
The word Prophecy means both to foretell as well as to tell forth.
1. the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.
2. something that is declared by a prophet, esp. a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.
3. a divinely inspired utterance or revelation
So we understand that prophecy does not necessarily mean that it is foretelling it could mean it is a divine revelation of wisdom or insight, but it also was most certainly used by the prophets of God to tell before hand those things that were and are yet to come. As the scripture says in Amos, God will do nothing until He reveals it to His servants the prophets. The scripture is full of predications. Many modern "Scholars" who profess to be wise I believe became fools (Romans 1:22). We have what is known as the "School of Higher Criticism", that claim there were at least two Isaiahs, and after reading their discussion it would seem that their whole basis for making that statement is because Isaiah was too accurate, therefore one of them must have been much latter. This was never what the early church believed nor did the Jews of old, also Jesus quotes from several sections of the book as though they are the same. Some of this controversy arises because of Isaiah 45:1-3 Here we see the Prophet calling Cyrus (Cyrus the Great) by name over 120 years before he was even born. In Daniel we see the fulfillment of this scripture and even though Daniel is only seeing a few hours into the future, he is foretelling what was about to happen to Belshazzar King of Babylon Dan. 5: 22-31 The famous "Hand writing on the wall" story. Isaiah in his prophecy actually describes how the city would fall. Cyrus damned up the Euphrates River that ran under the wall of Babylon, then he broke through the iron bars that went into the water, this allowed his armies to enter the city under the wall.
Some prophecies are very specific and have to do with one particular thing, others are done as types and shadows, showing us an image or a pattern Heb: 8.5. Remember the story of how Isaac was born. This was a foreshowing of the birth of Jesus. It was a miraculous birth, both Abraham and Sarah were too old to have a child but God brought forth His promise. Then again when God called on Abraham to sacrifice his only son and then the Lord provided a substitute lamb that was caught in the thicket. This was a picture of God's plan that He would not withhold His only begotten Son and that Jesus was the Lamb of God, the substitute for our sins. The name Isaac means laughs or DELIGHT, when Yeshuah (Jesus) was baptized by John and the heavens opened and the Spirit descended on Him and a voice was heard saying " This is my beloved Son in whom I am DELIGHTED" A reference to Isaac.
Now there is yet another form of prophecy. I like to call it a wheel within a wheel. We have all heard the expression that history repeats itself. This is true, we see the same patterns happening over and over. Eccl:1:9: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun". I believe that Ezekiel's wheels are describing this very thing;(Ez.1 is not flying saucers as some claim) The wheels are cycles within cycles within cycles yet moving forward. The four faces that are described are the four standards of the banner tribes of Israel as they wondered through the wilderness they helped provide direction to the people. Ephraim, carried the Ox banner; Dan, the Eagle; Judah, the Lion; and Ruben, the Face of a Man. It is also thought they represent the four gospels that provide the path for us and give us light for our journey. Mathew seems to portray the Royal line and Christ as King therefore represented by the Lion. Mark portrays Christ as the servant and the sacrifice and is thus the Ox. Luke shows us Christ "the Son of Man" Yeshuah as a man and so of course this is "the Face of a Man". John reveals Yeshuah as God, One and the same as the Father, so we have an Eagle that can sore in the heavens.
We see the same images again in Revelation before the throne of God Rev.4:7: And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
Many people thought that Adolph Hitler was "The Antichrist" (the son of perdition from 2Thes.2). He seemed to fulfill much of the image of evil, but apparently not all things had yet been fulfilled. So the wheel went around again and another Antichrist was raised up in the person of George W. Bush. Many in the 911 truth movement have pointed out how Bush has followed in the same pattern as Hitler. Hitler started a fire in the Reichstag and blamed it on communist terrorists and executed a young retarded Polish man and started an unprovoked war against Poland while using these things to pass the Enabling Act which took away many of the rights of the German people. The World Trade Center was Bush's Reichstag giving him the ability to invade Iraq and the Patriot Act has taken away our rights. If you remember there was another before them that also played the same deception. Nero set fire to Rome and blamed it on the Christians.
Scripture has several levels of meaning, first would be its literal meaning, next you would have a spiritual meaning then you may have hidden messages and meaning, not to mention the the Hebrew letter meanings and their numerical values.
Now with this ground work we can begin to see what Daniel and Revelation are saying to us.
The idea has been presented that Daniel was not a prophet because it is only showing an account of history and that his Book was not counted with the prophets. It was also claimed that Daniel's word about the Abomination that makes Desolate was completely fulfilled with Antiochus Dan. 9:27 and 11:31. Antiochus ruled from aprox 175 to 164BC. Daniel's powers of foretelling are only called into question here if you subscribe to the critics that claim Daniel was written by someone else and much latter than what is claimed and believed by Orthodoxy; that is aprox 527BC. Thus you do not believe that Daniel was written by Daniel. This is a matter of faith, and not of fact. You would also have to believe that Yeshuah was wrong, deceived or lying, and/or you would also have to discount the Gospels. While it is accurate to interpret Daniel's prophecies as having "A" fulfillment in Antiochus It is obviously not "THE" fulfillment. Mt:24:15: "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)" also Mk 13:14. This verse makes two things very clear, 1. Yeshuah calls Daniel a Prophet and 2. He is warning those that he was speaking to to watch for the an event yet to come.
In this same manner, "The Book of Revelation" and "Daniel" should not be seen as just a sequence of events but as a series of patterns to watch for that lead to an ultimate fulfillment. Revelation was not meant to be easily understood so don't buy any "made easy" books. It is written in code and took some understanding of the Prophets before John. It is also not meant to be understood as literal but as word pictures understood in the Spirit, as it was written in the Spirit Rev.1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11: Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book,"
In Rev. 13:17-18 we see the use of numerology in describing the Beast. We are exhorted to use wisdom and understand the meaning of the number. Letters were used to represent numbers so you could evaluate the number value of names.Using this system, it is quite probable that the most direct reference for that time was Caesar Nero, but George W. Bush also fits many numerology formulas Is he the final Antichrist? We shall soon find out. It is also important to understand the spirit of antichrist may be what is in the heart of a man. Six is the number for man, and three is the number for divinity. Christ was God making himself man, Antichrist is man making himself god. The mark in the forehead represents who you serve with your mind (soul) and the mark in the hand represents the service of your body. Who do you serve with your body and soul?
