.
Hurricane Ike news blackout on dead bodies Bolivar Crystal B
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Stay blessed muchly
Your ibbox mail is no longer in. Soemhow someone can go in and bring it out.
Stay blessed.
Thanks for the links.
Know your candidate:
For me I am still on the fence and most likely will not participate in it. If I do vote it will be for Jesus as a write in. Can anyone imagine if Jesus was running for president and how he would be perceived? I believe he would tell all people that they all our going to have to pay the consequences of our selfish actions and it will not be a easy ride. I can imagine him saying Put God first..and love your neighbor by not just words but with how you treat each other. He would be mocked for his beliefs. I know he would not be involved in this world of politics but just playing make believe. Basically politics is based on lies, and turning one group against another which our savior would not be doing.
Jesus suffered and died for us to bring us the TRUTH about our sinful ways and we must be willing to do the same. Keep love for truth and honesty as your guiding light as Jesus did and we will have peace even during the difficult times to come. Help those you can and have compassion. We are not a people of "haters" but a people who just follow truth to wherever it leads.
Love you all
Annon, it's about time you made it back here...been missing you and your great links.
This one about Palin calls for a little discussion. I heard on the radio this morning that her email account had been hacked and (surprise) none of us are safe from that. This particular one you posted is interesting because she refers to someone as the 'false messiah on Bill's show who was sweating.' Who is she referring to? Does anyone know? It is Bill O'Reilly's show?
The world is starting to take notice of the corruption because they realize they are going to be affected by this reality. I wish the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could have done that. The depth of our collective selfishness is so vast and so vain, and this has to certainly be one of the reasons our destruction comes suddenly.
The MSM reported that today is going to be a very important day for the stock market as the world markets feel the brunt of the fallout. This may not take very long to fall. If the truth be told it has already fallen and we just haven't experienced the effect of it yet. A person who was interviewed on the market floor said 'you can smell the fear.'
All these things must come to pass as all our Savior's words are true and just. This is why we can find comfort. Our God is so great.
Love to all.
From Alex's site. "The world as we know it is going down."
Moscow has suspended share trading. Whatever that means but we know it's not good.
Interesting times indeed.
Love and prayers.
You know who she is talking is Obama. The email she sent was:
"Did you see how the false messiah was sweating on Bill's show. God is showing our nation how he truly is...these are the times. I will see you tomorrow."
With her comment of him parting the sea in her convention speech it is obvious who she was talking about since Obama was on Bill's show. Personally I did not see him sweating but they did get in a heated discussion about taxes and the rich. Also remember the ad on "The One".
I don't condone breaking into personal email but everyone knows the hackers are out there so be willing to accept your words when it is made public. Jesus said what was done in secret will be shouted on the rooftop so we are getting a glimse of her personality. Palin also is one that if you are not for her and question her policies you are part of the "haters" out there.
Love you sister
Sandra, my sister, I cannot tell you how much I love you. You feel as one blood to me and this is such a gift from God that it brings tears to my eyes every time I thank Him for you. You should know this; how much you mean to me.
Thanks for that info. I could not figure that out. It all makes sense now. Is that O'Reilly's show?
Love you more sister
Sandra, back then it was almost impossible not to get caught up in the nation-wide support of the War on Terror. I remember hiding from the world in a growing space of spiritual incomprehension. I knew we were going in the completely wrong direction, but the invasion of Afghanistan seemed to bring quick and decisive victory, and Iraq was also a lopsided victory for Bush...or so it seemed. The Republican force of George Bush seemed unstoppable in those days. Now it seems the opposite, even though this is the time that all will see Bush has no plans on stopping.
Annon, great contributions as always. Had you heard about Bush's "joke" of staying in office before now? I was wondering who the "false messiah" of that email was supposed to be too. Thanks for clearing it up, Sandra.
It sickens me that so many millions of Americans are worshiping their party so fiercely that they would see Barrack Obama as the Antichrist. He's not perfect, but with all that's happened in the past seven years, it's a classic case of "straining at a gnat, while swallowing a camel!"
Only God can deliver this world from it's strong delusion. And it is by the will of God that the delusion is so strong. A natural BS detector. The question we all face is: do you want to believe the truth no matter what, or do you want to believe what you already believe? what you have been taught? what's easiest to believe? Everyone faces that question. Most just assume they're already in a good place spiritually, and that there is no need to dig and search to find the truth. That is a very strong delusion.
