Monday, October 20, 2008

The Deception and Disinformation Exposed

The truth about World War 3 and the NWO

There has been a lot of deception mixed in with truth being spread around by the Zeitgeist films The first one and now the new one called Zeitgeist Addendum. The have very good information on 911 and the Federal Reserve and even the deception of the religious systems, but beware. These videos are very well done which shows that they are not amateur, and were obviously funded by powerful groups with there own agenda
Here are some good videos that unmask the sources.

Zeitgeist Addendum = NWO Propaganda


young brother said...

Wow, Peter, What a great find. "The Bible is the blueprint for resisting the New World Order"...that sentence really nails it. Praise the Lord that there are so many others out there. Thank you for posting these.

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds they are into something that is gonna kick off World War Three.

Interesting time to live in and see things are unfolding.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

This one explains it better:

Stay blessed


Anonymous said...

US intelligence: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February.

US intelligence’s amended estimate, that Iran will be ready to build its first bomb just one month after the next US president is sworn in.

faithful forever said...

I think we have all noticed 'this' and now we possibly know the reason why. Copied from another site:

ever noticed how bush says terror or terra


The war on TERROR
The war on TERRA (Latin =EARTH)

The war on TERRORISM
The war on TERRA’ISM’ Latin =’ISMUS’ = “ISM” belief system

TERRA’ISTE’ Latin = emphasis = THIS EARTH

Translation is a bit loose but close enough to make me wonder

Close enough to make me wonder too; well actually not really, I believe he is waging war on the whole earth.

Indeed the Bible is a blueprint for everything in life, but most desperately needed now to help us in the troubling times and to better recognize the enemy. His words not only strengthen and comfort (which is amazing enough) but they provide what the enemy is going to do before he does it. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. We must always remember that it is the meek who inherit the earth.

I have had two conversations with people about the economic summit and their responses should not really surprise me, but they do. One person told me that yes, she knew about the summit and the call for a one world currency, and if it solves the problem then it would be perfectly acceptable to her because she trusts them and they know more than her. The other person said it would be good for those who travel not to have to trade currency. So there we go, most will be playing right into the hand of satan and not even know it. It will be of no surprise to anyone here that both these people attend 'church' regularly. Heavy sigh.

Ali, You're welcome even though I was of no help at all! The one you are looking for that you posted is still gone and I am glad I got the chance to see it before it disappeared. The truth will prevail no matter how hard they work at making it unavailable.

Those videos from pursuing truth are very enlightening also. It is always refreshing to know that there is another one of us out there. It is of no surprise that there is disinfo in the info that we think we can rely on. Further proof that the ONLY true source for truth is the word of the Lord in the Holy Bible.

Wow, all I can think is 'it won't be long now' and I believe this with all my heart and soul, I just don't know what 'it' is other than a major revelation of some sort to which there is no emotion of fear attached, just a yearning for Jesus that takes precedence over everything and anything.

I love all my people here and am ever more grateful for having each one on this amazing journey to share it with.

One of my best friends the other day told me that she thought I maybe would have cooled down a little bit about the current world 'situation' since nothing has happened and I told her nothing could be farther from the truth.

Love to all, stay strong in the Word and there is nothing to be afraid of. This I know for certain and how empowering this wisdom is and how amazing is our God and all His blessings. To a sinner like me.

Anonymous said...

Is he really that much hungry?

Keep the faith,

faithful forever said...

Thanks for the laugh with that one, Ali! Notice he is the only one eating..the word glutton comes to mind.

Keeping the faith - always.

faithful forever said...

Interesting comment from a different site:

Dagobaz said...
My nightmare is that the whole thing is scripted / contrived, like some evil version of Insha'Allah:

The Ultimate Neo Con:

thesis: provoke maximum chaos, thus creating conditions ideal for increased troll control.

antithesis: promote, then select obama is selected president on a campaign of change.

synthesis: assassinate obama. preferably by a "pakistani", "iranian", or "philipino."

result: utter chaos, martial law, more wars of opportunity ... and biden the washington insider corporate troll sympathizer is now president.

the troll agenda is now complete.