History is repeating itself for the very last time, and we shall soon see if Bush is the Son of Perdition.
Only when the Lord returns will it be the end of end times. Onto a new beginning; a grand and glorious new beginning.
Beautiful insight and again I give thanks for the blessings.
Love and His peace be with us all.
What joy the truth and nothing but the truth brings, and how deeply it resonates.
Just wondering if you have already watched this video. This guy speaks so much truth.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Yea, Annon's back - with another great video. I don't think I had seen that before and was very informative. The truth is being revealed, as the time grows shorter. It can make your head spin, if you let it, but we aren't going to let it.
Israel's military on alert:
Stay tuned and alert for it only takes a second to light the match; the gas has already been poured.
Love to all.
You might want to read this on Laroche.
God Bless
A gift for my brothers and sisters..
O Come Emmanuel
I really, really enjoyed that nathandave - the most beautiful verion I believe I have ever heard, and thank you my dear brother. Instant peace comes when I think about Jesus coming back for captive Israel. The glory; I cannot begin to fathom the wonderousness of this glorious event, but it calms my spirit instantly and reminds me that what will be, will be and all by His mighty and gentle hand. And I give thanks for the rest in Him from this weary world.
Peter, Your post is still resonating so much truth within me and giving a new light to our God being yet more amazing than before every time He reveals Himself a little more, and thank you again for sharing. There are so many layers to all of God's ways and the Holy Bible is the most profoundly incredible book ever written. Balor is correct when he says it is not meant to be used as a crystal ball, but it is meant to be a guide for His flock. A very important guide at that. Everything we ever need to know is in the most amazing story ever told.
"Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35)
"The Counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the Thoughts of His heart to all generations" (Psalm 33:11).
I shudder to think where we would be without Him and His words that endure forever. Where would the hope be? What would you hope for if not for the Lord's return? I would be so lost if not for the promises of our Lord for they sustain me and give me great joy.
..just as His people do.
Love and holy kisses.
Thank you for that link. I really don't know much about LaRouche. As per the link you posted, he seems to be not any different from the bad guys. What caught my attention in the video was the part he was talking about WW3 and the population control stuff especially the bio fuel thing. See, thats why we need each other as we all tap things from various sources that help us open our eyes.
The rhetoric goes on:
So does the bombing:
Stay blessed and keep watching.
Our enemy, that old foe Satan, has no access to the Divine (one of the many reasons he is so angry), thus rendering him powerless over those who belong to Jesus. We need only fear our God just as the Lord tells us for this very reason because the Lord is faithful to Israel. This is the everlasting Covenant. How blessed are those who believe in Him.
..keep spreading His love and the truth according to His holy word; for great are thy rewards.
And remember to keep smiling up at Him for He is smiling on His children. The Lord Jesus is coming to reign on Earth. This joyful promise brings a smile not only to your face, but your heart.
His peace and joy be with us.
Amen, Annon. This is why we all need each other so much.
I don't know what to think about LaRouche, but as with everything, there are bits and pieces of truth everywhere even some from those on the dark side.
Thank you for your diligence in staying watchful Annon; you bless us all. We will sort through all of it together.
With love.
Glad you liked it FF. It really moved me, the thought of how awesome our God is to become like us and to die for our sins. I cannot thank him enough, praise Jesus.
Peter, great post. I think this explains the role of prophecy as easily and accessibly as anything I have read. Prophecy is a living thing because human history is alive (as are the human who inhabit it). Westerners tend to think in a linear sense: this happens, followed by this, with a culmination and then THE END. However, since prophecy is God inspired, and specifically Jewish and Christian prophecy is God inspired within a particular historical context, then it likely operates on mulitple levels, and in mulitple TIMES. Time is relative, and history depends on the perspectives and choices of those who inhabit it. Some day, one man will embody the full spirit of all the antichrists of history, and one empire will fulfill the spirit of all the beasts of history. Bush may as yet be the guy, and America that empire. If they are not, then we recieved a loud warning from God about what to look out for.
There is a saying if you do not study history you are bound to repeat it. The wheels of history are repeated over and over again until the end because mankind has never learned the lesson through history. What is happening now is God is waking up a group of people to critically look at all sources not the propaganda of the news headlines but are going beyond to discover all angles of the story being presented to the people.
Whenever I am given a link on a story I also try to find out a little about the person who wrote the article. I search his/her name and get a little background on who the individual is and what motivates them. It is not that they don't have truth in the article but I will not follow any group. If they are stirring people up for the wrong goal of power for their group I take that into consideration. We can take the truth and throw off the BS. Jesus helps us get through the BS and to get to the truth. This small community helps also because their goal is only love and truth for all who put their faith in God. Our goal is to help others find the truth of God's love for his people and to live the teachings of Jesus. Not by word only but through our actions otherwise we are hypocrites.
You wrote: "The mark in the forehead represents who you serve with your mind (soul) and the mark in the hand represents the service of your body. Who do you serve with your body and soul?
I just have to say amen to that. The mark is present now for all those who serve greed, corruption, lies and promote hate/prejudice against others. We are called to a higher state of consciousness through the power of God's love and have to bring that light to all that will listen to reason. Some won't listen and we have to accept that and not argue with them because it just drags us down to their level.
Loved the video and it was very inspirational. I love the story of Jesus birth but hate the hype this time of year that promotes consumerism. Advertisers promote Christmas not for the truth that was brought into this darken world but for greed to get you to buy their product. It is the busiest time of year for profit and I can not help but believe Jesus would not be pleased with them using his birth for personal profit. Just as he threw out the money chargers I believe he would have harsh words on exploiting his birth for personal profit.
Love to all
Hello everyone again,
Don't miss this video:
Check it ASAP because they usually suspend these types of accounts !
Keep the faith,
Interesting article by William Ayers. Jesus would never had approved of the violence this group did and we should never be associated with violence of any kind but it does sound like he has regrets and I respect that he has finally come out against what the hate and prejudice of the extreme right bigots were trying to do during the election.
Quote from the article:
"Demonization, guilt by association, and the politics of fear did not triumph, not this time. Let’s hope they never will again. And let’s hope we might now assert that in our wildly diverse society, talking and listening to the widest range of people is not a sin, but a virtue."
God Bless
Sandra, You may like to read what I have written on "The Mark Of The Beast"
nathandave said, 'the thought of how awesome our God is to become like us and to die for our sins. I cannot thank him enough, praise Jesus.'