By the way, speaking of Jesus running for President, I don't know if he'll try again. I know he did run in the 2004 election, against George W Bush, but we all know how that election panned out! To see the attack ad against Jesus, go here: Jesus, Wrong For America?
Yes it was the O'Reilly show and it makes sense that Palin would be saying what she said in private. She is trying for the far right vote and I actually think she believes it because she is on a mission from God as George Bush was when he was running.
I love that YB. We do need a big BS detecter.
It is getting ugly in elections:
The system is corrupt. Pray for deliverance from this corrupt system called "Politics".
Love you guys and let the truth go out to all for the glory of God not political party.
God Bless
Young Brother,
I love you.
Jesus said "Love God and love your neighbor. (cf. Mark 12:28-31)
Jesus said "You can not love God and mammon".
I got this from a email but changed it a little because it had a political bias and since I want to keep this out of party politics changed to just ask the question:
Country First or God First. People or companies?
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to fix Social Security
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to fix Medicare
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to provide health care to ALL Americans
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to help out Americans losing their homes
We don't have ENOUGH MONEY to help all our veterans returning from war
We DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
We DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to bail out Bears Stearns
We DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to pay for an unnecessary TRILLION DOLLAR war
When businesses need a bailout, what do they say?
SURE, NO PROBLEM. Where's the checkbook?
Love your neighbor or mammoth????
Also does anyone know what we did without the stock market? It is only 200 years old..I think it is a form of gambling but that is just my humble opinion.
God Bless
One person's view of the problem on wall street:
Keep Looking Up and Stay focused on the big picture.
I guess she is refering to Obama when she said "false messiah was SWEATING on Bill's show?"
The Subject itself reads "interviewing a lost monkey".
Besides it is widely suspected among the evangelicals that Obama is the antichrist. And she is being regarded as modern day Deborah. I would say being Jezebel suits her. Her talk of advocating war is troublings So is her leaked email. I read somewhere the hackers threatened to reveal more "shocking" emails.
"Interviewing a lost monkey" seems very revealing. I remember something about Obama as a monkey. Do any of you think this is racist???? My question is why we don't get upset when this is done to Obama (like the Obama waffles at the "Family Values" conference) but they jump all over Obama over a lipstick on a pig comment that had nothing to do with Palin. Here is a link to the racist Obama doll:
God Bless
I don't doubt for a second that she was refering to Obama even if I take a random guess . The race thing really troubles me as the issue is slowly but surely getting to resurface.
...and this one from Hon. James David Manning
"Leave Bristol and Sara Palin alone"
Am sick to the stomach.
And apparently the son of a Democrat is the prime suspect in the hacking.
Stay blessed
That so-called minister is a "hater". Oh my makes me sick. This guy is mean.
As far as the hacker is concerned it is against the law and he/she will have to pay the consequences for it. It does not surprise me that it is a democrat. This election is getting dirty.
God bless and keep up your search and links for this community. It helps so much.
Love to all
I hadn't heard Bush's "joke" before and it seems the desire of his heart slipped from his tongue.
I agree with you that it is not the right thing to hack someone's email account. However, as both parties are striving to quench their lust and thirst for power, a fault finding dirty game like this is not unexpected. And of course this is just a tip of the ice berg. The days ahead are somehow interesting as far as this elction (which I believe will never happen) is concerned. With the current administration, it is business as usual in all areas of the system and doesn't feel it is making preparation to wrap up its term but the impression I get tells me otherwise.
If this happen, it might change the whole thing and the election would be confined to the campaign offices.
Stay blessed ya all.
I am not sure where this hatred is leading us to. Just sickening.
Stay blessed
The Palin email has been given by the media a lot more attention than the human suffering. Its just sad.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Then again, why blame the hackers when the government itself is acting as a role model?,6382.html
Stay blessed
Because our role model is Jesus and we know it is wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Well looks like the U.S. will bailing out all the bad debt from wallstreet. Both political parties are blaming the other for the mess but if they were telling the TRUTH they know it was the fault of both parties and even the American people because "greed" has ruled this country. Love of money and fulfilling your "wants" not your needs. It is the problem of everyone caught up in this system including the churches who preached the prosperity movement.
Meanwhile we have people suffering from the aftermath of hurricane Ike but that is off the news for the most part. Wallstreet and their bail out is more important than people suffering from the hurricane.