No matter how this plays out, it is soon coming so now is the time to keep our lamps full of oil and rejoicing in the faithfulness of our Lord.

Like Peter said on the radio show tonight, it's a checkmate. Time is getting very short and at a quickened pace, but our Lord is in control. He reigns. And we are going to rock. Come Lord Jesus, come.

Anonymous said...

FF, so true, time is getting very short. But I am amazed, the people (many christans) around us seem to be very unconcerned and don't care about whats happening in the world. In fact the "best of christians" do not even want to talk about end times, instead they preach "Saving (money) by faith" and how to get out of debts in this time of economic crisis. "God is in control" is the only thing that they utter and want everyone to listen. Of course God has never been out of control but that shouldn't mean that we need to remain in Babylon when the One Who controls everything commands us to get out of her. With rumour circulating that martial law will follow civil disorder caused by the econimic collapse and the News that a "Nulear Iran" emerging in February, and that terrorists choose election time to launch an attack, I still have my doubt as to whether the current admn has the desire to go anywhere.

Just keep looking up and stay blessed.


faithful forever said...

Indeed, and amen Annon. The world is lost and there is no hope other than our Lord. He is the pure and most perfect hope of all times for all people. All His ways are perfect as is His timing - even in these end days. He knows what is going to happen before it happens and the comfort that comes from this is undeniably our Lord. He is with us and His wrath is reserved for the wicked and those who reject His truth.

I certainly do not believe that this administration is going anywhere. If Bush is indeed who we believe he is, the Son of Perdition, then he will most definitely not leave office or give up power. He may move out of the national stage onto the world stage even more than he is now but he will not quietly ride off into the sunset. The battle has begun and the Lord will finish it.

'Just keep looking up and stay blessed.' Exactly Annon. And we do this by coming out of her just as you said. We have to be in the world but we do not have to be a part of it. Unfortunately, it is like watching the blind leading the blind with the Babylonian teachings that are rampant in our churches. And how ironic that here in the belly of the beast - right before our eyes - many still do not want to concern themselves as they have their faith in man to fix things, so why bother with God. And it makes a most unpleasant environment but His people will prevail.

I really enjoy it when you express your thoughts Annon, and knowing that you and I are both looking up together comforts me greatly and brings me joy at the thought of it. Thank you for all the blessings you bring. Much love in our Lord's precious name.

Anonymous said...

FF, you are right, many find it easier to lean on man rather than God. Sadly for many people God has become less important in the current situation. I don't think even things like this one will get their attention:

Unusual things are always discounted by the sceptics. But what should we expect in these last days other than descering the weird things we are witnessing almost daily? Aren't these things the signs of end times whether they are supernatural or man made?

Amazing footage if you scroll down a bit.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

This one is a lot better footage.

Stay blessed


Anonymous said...

This pic is creepy and I read in many places that it is a satanic sign.

Stay blessed


Anonymous said...

How about putting this into my mobile ring tone?

Keep the faith,

faithful forever said...

Sure seems as though ~they~ certainly know about 'something' of which they are preparing for; Colin Powell and Biden don't seem to hardly be able to contain their excitement at the prospect:

Annon, great links and pictures, especially the one with Palin - maybe this is why she does not want reporters on her campaign trail so she can declare her allegiance among those who share it without repraisals. Someone busted her out though and I love seeing the truth be revealed. Like you said, people are still blinded unfortunately. There is a big shaking coming. The signs that are here, whether manmade or supernatural (my thoughts exactly) are signs and still we cannot discern the time, or concern ourselves with it.

Thanks again for the smile, Ali. The Synagogue of Satan (Zionists), those who say they are Jews and are not, do not wish to try to conceal it anymore. What's more, many people I speak to have no problem with America being ran by dual-nationalists and all I can think is the deception of satan runs so deep that it never ceases to astound me.

Love to all. Keep looking up.

faithful forever said...

Same message and the word 'intervention' keeps coming to mind:

Kelly said...