Thinking about what the Lord has done for us makes me quiver inside for the love that is shown is like no other love could ever be shown. We are to serve Him, and yet He did this for all who will believe, and yet He is still rejected by some just as completely as the day He died.
Which brings me to Ali's video. Everything is coming to light. The fact that it is possible to see how Israel could be using the possible lies to benefit their position in the world, and is doing just so, makes me question this official story now as well. It has always seemed peculiar to me that questioning the official story or documents of the holocaust could get you labeled anti-semitic or even imprisoned. I have witnessed a holocaust survivor's horrific personal accounting of suffering that made me cry for days afterward for the inhumanity spoken of in great detail.
I will trust God to show me what I need to know and when I need to know it. The truth will come out as it always does. Unfortunately usally later than sooner, but it will be revealed in its' entirety. I think it is prudent to remember Jesus' warning about the Synagogue of Satan, of those who say they are Jews and are not, as they not only rejoiced when our Lord was crucified, they managed to deceived a whole lot of people from believing in Him. The same is going on today with the deception of love for the nation of Israel above love for God.
Just my thoughts, thanks for listening and for the great fellowship.
I am as conflicted with the holocaust as I am with Christmas. I love the family time spent together but I could leave the rest. Jesus' death is what He tells us to remember (and we clearly know when this was), but yet how can we not want to celebrate His birth in some way. But then many say that His birthdate is not in December and is more likely to have been in October and all the rituals surrounding Christmas are paganistic. And I complete agree with you Sandra that the Lord is not pleased that the event of His birth is exploited for profit.
Interesting times indeed.
After just yesterday when Israel said it might have to strike Iran by itself, now they very casually signaling they are ready:
Here is a link that I can relate to because my own people were called savages in order to take our land and put us on reservations. In the Declaration of Independence most people don't go further into the document of the flowery words of all men are created equal in calling for independence. Further in the document it describes Indians as merciless Indian Savages. Very much a justification for what the U.S. did as they took over this land.
Quote from the Link:
The propaganda machine portrays the victim group as less than human. In Rwanda, the Hutus called their Tutsi neighbors 'cockroaches.' In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge said their victims were "worms." To the Nazis, Jews were "vermin."
Dehumanization is the most powerful psychological tool used in all mass murder and genocides, Zimbardo said. "Dehumanization blurs your vision. You look at these people and you do not see them as human"
I believe the Holocaust did happen and it makes me sick seeing the pictures of all those people stripped of their dignity and gassed. Annie Franks diary tells the truth on what she went through hiding from the Nazi's and eventually captured and sent to a concentration camp. I can not watch the pictures of the atrocities done to a people without tears coming to my eyes on the inhumanity done. You can believe the history of what the Nazi's did without believing what is going on now in Israel. For what was done to them by the Nazi's is now what they are doing to the Palestine people. If they would have believed the teachings of Jesus they would never have done to others what was done to them. But they did not recognize his coming and the high priest had him tried and convicted as an enemy of the Jewish religion.
Thank you for the link. It had such wisdom and truth in it and it is what my spirit has been telling me.
Love to all
Forty-five years ago President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was targeted to be killed by "a government within a government" that was concerned that he didn't "have the balls" to be president; that he was unprepared to use America's immense military strength to carry out the wishes of America's "elite of power." Now Obama is in danger of running afoul of this same "elite of power" if he is not very, very careful.
To Continue:
Read Article - http://www.antipasministries.com/html/file0000295.htm
Love to all
If you have any doubts baout the holocaust, Watch the French Documentary NIght and Fog. You can get it with english subtitles on you tube. The Zionists may use it to their advantage, but it happened and it was horrible.
I believe, as humans we even have to care if only 6 people have been killed unjustly instead of 60, 60,000 , or even 6 million. But the point here is when one wants to go deeper to investigate the who & the what & how & why and when of these events (including world wars) these issues suddenly turn into taboo subjects. Someone has to ask why?
Nathandave, let me push this issue one step forward with this question, why and for what and who killed nearly 800,000 Iranians during Iran-Iraq war? Who ignited the war? Who supported it? Why did it happen? Who did make benefit of it? what was the outcome? and so on and on and on...
You see? It is not just jewish people. Sorry for this language but the sh** is all over us. I agree with you zionists are taking it in their advantage.
We have to hit the root of Evil.
Respect you my brother Nathandave,
Keep the faith,
Everything that has happened, or hasn't happened they way they said it did, has brought us to where we are right here and now. God knows everything and I trust Him, and Him alone in all things.
The Middle East is igniting in a big way today.
In Pakistan, militants set fire to 150-200 US/NATO trucks carrying supplies, which will put a bit of a damper on their party plans I would imagine not to mention that this might upset a few people. Pakistan claims to have said that the friendship with the US has been for show and we are still their enemy.
Livni is calling for a tough stance on the so-called rocket barrage in the Gaza and wants to take military action. Jerusalem is in turmoil over Arab neighborhoods and the West Bank has increased tensions by forcibly removing Israelites. It is only going to escalate from this point forward.
The US and Iran have both test fired missiles. Iran from a warship and the US a missile shield weapon that cost between $120 - $150 million dollars.
The world is on fire, and you know how bad it is when our leaders haven't told us to go shopping - even while the 'busiest shopping season' is upon us.
Anything can happen at any time. Maybe the most pertitent issue is making sure our lamps are full and keep them that way. Which has always been important but needed more than ever now for these days.
Love and prayers.
Then you add this to the equation,
Keep the faith,
If you have some questions about the Holocaust, watch this series
Add that into the equation and anything can happen.
All the while, many people are putting up Christmas decorations and getting ready for the holiday like things will be okay if we just keep carrying on in the same way like we always have.
A huge wake up call looms just over the horizon.
And we will no longer be able to carry on like we always have.
There will be much work to do and how incredible to know that for the bad guys it's the endgame, but for us it is just the beginning for I believe all His words are true.
We can look for better days ahead and know that there really are better days ahead while most will be losing all hope.
What an incredible time to be alive.
Ali, I am happy that you are back to your old self; many more blessings with love my brother. God is with us and He is so good.
Thanks Peter; I can't wait to see it.
This guy is 27 and is US president's speech writer?
Thank you FF, blessings to you too :)
Keep the faith,
I hear you Ali, and I understand your frustration when the Jewish lobby and Israel use the holocaust to justify their actions. No doubt, there have been many holocausts and many atrocities committed, especially in the Mid East during our time.