God Bless
FF, I know you do. The feeling is certainly mutual. You're my sister, more so than my flesh and blood sister. Jesus knew this would happen, and it's a great reason for us to rejoice. The blood of Christ is the thickest of all!
Annon, interesting that you should bring up the hypocrisy of the rule-makers breaking the rules they insist on enforcing. That has always rubbed me the wrong way. It's amazing to realize just how common that sort of behavior is, and the authorities don't think twice about it.
Sandra, it's interesting that you republished that point about what America DOES and DOES NOT have money for...what an amazing development. The bankers are getting paid off for keeping their mouths shut and playing along with Bush's takeover. This who debacle is a very public bribe.
As far as Jesus being our role model, it sounds obvious when you say it like that, but you're right on target. Think about how differently people would act if they behaved as though Jesus really was the "Lord", and the "King". Humanity wouldn't be anywhere nearly as bad off as we are now. Empty words and Christian cliches have watered down the simple, radical, powerful truth about the Kingdom of God. Isn't it amazing how two people saying the same thing can be coming from two opposite vantage all boils down to sincerity.
'The blood of Christ is the thickest of all.' It would appear to be just so...amen, and how blessed we are.
The hypocrisy is to be expected unfortunately, but it does not make it any easier to witness. They can bail out corporations and cast the lowly homeowner in the streets without so much as a second thought. People who are believing that the last bailout on the backs of the taxpayers is a good thing or that it will make a difference in the grand scheme of things, are not seeing the whole picture. Our sister Sandra is an expert at spotting all the hypocrisy because her people were the first to suffer at its' ugly hands and the injustice it creates is beyond devastating. It is inhumane and the it is the physical proof of evil.
Bush has 'saved' the market. Must have been all those prayers, huh Kelly?! Stocks have risen for the last two days and we have been informed that ~they~ are working through the weekend to find a solution that 'gets right to the heart of the matter.' (A quote from Paulson in our local paper.) If that doesn't make you take notice, you might still be asleep. We might be in for another surprise come Monday...we are prepared for anything anyway so go ahead and bring it on. We are ready to rock. I know it and I feel it; I just feel like I don't know what to do with it. So I am waiting patiently on the Lord with enduring strength that can only be coming from Him. And His people (love you all and I give thanks and praise for each one).
Young Brother, you have hinted and stated that the Lord is waiting on us and if you would give more insight about this, if I am understanding what you meant correctly, I would really love to hear more.
I also feel we are in a short calm before a big storm.
And why the blackout in Galveston? And not allowed to rebuild, and if so, not for at least a year. Say what?
Our redemption draweth near..
Your thoughts on this:
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
I know, all through the mess earlier in the week, Bush was pretty silent. I even heard he cancelled an appearance to speak about finance, so as not not 'stir up' any more ill feelings.
That Paulson throws me off a little..I watched the news a little this morning and something about his words just don't sit well with me...if they come up with a 'solution,' we can rest assured it won't solve anything. Something about a $700 billion bailout? A bailout coming from the taxpayers, we can be sure of.
Aloha i am new on here. I came upon this site I have found It vastly helpful & it has helped me loads. I hope to contribute and assist other people like its helped me.
Thanks Everyone, See Ya Later.
Heya i am new to this. I hit upon this board I have found It absolutely helpful and its helped me out loads. I should be able to give something back & help others like its helped me.
Cheers, Catch You Later
Hi-ya im new on here. I came upon this message board I have found It vastly accommodating and it has helped me alot. I hope to give something back & assist others like it has helped me.
Thanks Everyone, Catch You Later.
What's Happening im fresh to this, I stumbled upon this site I find It truly useful and it has helped me a lot. I hope to give something back and assist other users like it has helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Later
Aloha i am fresh on here. I stumbled upon this forum I find It positively useful and its helped me out alot. I hope to give something back and assist others like it has helped me.
Thank's, See Ya Around.
Hey i'm new to this. I came accross this forum I have found It incredibly helpful & it's helped me loads. I hope to give something back and aid others like it has helped me.
Thanks a load, See Ya Later.
Good Day i'm new here, I stumbled upon this message board I have found It truly useful & its helped me so much. I should be able to give something back & help other users like it has helped me.
Thank You, See Ya Later.
Hiya i'm fresh to this, I came accross this website I find It exceedingly helpful and its helped me a great deal. I should be able to contribute and help others like it has helped me.
Cheers, See You Later
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