Was watching the evening news and Michael Chertoff quoted as saying that the transition between administrations/the election could give terrorists room to attack..haven't found an article on it yet, but they just mentioned it on msnbc. How blind do they think we are?

Kelly said...

I spoke too soon: here it is. Love the photo, I would jump at the opportunity to write the caption for it.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, this is the article where Chertoff was talking about the attck.

Stay blessed.


Anonymous said...


Oh, you already got it from yahoo!


Anonymous said...

Its jsut getting weirder by day.

Stay blessed ya all.

Anonymous said...

O' yeah, someone is echoeing Chertoff's words.

Watch and stay blessed.


Anonymous said...

Didn't Jesus say: Many shall come in my name saying that I am the Christ"?

What an exciting time we are living in.

Stay blesed and keep looking up.


Dave Wilcox said...

Kelly, they think we are very stupid indeed.

Everyone, my Bible has been opening up to Ezekiel in the chapters regarding the war of Gog from Magog almost on its own. I am feeling strongly that the Lord may be sending a message, that the culmination of this war may soon happen. As you all know, I have been arguing that the War of Gog from Magog has been an ongoing war against the poor and God's saints. This war has been fought off and on for centuries, however it was fully engaged on 9-11 2001, and its culmination I believe will happen when the Mid East erupts into a full scale conflict, caused by the USA-NATO-Israel coalition pulling and drawing Russia and China and Iran into a conflict over the State of Israel. This is an attempt by the Luciferians to link Russia, China, and Iran to the prophecy of Gog and Magog. However, the true nature of Gog is not literal, it is symbolic and spiritual; it is the spirit of a leader who wishes to destroy God's people, Israel, living in the security of God's Holy Protection. And God will protect them.

The signal will be a clear one, I believe. Get ready, if the war happens, God will act quickly. There may not be time for the lost to choose life.

young brother said...


It's good to have you back. I share in your apprehension that there may not be time for the lost to choose life, but a very strong, consistent hope that I believe is spirit-inspired tells me that there will be as much time as God needs to get his light spread throughout the world. I think that it will be during chaos, and global warfare that God will once again send people with the message of his Kingdom out, to plant seeds that will be received (taken seriously). There are several scriptures that support this idea.

I've just posted on the Hegalian Principal (problem, reaction, solution) and this Economic meltdown. Forever Faithful got to read and comment on it before I was finished editing, but it's up now. Forever Faithful, our agreement in spirit means the world to me. God bless you.

Everyone else, I have skimmed through recent comments, and look forward to being able to read through these links. This is an exciting time. I'm very, very glad that we have each other.

What the Stock Is Going On?

faithful forever said...

Not only do ~they~ think we are stupid, but they no longer care to entirely conceal themselves. They are about to make their final move to their twisted takeover, but indeed have no fear for it is truly their final move. Amen, nathandave, God will act quickly and there will be no mistaking the trumpet when it sounds.

Annon, I believe you are as ready as I am to get this show on the road - whatever it may bring. While there are revelations everyday, we know there is a gigantic earthquake of sorts looming closer and closer, and they are even warning us of their plans in plain view. Many are talking of an October surprise and how transparent if it happened on all hollow's eve - a long standing satanic celebration day. What will be, will be and it is our faith to accept all God's will in all things and we have to leave to God what is His work, such as who He saves. The Lords' judgment is just and perfect.

It is hard to believe that the joker in the video who claims to be Jesus is so possessed by something; it was painful to watch. Even more painful to know that he probably has followers. Maybe not, let's hope not.

Our young brother, greetings and holy kisses; our agreement in spirit edifies me and strengthens me. Thank you for your kind words and all the blessings that you bring. It is a true blessing to feed each other as we do here while gathered in His name. The love overwhelms and amazes me, and this is our God. How amazing is He, our mighty protector who loves His flock more than we even realize. So much to be rejoiceful and thankful for...

Love and prayers to all.

faithful forever said...

just a quick clarification is needed..I meant all of us feeding each other for we are all given different blessings. Watching us all work together is what has made this journey bearable and more incredible.

Love ya all.

Anonymous said...