The thing that makes the Holocaust so horrible was the systematic, institutional design of it. The Nazi's created an entire industry built around slave labor and extermination of Jews, Gays, Slavs, Communists, political dissidents, Gypsies, and anyone else they deemed to be human vermin. The insitutionalization of evil on this scale is what Night and Fog brings home to you so clearly and poignantly. For example, you see the houses full of human hair, the paper made form human skin, glue from human bones. The deportee was used for his/her labor, and then their bodies were burned or used to make products. Its horrifying to think what can happen when an anitchrist system unleashes its hell upon the weak and the powerless intentionally, and with ruthless, inhuman precision.
Wars are horrible, especially with modern weapons. Atrocities are committed by governments all the time. The Nazis brought it to a level that I hope we never see again. To deny this is to allow ourselves to be taken in by evil again.
Hitler hated the Jews and all that were not of pure blood. The Holocaust happened. My heart goes out to all God's children caught in the battle between power/greed of the rulers of this world. We all are victims to the evil that our governments do against each other. Love is the answer for all and respect for each other. It will not happen as long as those in control are bent on destruction of others to further their agenda and to get others to go along with their evil.
Hilter was a very evil man.
To answer your question on who helped in the slaughter of your people during the Iran/Iraq war:
I really would like to know of your thoughts about this video series (available for free download):
Unfortunately not only US but also Arab countries contributed to these supports. One more thing, I want to make this clear that at the time Iranian Ayatollahs are also considered as 'suspicious' people who were in the favor of "continuing" the war. That will raise another question then.
Thank you sandra.
Keep the faith,
A picture is worth a thousand words,
Save it somewhere, we might want to refer to this in the upcoming months.
Keep the faith,
I'm not sure what your trying to get me to do, but if you think that I am going to accept that the holocaust did not happen, then you are mistaken. We can quibble about the "number" killed, or if they were all Jewish, or if they were just "German Work Camps Gone Bad." Fact is, the Germans deliberatly deported people they did not like, they enslaved them, took their stuff, and when they lost their usefulness they killed them in large numbers. End of story. That is not what I think, but what the evidence shows.
I agree. It happened. To deny it would be like denying that the slaughter of my people is just a myth and that we willing went on reservations. Not going to happen.
Here are two links for your consideration:
A quote from the link below by Orthodox Jews who attend the conference on the denial of the Holocaust:
Rabbi Friedman told BBC Radio 4's PM programmer that he was not in Tehran to debate whether the Holocaust happened or not, but to look at its lessons.
He says the Holocaust was being used to legitimizes the suffering of other peoples and he wanted to break what he called a taboo on discussing it.
The main thing, he argued, was not Jewish suffering in the past but the use of the Holocaust as a "tool of commercial, military and media power".
In what many other Jews would consider the height of naivety, he commended Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for wanting "a secured future for innocent Jewish people in Europe and elsewhere".
In his speech to the conference, Neturei Karta's Rabbi Cohen said there was no doubt about the Holocaust and it would be "a terrible affront to the memory of those who perished to belittle the guilt of the crime in any way".
In fact, I am not trying to get anyone to do anything here. I shared a link here as I used to share before and I asked for your feedback as I used to ask 'on occasions'. I thought I would be receiving a CRITICAL response, but what would be better than this:
Our version of history is our history! ("End of story").
Thank you to you too Sandra.
For my brothers and sisters who have not checked this link:
Please check and see how it raises some questions about proofs & evidences that we usually take for granted. Though much more investigations have to be done and this is only a BEGINNING .
Keep the faith,
I am not going there with you. There are groups in this country that deny the Holocaust like the racist skinheads. I have watched some of the video's and do not agree with them. Is that critical enough for you. The swimming pool in one video made it sound like it was a resort. It was most likely for the Nazi's. Evil done by Hitler is real. He was a evil man.
We disagree on this issue. That is all. People in this country try to whitewash the taking of this land and putting us on reservations for our own good because we did not know how to profit from the land. I will not disrespect the people who were brutaly killed by deny that it happened. It did happen.
Ali, you recieved a critical response my friend, but you disagree with my position. That is your choice. I, like Sandra, am not going there with you. I hope you understand, but if you do not that is also your choice. As for me, I have made my point.
This is interesting. I guess if she could vote for Obama I don't feel like I have been dubbed as somehow falling for a false hope. I did not vote for Obama lightly and have no illusions on what he can do but willing to give him a chance: Naomi Wolf endorsed Obama:
Naomi Wolf on the new young Jews: Quote from article:
"Next-generation" Jewish consciousness? It looks something like this: we can commemorate the Holocaust without having to believe that no other ethnicity has suffered comparably. We should not have to buy into the notion that Palestinians today somehow have to pay for the sins of the Germans 50 years ago. We resist, as Douglas Rushkoff's book Nothing Sacred: the Truth about Judaism suggests, a definition of Jewishness - of "chosenness" - rather than a commitment to ethical behaviour. When you shed the identity of victim, you have to face your people's capacity for being oppressors as well.
Namomi Wolf is of Jewish heritage but converted to Christianity a few years ago. What a amazing woman and a true follower of Jesus.
With all the evil around us, is our world heading to this kind of scenario?
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Nathandave, I do understand that between us no consensus can be made about the matter.
We can always come to consensus my friend. However, my point is that the Holocaust is an established historical event. We can quibble about how many died, how they died, etc, but it happened. The Nazis had a plan of extermination which they carried out with lethal precision. What else needs to be said?
It minimizes the experiences of those who have suffered genocide and ethnic cleansing if those of us who are on the outside judge it from our perspective. That is what Sandra is trying to say. As a white american, I learned that Indians were placed on reservations for their benefit. Sandra, I am sure, has a very different and more truthful story to tell. What can I add to that? Does it help if I say that reservations had schools, and churches, and hospitals, etc? Does it minimize the pain and suffering of the Native people of America?
I leave that for you to decide.
None of us has the right to judge those who have been the victims of such evil. Best bet is to thank God we have never had to endure such a trial, and hope that we never have to.
Here is a response to your post.
Keep the faith,
I found a recently added video about the topic once we exchanged some points.
Yep! It is the private sphere of course!
Keep the faith,
Maybe you did not know this, but David Duke was a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Clan, and celebrated Hitler's Birthday. Is this your idea of consensus?
