Sandra, that HAARP link has so much good information and background in it, I have added it to my favorites. This tool they have created is their attempt at playing God, ruling and controlling all mankind in ways we are not even aware of...neither do we entirely want to know sometimes, but I believe it is important to know our enemy to whatever extent our Lord shows us. Some people can deny the existence of chemtrails even while they are looking up at them because they do not know what they are. There are multitudes of people who have no idea of what is taking place in our world, thus leaving themselves open to confusion and deception. It is always a blessing to know the truth.
Jesus is the only answer to this weary and dying world. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Peter Z, Thank you so much for posting this video. It was long but I watched it till the end and I have to admit I was crying at the very end for all those who are trying to wake the people up by protesting. I feel so foolish for voting for Obama but I thought I would give it one more try. The video clips of him on the campaign trail telling the people what he would do as president has turned out to be LIES. The breaking point for me was during the Wisconsin demonstrations when the republican governor broke up of the unions. I realized the Elites were crushing the working class and no support from Obama. The elites are now out in the open for all to see their greed and plan for crushing the least among us. Obama has proven he is one of them. While we give tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations they are cutting programs for the disabled, poor and the elderly. They are shifting the blame on the deficit on the powerless who have no voice in their grab for power and greed.
FF, Thank you for being so steadfast in keeping this site going. Hopefully more will come back. I was thinking about the friend on the other site (Is Bush the antichrist) who lived in Japan and wonder if he is safe. Continued prayers for the people in Japan.
Let us look to Jesus for comfort and support. Mankind will always disappoint us but Jesus is TRUTH and LOVE. He brings peace in a troubled world.
Finally got to watch the video. Sandra, no need to feel foolish - they are the masters of deception because they are all of their father the devil. You can't be included into the club unless you are one of them. Your eyes are being opened and this is always a blessing. God allows us to see when He knows we are ready to see.
There are reports of a new oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico and thousands of Chinese troops stationed 60 miles outside our border in Mexico. Allegedly can be found and seen on Google Earth. I don't know, but I do know their agenda of a NWO is quickening at a heightened pace.
Come what may in this physical realm, I will not fear any of it for I know our mighty Savior Jesus Christ has a plan and He is victorious. And He is with us.
All thanks and praise to the only one who is able to wage war with the beast and the only one who is worthy to open the Book of Life.
Come Lord Jesus. Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Our crazy world...When you see these things coming to pass, may you believe and discern the times we are in.
Japan has had another large quake again today that issued a tsunami but thankfully it was cancelled. Someone told me that at least the Japan event wasn't as bad as the Indonesian tsunami that killed over 200,000 people, and while that is true enough, lives were still lost and destroyed and devastated, and I am thankful that God values every single life. He holds every tear in His hand and He hears our every cry.
The quakes are bad enough and with the deterioriating situation with the nuclear plants, but some are starting to fear that the nation of Japan, or at least half of it, could slip into the ocean. We already know that it was moved closer to the edge with the large quake on the 11th and the tremors are nonstop.
The CDC is reporting a new superbug, an antibiotic resistant pneumonia with a 40% mortality rate, which has been reported in 35 states and is sweeping through medical facilities in Southern California as it is very highly contagious.
Mass animal dieoffs continue around the world with very little to no reporting about it. Even if they were, I don't think it would phase people. We need a major shaking to phase us obviously.
Love and prayers. Stay blessed and keep looking up. The Kingdom of God is at hand.
That was me (FF); maybe I found a way around the difficulties I am having. Had to order a new modem last week and been having trouble ever since...can't figure.
Well, maybe I can post this link for you now Sandra; I think you'd like to see the video. Also, the commenter 'Wednesday' has a lot of truth to say in the comment section at the bottom. There's another one of us out there!
The Danger of a "Conservative" Bible.
By now news of an upcoming Conservative Bible has spread throughout the
media and Internet. This news can be viewed as just another
So nice to see you here, pursuingtuth. Can't wait to see this...
Love and prayers.
Aaarrrgh...My computer won't play it. Sorry for the typo pursuingtruth.