Natandave, I am in total agreement with you that the culmination of this war may soon happen. There is the news of Ahmadinajad being ill and Olmert is fading away from the scene after returning from Russia although he is still the prime minister. Russia is courting many Arab nations more than ever and playing an important role in the affiars of the Middle East. The Korean Peninsula is tense with the news of its leader suffering stroke and its diplomatic mission abroad has been ordered last week to wait for " a very important announcement" leaving the world puzzled. The financial market is going down making the bailout nothing but a blackout.

FF, true the talk of the October surprise has been invading every single forum in the internet and putting Obama's birth certificate and now his real identity in question and many speculate Obama is going to be disqualified at the last minute from running for the presidency. Race relation has already turned sour and violent in the cyber world and is not difficult to predict what will follow the moment after we hear the election is suspended for this or that reason (the real reason being the current government doesn't want to go anywhere).
Then gain we have the the BIG push for the NWO that seems to be pushing hard and the October surprise might have something to do with that.

We thank God for giving us the strength we need to stand strong on His promises amid this chaotic world. We have His peace that passes all understanding.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


young brother said...

Amen, Annon!

Nathan Dave, please share more about the spiritual Gog and Magog...I for one would love to hear it.

FF, isn't it amazing to participate in a group like this? I don't think there is one of us who would still be standing if we didn't have each other for reinforcement. We as a whole are much greater than each of us as individuals, because the Holy Spirit is what links us all together. Never mind current events, our own experience in this blog group should be evidence enough that God is preparing for his rule and return.

faithful forever said...

Yes this community is just that - 'evidence enough that God is preparing for His rule and return.' Indeed it is a gift from above. Our numbers have dwindled, but yet it is very much alive in Christ and His truth in these end days.

This site with His people is part of my daily bread. You are the ones I worship our Lord with and that binds in a way such as no other; and this is our amazing God. More than proof enough for me and all for His glory. May He be pleased in some small way with our efforts and discussions.

I know I don't have to point out that ~they~ have the perfect storm brewing right now. The staged election is being used for the stage of civil unrest that leads to martial law. The are playing on every prejudice that will incite civil war like they do everywhere they go and call it democracy. Beware of those who call evil good.

The markets could crash anyday and the scales are going to tip as people are on the edge now. All by design. Another way to come out of her is to not take part in any unrest (I agree again young brother). Stand for the Lord and the Lord only. He will finish the work in us for His good and this is our faith. He is with us.

It takes the whole Body working together and I witness this daily here at this site and I know it is truth because it resonates within. I still find great joy and comfort with having others to share this prophecy and I know by all the blessings I receive that it is from our God. How blessed are we, and I give thanks and praise to the one true God we worship.

Love and holy kisses my brothers and sisters in Christ. Stay of good courage for our redemption is closer with every passing day. Until then, we will get to see many miracles by the great hand of God at work first hand. Shout out to the Lord and rejoice! We have much to rejoice about.

Anonymous said...

Where is this one going to lead us?: Or is it the beginning of October Surprise?

Keep watching and stay blessed.

Anonymous said...

Blessings to all,
Shia, Catholic, Protestant, Sunni, Hanafi, Jews, Muslims, Christians etc. who are we people? and to what we have been rejoicing with? Lets re-evaluate ourselves based on the following excerpt:

"...Turning to Him, and be careful of (your duty to) Him and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists: Those who split up their Religion and became schismatics, every sect rejoicing in what they had with them ..."
-Quran (The Romans, 31-32)

I felt embarrassed after I read this. We could have come together centuries ago but..(No end in sigh)

Keep the faith,

Dave Wilcox said...

Ali, I agree. We should have come together centuries ago and the adversary has done everything in his power to ensure that does not happen, because when it does, the game is over.

YB, spiritual Gog and Magog is a concept I picked up from reading an Orthodox Jewish website on the topic of the Wars of Gogumogog. It is no longer available unfortunately. Ill make this as short as I can. Gog from Magog is not an actual Kingdom that Ezekiel was familiar with, one can easily see this from the context of the prophetic passages. This is contrasted with the early predictions by the prophet of Israel's destruction by Babylon; those are specific to the prophet's historical context. In general, Ezekiel 38 and 39 are highly stylized, symbolic, and therefore there must be a different way of interpeting them.