Or, maybe that was the point you were trying to make? Maybe I am missing your point brother.
For your consideration on David Duke:
We are never to use the atrocities done as a tool to promote an agenda against others but as a tool for understanding. I have no hate in me for the white race nor do I believe that one race is superior to another. We are all God's children and deserve to live in peace. Only when we treat each other with respect and to honor the culture of another will there be any peace. We can learn from each and take the good of anothers culture and respect that we are all different and that we all have a right to live in peace and love. Governments only want to divide the races.
Thank you for your understanding on what I was trying to get across. Love is the answer and so many want to divide and conquer for their cause. My only cause is the love of our Lord Jesus and to bring that forth.
God Bless
Actually I know this guy because I met him personally when he was having a live via-satellite interview from Iran with Wolf-Blitzer's weekend edition couple years ago. And I was there when Wolf immediately warped the interview with the excuse of satellite problem though there was no problem at all, because 'I' was in the studio's controlling room.
Now what has been said in that video should not be underestimated, but it has to be investigated MAYBE this time the man who cried wolf tells us the truth once.
Again I'd rather stop here, because I already said that its hard to come up with a consensus in this regard.
Keep the faith,
One more thing Nathandave,
The following is a quote, which has several interpretations. Depending on our will you & me would choose one brother. ready? Go!
" That is my major preoccupation, memory, the kingdom of memory. I want to protect and enrich that kingdom, glorify that kingdom and serve it."
-Elie Wiesel (Holocaust Survivor)
Keep the faith,
There can be consensus on the fact that the Holocaust should not be used today to support a Zionist agenda. That has to stop because the only way we can go forward is recognize the inhumanity done to others because they think their race is superior. Make no mistake about it David Duke has a hidden agenda and that is for superiority of the white race and if he can trigger the hate of a people against the Jewish people and others he will. We all have latent racist feelings which through prayer we can overcome. God loves us and we are to go out and show that love to others not to label other races and religions as inferior to our own.
Thanks for reading. I will drop it now.
God Bless
The agenda is not about how many people were killed or whether the holocaust really occurred or not or whether it is used as an alibi, but the fact that your version of history which you are confident of has been constructed by a bunch of perception managers who does not bother to care or think about Holocaust or any other genocide at all. All they look is their own benefits. And you are doomed to accept it, to obey it. The same situation applies to me too (As an Iranian).
Furthermore, those who have had the guts to question these issues, are tagged as as Anti-semis or Neo-Nazis or traitors etc. You see! that is what we call exploitation and we (ALL) wanted or unwanted are the victims of it. Yet we think we are being given *factual* historical identity. Of course! but only one slice of the whole story.
To be honest, I became a bit frustrated after I saw this kind of reaction in this community but then I managed to handle it by this famous saying: "The sky is blue everywhere".
I've chosen the twilight Sandra.
Thank you.
Keep the faith,
Amen Ali.
I knew you were silent because you agreed with Ali. Nothing I can say about it but that hate against others has to end. It does not have to do with anti semitism but denial of what happened. It did happen. I never labeled anyone that here.
Amen Sandra. Hate must end, forever, or it will end us as a species. Our discussion has me believeing that we may in fact be beyond the point of no return. How sad.
All things are possible with God. Please always remember that nathandave. There is only a point of no return if it is willingly chosen.
Sandra, why do you choose to divide? You assume too much and you do not know what I think about the matter. I do not know what I think about the matter, so how can you possibly?
I was silent because I was not involved in the direct discussion and wished to not distract.
I was under the impression that we could discuss anything here and that was shown to not be the case in this circumstance and that is unfortunate.
Anytime someone tells me I cannot question something, I do. What I said earlier stands, I trust God to show me what I need to know. I do not trust those who have written history.
God will find a way for us in this also. We just have to let Him.
You state:
Sandra, why do you choose to divide? You assume too much and you do not know what I think about the matter. I do not know what I think about the matter, so how can you possibly?
When you state Amen Ali that is my clue that you agreed. That is my understanding. If I am wrong forgive me. Why is it because I guestion Ali that I am dividing? I am not going to believe blindly every link that I am directed too. Gee to be accused of dividing when I just stated we need to all get along is an interesting concept and that I if I disagree with an issue I should probably just keep quiet.
Thank you
I was saying Amen to Ali's peacekeeping spirit.
And what was my spirit?
Remember that History is written by the victors, Who benefits from the Holocaust story. Atrocities took place absolutely but not what is commonly understood. There were not even six million Jews in Germany in the Nazi time. This is not about anti Semitism this is about understanding the controlling spirits behind the Systems of this world. These events were used to populate the nation of Israel which the Rothschilds had secured from the British during WW I . They are at the core of what we know as Zionism. Please watch the videos I posted above and here, and make a decision for your self.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODKQ6PwRio8&eurl=http://www.youtube.com/user/MosheAluminumstein Like 911 there is an official story and then there is the truth.
These videos will give you an idea who else the villains were and are. We are not about hate, even of sinners, but we are about Pursuing Truth. Not all Israel is Israel. Rom:9:6: There is neither Jew nor Greek Nor Gentile in Christ Jesus.
If I was you I would leave this site. If you disagree with any on here they will try and put you in your place. I have been monitoring the site and there is a mean spirit when anyone questions their view of issues. You seem like a very caring person and I don't think you were trying to divide others. Personally they will drag you down so my advise is leave. You have a kind spirit in my view.
Peter, well said as usual. However, I refuse to look at anything produced by someone belonging to a group that hates, or that seeks to divide people according to race or religion. I have no interest in anything David Duke has to say. He is a liar and an anti-semite, always was and always has been. If he publicly rejects his racist opinions, then I'll consider it, but then he would cease being a holocaust denier now wouldn't he?
Sandra, I want you to know what a lovely person you are, thoughtful,and devoted to our Lord. Do not let your spirit be troubled. This is a tough topic and you are right to engage it courageously. Thank you!
I am going to look into the phenomenon of Holocaust denial and make a post. I have a feeling there is not much evidence, but who knows.
Peter, did you know that David Cole repudiated his own work in 1998?
This link is for you.
Sorry this was the link I intended to send
Thank you for your kindness, Please watch the video and decide for your self
Here is another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXIxGscwr1A Again this is not meant as an assult on any human being, just an effort to know what the truth is on a subject we are not suposed to question.
