Ok, here is my post. Remember, these are
MY refelctions and are not meant to be taken as the last word.
I believe that George Walker Bush is the world leader who Ezekiel the prophet symbolically names Gog from the land of Magog.
I believe he will pull (Meshech can mean to pull in Hebrew) and draw (Tubal can mean to draw out in Hebrew) the world into the final war to end all wars, which will be followed shortly after by the second coming of Jesus Christ. While the story of Gog and Magog is an ancient one, dealing with power, conquest, and the oppression of the weak, I believe the move towards the final confrontation and destruction of Gog, described in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation, is currently under way. I believe the war of Gog from Magog began in 1991 when Bush’s father, George HW Bush attacked Saddam Hussein in Gulf War I, and shortly after proclaimed the creation of a New World Order. However
I believe his son, George, will take on the final personality of Gog and will consign, by his actions, the Beast of Imperialism into what the Book of Revelation calls the lake of fire forever, signaling the arrival of the Kingdom of God in its full majesty, what has traditionally been called the Second Coming of Jesus the Christ.
This New World Order that Bush senior referred to is a Satanic/Corporate/Fascist organization, often called the Illuminati, that is designed to enslave the majority of humanity and establish a Kingdom of Some Humans (elites, the so-called Illuminati Blood Line, etc.) as gods (the fulfillment of the prophecy encoded in the story of Adam and Eve, where the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil makes one equal to god). For a further explanation of this, see
http://marcellusunleashed.blogspot.com/This Kingdom’s primary legend centers around the Grail and the Grail Bloodline, made famous in the book
The DaVinci Code. In opposition stands God’s vision of a Kingdom in which God re-creates humanity in the image of his divine son, Jesus,
making all human beings divine. As such, the NWO is the biblical Anti-Christ (against Christ), the Final Beast of Revelation, Gog and Magog. It is called by all three names in the New Testament. I believe the incarnate symbols of this reality are the person, George Bush, and the nation he rules, America:
Gog from Magog. This essay will not focus directly on the details and history of the NWO, but instead on the identity of Gog and Magog, and some possible implications for the future. If you wish to research the phenomenon of the New World Order further, I suggest
http://www.threeworldwars.com/new-world-order.htm, or the numerous works of David Icke.
I believe that the final phase of the war of Gog from Magog began on 9-11 2001 with the World Trade Center attack in New York, continued in Afghanistan and Iraq, but its deadly conclusion has not yet happened.
I believe this will commence when Israel attacks and occupies the remaining Palestinian territories with the approval of America, and help from NATO.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7837This appears to be under way as I write this essay. I believe that shortly after that a conflict will emerge in the Mid East region between NATO, the Shanghai Cooperative (China, Russia and many of the former Soviet Republics, India, North Korea-the Biblical Kings of the East), Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, a coalition of Arab States; in other words all the nations of the earth will gather in the Mid East for a final battle that has traditionally been called
the Battle of Armageddon. This will not be a war of a “good side” versus a “bad side” but a war of dominion and conquest as the Kings of the World fight for their share of the New Empire, the NWO. In the end, Gog from Magog (Bush) will lead all the nations of the earth to their doom, what is symbolically referred to in Revelation as the Lake of Fire. I believe this war can still be mitigated or avoided all together if conditions change, and conditions have changed somewhat. I believe that the prophecy has been delayed at least 6 years because of the prayers, works, and sacrifices of truly religious people in this country and around the world, and the sacrifice of innocents (martyrs) the world over through whom God has chosen to reveal his goodness.
God has allowed many to suffer in order to wake up the rest of us to the colossal evil that we all allowed to grow unchecked by our greed and selfishness, and to give us a little more time to have a change of heart and mind. The poor in such diverse places as Africa, Palestine, India, Thailand, the Americas, and other desperate places around the world, embody the spirit of the two witnesses from Revelation, and I believe have been used by God to delay the inevitable. However, our time may be running out.
I believe the Gog Magog prophecy does not refer to a direct invasion of the Zionist Nation-State of Israel by a country such as Russia as many so-called prophecy experts have claimed. However, Gaza and the West Bank will be occupied by NATO to herald the impending catastrophe. The reason I believe this to be true is because the language in the prophecy is highly symbolic, and if Ezekiel was speaking of a direct invasion of a restored nation of Israel by a Northern Power, then I believe Ezekiel would speak more literally and directly. For example, Ezekiel states that Gog attacks the mountains of Israel, yet falls on the mountains and in the open fields. Also, Gog’s horde is buried in a field, and yet the birds eat the flesh of kings and generals. These statements are contradictory, and must then be interpreted figuratively or they make no sense. Also, there are real questions among Torah believing Jews whether the Zionist State of Israel breaks the covenant established at Mount Sinai, and should be peacefully dismantled at once.
The site referenced, and others like it, raise the possibility that the Zionist State was established by the NWO to be a counterfeit of the real Israel. The confusion caused by the Zionist Counterfeit could be used to fool honest religious people around the world into believing that God had delivered Israel to the Jews as a divine promise, and that he has ordained that they destroy their enemies. As a result, the Zionist State may actually be in league with the imperial NWO, Gog from Magog, and therefore would be working against the God they claim gave them their land. Paradoxically, this may also mean that the Palestinians are one representative of the
Israel that is attacked by the hordes of Gog in the prophet's account, but there are many others.
Gog’s attack as presented by Ezekiel the prophet on
Israel, for the reasons cited above, appears to be symbolic of a wider attack against God’s people around the world: the weak, the powerless, the poor, and the outcast which will lead to Gog’s ruin, and the final ruin of all kingdoms and empires forever. I believe this is also symbolized and foreshadowed in the story of the Exodus, when Pharaoh enslaves and oppresses the powerless children of Israel, and they are redeemed by faith in the power and majesty of their God, who creates his people at the foot of a mountain (Sinai) in order to create a powerful
mountain of people who can war in Spirit and Truth against the Anti-Christ systems of empire which oppress and devour the powerless of the world. The culminating event of Gog;s war may have been foreshadowed thousands of years ago in Egypt, and may well happen in our lifetime.
The operating plan of the Illuminati, symbolized as Gog and his coalition, is to destroy, seize, and sell entire countries and people’s (mountains) to corporate interests, and bludgeon the people with a repressive police state, with a never ending war on terrorism as its excuse for existence. For a full description of this phenomenon and how it has been developed and perfected in America, and exported around the world, see Naomi Klein’s fantastic book, The Shock Doctrine.
http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine The goal of Gog (George Bush) and his coalition will be to turn the entire world into a corporate police state, herding the poor, outcast, and marginalized into massive ghettos and work camps, the likes of which have never been seen before, and never will be again, all in the name of corporate profit, naked power, and the hegemony of the NWO and their clients. The final war will take place when the coalition of Gog turns their “swords” on each other, perhaps because of treachery, fear, but most likely greed. It appears it will happen after some massive sign by God that he is coming in power, perhaps a massive earthquake, but this may be symbolic as well. While the war will have physical manifestations, it will be a spiritual war of light versus darkness, good versus evil, flesh versus spirit.
True Israel around the world will be empowered by God with the weapons of Word and Spirit in order to fight the darkness, as they have always done throughout history, but the power of empire always has prevailed or retreated to plan its next attack. However, now the Holy Mountain of Israel, which is symbolic of God’s people, will spread with power throughout the whole earth, and overcome completely those who hate them: the kings, despots, and religious hypocrites that comprise the Babylonian/NWO Imperial System.
Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great!