I should probabaly make a post on this if anyone has interest, but ultimately the spirit of Gog from Magog will fall upon a world leader who will draw the whole world into a war to destroy God's people(see Revelation 20). God's pThe final act will be played out in Israel, because whatever happens in the spiritual realm must have a parrallel in the physicsl, however ultimately it is a war of flesh versus spirit.

faithful forever said...

Fellow believers could have come together centuries ago, but God knew what we were going to do before we did it. Everything has happened and is happening just the way the Lord has said to bring us to His glorious return. I cannot regret any of it. I am most thankful to be here together now with His people.

nathandave, I would very much like to read a post on the spiritual battle involved with Gog and Magog. I do not know if it is accurate to say that what is loosed in Heaven is being loosed on Earth, but this is the way that I think of it. As we see the battle escalating on this earthly realm, it is the same in Heaven.

What an amazing time with many blessings in His people who are equally amazing.

2 John 1:3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

Love in His name. Keep shinin' ya all. I love the Son in my eyes...and we have a whole day to make up for!

It is almost hard to believe that the election is next week and we know that it is going to be explosive. New Jersey has locked out oversight because it is just too important of an election. Now, how's that for backwards?

faithful forever said...

I would like to ask for prayers for Troy Davis and his family. Troy is sentenced to die tomorrow in Georgia. There is compelling evidence of his innocence that the state will not hear. Seven out of nine witnesses have recanted their testimony against Troy. The prosecution does not want a new trial to take place because it will expose all their improprieties and abuse in the case with police misconduct.

This poor young man...another victim of the beast's ugly unjust system of things. He really needs our thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

Dave Wilcox said...

FF, I will pray for this young man, another victim of our "criminal" justice system.

I found an article that explains my position on the war of Gog and Magog

Dave Wilcox said...

heres another article that explains this position:

faithful forever said...

Thanks for the links, nathandave, and your prayers for Troy Davis. This is his third time up for the death penalty and I cannot imagine the torment of that alone, much less being denied the opportunity to prove your innocence. The whole situation is such a travesty. One of the two witnesses who have not recanted their lies is said to be the actual shooter of the policeman and even had a motive to do so. So so sad. It will be hard to bear if he is not granted another stay. Some kind of justice.

Some really good articles if you scroll on down. US special forces have struck Syria today, and I think it is safe to say that when you mess with Syria you are messing with Iran:

Ali said...

Interesting video on Cinema & Dajjal:

Keep the faith,

Ali said...

Blessing to all,
Hard Truths for Hard Times:

Brother Nathandave, I'll be glad to have your comments about this book.

Keep the faith,

Dave Wilcox said...

Ali, it looks like a fascinating book, and it also looks like our Lord is trying to raise the consciousness of the Jewish people to prepare them for reconcilliation. I found it interesting also that the author claims that the Palestinian people are the descendants of Jewish peasants who lived in the Holy Land, and yet they are the ones being persecuted.

All things hidden will be revealed.

Dave Wilcox said...

Gog's soldiers and Sarah Palin:

Now you know why they chose her.

Ali said...

This video is impressive and informative! Watch it till the end please.

Keep the faith,

young brother said...

Very interesting Video, Ali. ND, thank you for sharing those articles on the topic. I would still love to hear your take on it, though. If you feel led to post about it, It would be greatly appreciated.

FF, you're right. In Matt 16:19, Jesus told Peter, "Whatsoever you bind up on earth will be bound up in heaven, and whatsoever you set loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."...there is a real significance to has to do with the "feet" of the body of Christ, and the way that God will use people on the earth to spread his truth. We must stand against lying doctrines, explaining to people with patience why these doctrines are lies. I would venture to guess that what we can "set loose" upon the earth is the truth of our faith, and love. Jesus said, "Freely you have received, freely give". This is how we are participating in God's plan.