David Duke has not been a good man but if there were no truth in anything he has said it would not fool anyone. Eat the meat and spit out the bones.
To this Anonymous person:
It is YOU that have to leave this community and not my sister Sandra. I would not let an irrational self-absorbed anonymous person like you to come to this community and spread division, frustration and repulsion among us. Having this in your portfolio of monitoring this community, I am sure that there would be no place for your type here.
The evil empire is so powerful and restlessly creates smoke & cloud over the truth. I also put my trust on God 'to show me what I need to know.' Neither do I trust those who have written history. Amen and Well said as usual FF!
Do you know what I really wanted to get you to do? To make a post about this issue :) That's the spirit brother! because it will bring us a wave of really interesting discussions in which our foundation of community is based on. Thumbs up for Nathandave! God Bless.
Your recent post made the long story short for us really. Thank you brother.
Keep the faith,
A website to consider:
Keep the faith,
I am becoming more and more convinced that there is no need to do a post on this issue. My intital suspicions have been confirmed, there is no credible evidence to deny or revise the historical record regarding the holocaust. In fact, I would humbly ask all of my brothers and sisters at this site (Ali please listen friend) to avoid this issue. Of course, we are all free to choose, but this is spiritually deadly. There is a reason holocaust revisionism is so popular among hate groups, because they hate Jews. In fact, this whole discussion has changed my own interpretation of the Gog and Magog prophecy, I am starting to believe that the last World War will be blamed on Jews, specifically the State of Israel. A world wide coalition will be formed to destory the menance and exterminate the vermin once and for all. It may look very much as Ezekiel envisoned it.
This explains to me the irrational behavior of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and why the war with Iran has not happened. He must know that eventually, he will be supported by the West in a war of destruction against Israel.
This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Lets not bicker & argue over who killed who. LOL(MontyPython)
Seriously now,NathanDave is right it really is of no importance if it did or did not happen. No one here thinks it is an excuse for Isreal so it is not important.What is important is what is happening right now. We can't change the past but we can change the future.
I am not the anonymous who told Sandra to go but I did post the links to the True Torra Jews site.
I found that site from NathanDave who posted it a while back & there is some good evidence that the Zionists helped in creating the holocoust so Jews would leave Europe & go to Palestine to settle there.
The Zionists are still doing this today & if the world comes against the state of Isreal it will be their own doing because they(the Zionists not Jews) are the instigaters of this war. True Jews know the Zionist are giving them a bad name. They are using the US to spread their war of conquest of the middle east & dragging us down with them.
You can say the holocoust happened or not but it does not change what is happening now.You can learn from it or you can use it as an excuse to committ more holocousts wich in turn will make excuses for others to do the same & the cycle continues.
Keep the faith,
Here is the person that you want people on this site to believe has it right: As Peter said take the meat and throw off the bones but he is not a good spirit:
I have only been monitoring this site to see if it was truly a community that respected others point of view to see it I wanted to join. I believe Faithful Forever was very rude. I have seen Faithful Forever do it more than once to others on this site. You might think this person was not but Sandra was right when she said that to her when Faithful Forever said Amen that it meant agreement to you. To be called divisive because she expressed that sentiment in my opinion was trying to put Sandra in her place. I am glad Sandra stood up for herself. I saw only love and caring in her posts and her only fault was expressing her opinion that the holocaust was not a myth.
The definition of Amen is: 2. expressing strong agreement: used to express strong agreement
amen to that
Your spirit was of peace to Faithful Forever and Sandra's spirit was one of divison. Unless she meekly comes back I don't think she has a place here. Of course that is her decision. I know I don't have a place here which you made very clear.
Mumbai: Why are Jews a Target?
Dec 3, 2008
Terrorist attack in Mumbai, India: When there is a conflict between Pakistan and India, why are Jews a Target?
Together with all of the Jewish people, we mourn the indescribable loss of all those murdered in Mumbai, India, and in particular our Jewish brethren, precious souls. The unforgettable noble soul Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Teitelbaum of blessed memory, a strong follower of True Torah Jews Against Zionism, and a relative of that famous champion of the anti-Zionist cause, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum; the well-respected Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg; Rebbetzin Rivkah Holtzberg; Benzion Korman; and other Jews. They were all murdered in cold blood by the hands of the terrorists. G-d will certainly take revenge on all who kill innocent people, and especially such precious souls, no matter what their justification was for such a heinous crime. Whoever does not respect the life of G-ds creations will have to face Heavenly retribution on the great and awesome Day of Judgment.
The question, however, is: what was the motive of the terrorists in attacking a small Jewish synagogue with a few Jews in it, when they could have attacked a large hotel or other public place and claimed many more victims?
The answer: Zionism!
Please read the following words of the only surviving terrorist, excerpted from the Times of India:
Kasab has told police that they were sent with a specific mission of targeting Israelis to avenge atrocities on Palestinians. This was why they targeted Nariman House, a complex meant for Israelis. Sources said Kasab's colleagues, killed in the operation, had stayed in Nariman House earlier.
Click here to read the full story
Read the words of the Wall Street Journal:
One of the assailants, who identified himself as Imran Babar and said his unit contained six militants, used Mr. Holtzberg's cellphone to call a popular Indian TV show on Thursday. In the call, he fumed about a recent visit by Major-General Avi Mizrahi, head of Israel's Ground Forces Command, to the disputed Indian state of Kashmir, a predominantly Muslim area where Indian forces are battling an Islamic insurgency.
Click here to read the full story.
Zionism has already brought so many misfortunes upon Jews, and they have their share in this tragedy as well.
From this tragedy we also see the obligation of the hour and the importance of making known to the entire world that Zionists do not represent Jews. True Torah Jews did not create the State of Israel, and have no connection to it. We do not vote in its elections; we do not accept their monetary benefits. It is therefore a terrible crime to blame the Jewish people in general for their actions.
We are looking for more funding and new tactics so that our voice and our outcry should be heard around the world. We must break through the wall of the media, which ignores our message.
At the same time, we wish to protest against the Zionists shameful act of desecration of the victims bodies. They draped their coffins with Zionist flags, and made their funerals into a sensational Zionist ceremony, with the purpose of gaining political capital at the victims expense. How can we bear the pain of the Teitelbaum family, who unceasingly pleaded with the Zionist officials not to hold these ceremonies? What happened would have certainly offended the deceased Aryeh Leibush. Sources say that the family offered to pay for a private plane to fly Aryeh Leibushs body to the Holy Land for burial, so that he would not have to go in the Zionist air force jet.