Mega storm in the Pacific; scroll down to see the enormity:
Sandra, that HAARP link has so much good information and background in it, I have added it to my favorites. This tool they have created is their attempt at playing God, ruling and controlling all mankind in ways we are not even aware of...neither do we entirely want to know sometimes, but I believe it is important to know our enemy to whatever extent our Lord shows us. Some people can deny the existence of chemtrails even while they are looking up at them because they do not know what they are. There are multitudes of people who have no idea of what is taking place in our world, thus leaving themselves open to confusion and deception. It is always a blessing to know the truth.
Jesus is the only answer to this weary and dying world. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
I am very thankful for our fellowship my sister.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
It is a busy weekend for the heavens with the supermoon tomorrow and the spring vernal equinox on Sunday.
Peter Z,
Thank you so much for posting this video. It was long but I watched it till the end and I have to admit I was crying at the very end for all those who are trying to wake the people up by protesting. I feel so foolish for voting for Obama but I thought I would give it one more try. The video clips of him on the campaign trail telling the people what he would do as president has turned out to be LIES. The breaking point for me was during the Wisconsin demonstrations when the republican governor broke up of the unions. I realized the Elites were crushing the working class and no support from Obama. The elites are now out in the open for all to see their greed and plan for crushing the least among us. Obama has proven he is one of them. While we give tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations they are cutting programs for the disabled, poor and the elderly. They are shifting the blame on the deficit on the powerless who have no voice in their grab for power and greed.
Thank you for being so steadfast in keeping this site going. Hopefully more will come back. I was thinking about the friend on the other site (Is Bush the antichrist) who lived in Japan and wonder if he is safe. Continued prayers for the people in Japan.
Let us look to Jesus for comfort and support. Mankind will always disappoint us but Jesus is TRUTH and LOVE. He brings peace in a troubled world.
Finally got to watch the video. Sandra, no need to feel foolish - they are the masters of deception because they are all of their father the devil. You can't be included into the club unless you are one of them. Your eyes are being opened and this is always a blessing. God allows us to see when He knows we are ready to see.
There are reports of a new oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico and thousands of Chinese troops stationed 60 miles outside our border in Mexico. Allegedly can be found and seen on Google Earth. I don't know, but I do know their agenda of a NWO is quickening at a heightened pace.
Come what may in this physical realm, I will not fear any of it for I know our mighty Savior Jesus Christ has a plan and He is victorious. And He is with us.
All thanks and praise to the only one who is able to wage war with the beast and the only one who is worthy to open the Book of Life.
Come Lord Jesus.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Love and His peace to all.
Russia is urging a stop to the indiscriminate violence against Libya. Nation against nation and more war with rumors of more war:
Millions of grasshoppers
in Greece:
Follow the money. These two are behind so much in this country. The Koch Brothers:
I am glad you found the video helpful, I will try to keep posting more on here that may help.
Testing...having trouble commenting.
Our crazy world...When you see these things coming to pass, may you believe and discern the times we are in.
Japan has had another large quake again today that issued a tsunami but thankfully it was cancelled. Someone told me that at least the Japan event wasn't as bad as the Indonesian tsunami that killed over 200,000 people, and while that is true enough, lives were still lost and destroyed and devastated, and I am thankful that God values every single life. He holds every tear in His hand and He hears our every cry.
The quakes are bad enough and with the deterioriating situation with the nuclear plants, but some are starting to fear that the nation of Japan, or at least half of it, could slip into the ocean. We already know that it was moved closer to the edge with the large quake on the 11th and the tremors are nonstop.
The CDC is reporting a new superbug, an antibiotic resistant pneumonia with a 40% mortality rate, which has been reported in 35 states and is sweeping through medical facilities in Southern California as it is very highly contagious.
Mass animal dieoffs continue around the world with very little to no reporting about it. Even if they were, I don't think it would phase people. We need a major shaking to phase us obviously.
Love and prayers.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.
That was me (FF); maybe I found a way around the difficulties I am having. Had to order a new modem last week and been having trouble ever since...can't figure.
Well, maybe I can post this link for you now Sandra; I think you'd like to see the video. Also, the commenter 'Wednesday' has a lot of truth to say in the comment section at the bottom. There's another one of us out there!
Hope this works:
~faithful forever
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