The Jerusalem Post reports:
Teitelbaum's family had rejected Israel's offer to include him in the official memorial ceremony at Ben-Gurion Airport on Monday night, when the victim's bodies arrived from India on an IAF jet. In line with their group's anti-Zionist stance, the family emphasized that they wanted no government involvement in the burial of Teitelbaum's remains, nor did they did want his coffin to be wrapped in an Israeli flag as those of the other Jewish and Israeli victims would be.
Haaretz reports:
Victim's family rejects offer of official memorial ceremony
Teitelboim's family, which belongs to the anti-Zionist Satmar Hassidic sect of Orthodox Judaism, has rejected Israel's offer to hold an official memorial ceremony for him along with the other Jewish and Israeli fatalities.
But all their entreaties fell on deaf ears.
Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Teitelbaum grew up in the Satmar Chassidic community in New York, a community well known for its anti-Zionist stance. He married the daughter of the Rebbe of Toldos Avraham Yitzchok, also a well known anti-Zionist group. He was an American-born Jew living in Jerusalem, and he never chose to become an Israeli citizen. He never accepted government benefits, although he needed money to support his large family of children. Instead he earned his livelihood by traveling around the world working for kosher supervising agencies. He considered participation in the Zionist elections to be a severe sin.
In short, he was a strong opponent of the Zionist state, yet unfortunately, as he was laid to eternal rest, he was dealt a disgraceful blow. For Orthodox Jews, who believe in the Afterlife, it is clear that such treatment is like a second death.
Our message to the Zionists is:
Haratzachta vegam yarashta?
Have you killed this man and inherited him as well? Is it not enough that he died as an innocent casualty of your conflict? Do you have to reap benefit from his death too?
May we be privileged to see the redemption, when there will be peace throughout the world.
Guess you cant post a link here. here is the address
Sorry but this is Thomas who posted the last post.
To ALL the family here.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3: 12
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Amen Annon. I can't believe what has happened here in the past few days. I was just going to leave a brief link to a recent volcanic eruption (article here), and I find a schism caused by holocaust interpretations?
This is a bad topic. There is a decided difference of opinion about it, causing an ugly wedge to form. Must we all agree about this topic in order to be of one mind? Let us throw it out! We must each respect the beliefs of one another, while constantly reexamining the foundation of our own beliefs.
If you feel heated when writing a response, consider writing it in word, cooling off, praying, and then rereading it to examine the spirit. The tongue is a double edged sword.
It is a fact that hate groups cling to a "holocaust was a myth" mentality, and so therefore all who hold this view will be labeled and dismissed by members of the general public as hateful and/or nuts.
The pictures of Auschwitz are pretty difficult to dismiss. Those who flippantly dismiss an atrocious event as a hoax can be reasonably judged as heartless. Even if the horror happened to just one or two camps, it would still be an atrocity.
The message we have to share with people is strange enough as it is! (that is, the good news of the kingdom of God). Why burden ourselves with theories and doctrines like these? The truth of the matter is known by God, and has not escaped from his judgment. That's what matters most. Let us leave the judgment of those responsible (for either the act or the cover-up) to God.
It is certainly good to learn, and as Peter says, pursue the truth, but we must be wise in what we meditate on. Romans 16:19 instructs believers to be "wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil". It can be very tempting for us to track down the exact history and/or every current move of the world's evildoers, but what does that do to our focus? It takes it off of the light of the kingdom of God; the power of his spirit, and the joy of love. We instead become fixated on the deeds of evildoers and the "secrets of Satan". (Rev 2:24).
All evildoers will certainly be paid in full the wages of their sin. That is the nature of God's universe. We are now in the midst of a great day of reckoning. All who have built on sand foundations will be knocked down by the storms.
The responsibility and privilege of the last days overcomer group is to be the light of the world. We have seen many of the plans, plots and historical atrocities done by people of the darkness. We have been shown this to explain to others, and also for us to understand the contrasting nature of God's light. But let us not allow that darkness to in any way distract us from the light, because it will, if we let it.
Sandra, I hope you are just worn out from this conversation, and hope that you don't leave.
30 when the waters become hard as stone, when the surface of the deep is frozen?
31 "Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades?
Can you loose the cords of Orion?
32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
Job 38: 30-32
You putting this link gives me an opportunity to tell the people here why I will speak out on David Duke and his message. John Hagee has a big following and spreads his views to millions of people. I have listen to him and do not agree with him and wrote him a letter telling him of my objection to his sermons which has a veiled hate message. Just as I will not tune into or support a John Hagee and will voice my objection to his message the same holds true for David Duke. Hagee has followers because people believe his bias message. Even though it is not a true message of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus it does not deter people from believing him. David Duke is the same way. He gets the racist and now is trying to soften his message to appeal to a larger audience. I will not take the meat for it is rotten in my humble opinion. I will listen to and honor the Orthodox Jews who have voiced their objection to the Zionist but they also don't deny the Holocaust. I have gone to their site and thank Thomas for giving the links to it. The Jewish people are in the hands of their corrupt government and I have no hate for the people of Jewish lineage. They are victims just as we are in this country of our corrupt government. No government on this earth is free from evil done to other races. Love is the answer and standing up to those that try to draw us into hate against others.
I did not mean to cause division but I felt strongly on this issue and so I stated it. I met all of you on Stephen's blog where he related the evils of Nazi and the link to George Bush's grandfather and I guess was surprised that others were now exploring the concept that the Holocaust was a myth.
Thank you for your kind words. I don't know about you but it did wear me out.
1 John 4:7 - 4:12
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
This link is for you since you used such wisdom and grace in dealing with Dan on this subject. Many on here tried to reason with Dan but you used such grace with love of a group to defend their rights. I was stumped at times because of his quoting of scripture but you managed to convey a message of love and tolerance.
Quote from Link:
"It seems like a fundamental human right," Stewart said of marriage. "You write in your book that all people are created equal, and yet for gay people you believe that it is corrosive to society to allow them to have the privileges that all humans enjoy."
God Bless
Sandra, Amen to what you said. Please understand I am in no way condoning the Nazis
They committed terrible atrocities, they did kill millions. My only interest in learning about this subject is in how it is
affecting our world and policy today. I also agree that both David Duke and John Hagee are hate mongers, but I think it is important for me to understand what they are saying, because they are deceiving many people. I also realize everyone is not called to explore some of what I must learn. Truth will stand.
I in no way was trying to offend anyone with my posts. My only purpose was to make sure that people don't just go to links that support their perceived postions. We can all be guilty of that but I have learned to go further.
Let me make a example of how we can be fooled by articles we read. I could give links to this article to say that Iran was involved in supporting the Holocaust and try and to argue that point:
But it would be wrong in doing this because it gives Iran a bad rap. So digging further the article below blows apart so many points and gives truth against lies and half truths.
Jesus told us to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Don't believe everything you read without realizing the agenda behind those that want to divide people. Don't blindly follow an article without researching. Jesus told us to seek the truth and we are given that opportunity on the internet. Seek and we will find, Knock and the door will be open. We can seek out all angles of articles.
By the way I listened to half your radio show yesterday and I was inspired by your testimony. To leave a high profile job in the stock market to follow the Lord against the temptation for money. What a wonderful testimony.
God Bless and thank you for further clarifying your meaning.
I just want to say that I agree with what Sandra said, and I am so glad she is back! What a blessing. People like Duke will give you just enough truth to drag you in, and the rest is hate and lies. Remember, Satan can use scripture for his own purpose, and truth can be twisted in many different directions.
YB, I have always said that God works as readily through conflict as comfort. The spriritual life is full of consolation and desolation, desert and oasis. If this group is meant to survive, then we will prove ourselves with perserverance and forgivenss, acceptance of our weakness and celebration of our strengths. God sends both good and woe, it is as it should be.
Disagreement without being disagreeable is not a bad thing, it is as it should be.
I never left just got quiet for awhile. I am not meekly coming back as Annomyous tried to say. People hear respect and love one another even during disagreements. FF has encouraged me so much on my walk here that she might think she now created a monster because of our little disagreement but nobody said that people of faith don't get into it from time to time.
I love all of you here and we need to spread the message of hope and love to all we come in contact with on our journey in this life. My role model is Jesus and to him I will answer to on what I did or did not do. Standing up to truth against those who want to deceive others and expose their agenda is easier now with the internet. The devil wants to use it for evil but there is enough out there that his people will not be deceived.
God Bless
Here is a radio show with true torah jews explaining their objection to Zionism:
Wow, it was a good talk show with Jeremiah Cohen and it helps so much in my understanding. To be against a movement run by Jews like the Zionist government is not anti semantic and does not mean that a person hates Jews. I knew that but it was good to hear it from Jeremiah Cohen. In fact we are helping the Jewish people by speaking out against it. God scattered the Jewish people for their benefit and they were not to form a State. Very enlightening.
It reminds me of the faithful here speaking out against the policies of our government and warning others of the false teachings in the churches. Kind of parallel to our mission here.
Thanks for the link.
God Bless
Some quotes and history of the founding of this country. You won't find this on right wing talk shows that spew their hate out for hours on all of us who question the motives of this country:
God Bless
Thats a great site, thanks Sandra.
Sandra that site is fantastic. Thank you.
Thomas and Nathandave,
Glad you like the website. I can relate to the Orthodox Jews because within Indian country we have Traditionalist that are warning the tribal governments they are getting to involved in the monetary system and losing their way in the process. Our values are eroding and material wealth is taking over which was not our way. We have been warned just as the Orthodox Jew is warning their people on Zionist.
We have all been warned Sandra. For those who listen, this is a time of grace. For those who do not, only judgement. Either way, the result will be the same.
Amen NathanDave
That was funny...
Stay blessed
Can you imagine this article appearing in LA Times?
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Amen, Sandra, Peter and everyone.
My comment may have been late in the conversation, but it was very heavy to catch up on all at once. The internet connection has been down on my computer for the past few days, and it was a blessing to be able to catch back up with the conversation.
Sandra, thank you for your kind word about the "Dan" incident. I saw it more as a failure because he continued in his own predetermined course after everything was said and done...it really uplifts my spirit to know that you read it that way.
NathanDave, I strongly agree with you that "Disagreement without being disagreeable is not a bad thing, it is as it should be." Very well said, friend.
Thomas, it's good to have you back around.
This is priceless! Wait until advert is over. What a put down!
In the Arab world this is an extreme insult.
Annon and Balor1
You both put the same link so I will respond to you both. Didn't it seem strange that no secret service were around Bush until the incident was done. Also lately when I have seen Bush on T.V. he does not look healthy. His face looks drawn and pale.
Your disagreement on Stephen's blog was very much out of love. I sometimes think that is why it was the end of the blog for Stephen. His last message was for all to live in the Joy of our faith. He did all he could to show us what hate could do and it was time to move on. If you go there to his site he took off all Dan's arguments but left all of ours that responded to him on the subject. His last sentence below in my humble opinion was his way of saying it was over now and to go and spread love to a hurting world:
Stephen's last sentence in "The Joy of our Faith"
Quote: We don't need to make everyone that hates us and does us wrong, feel guilty about it. We can wait for God to deal with them His way, in His own time. And because we know there will ultimately be justice, we should already be celebrating, and living in the joy of our faith.
Mahatma Gandhi quotes:
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.
We must be the change you want to see in the world.
It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.
Jesus: The Kingdom of God is within.
God Bless
Why no Secret Service you ask? They are only human after all. Would you be so eager to catch a bullet or a shoe for W?
Soon he is going to be of no use to his masters - his time is up. It would be very convenient if Bush were to just die without the link between him and them exposed.
Understand, the Secret Service probably knows which way the wind is blowing now. If they don't go out of their way to protect Bush, then remember these guys have careers which don't end when Bush leaves office.
True...and no I would not take a shoe or bullet for W. The news media were reporting that the secret service were slow to act because they were caught by surprise but we know that they are to anticipate everything so your explanation makes sense.
Got this in my email from a friend and thought I would share with all my brothers and sisters here:
Thank You, God, for Your guiding spirit of love.
In moments of prayer with You, dear God, I am immersed in Your love. Even when situations or events seem daunting, I pray and feel the confirmation that Your loving spirit is guiding me and all others in ways of safety and peace.
Connecting with You strengthens my realization that the people I care about are also being blessed and guided by Your love. As I pray, I affirm that love surrounds, upholds, and inspires right actions and enlightened ways of thinking and being.
Thank You, God, for Your caring, guiding spirit of love within me, within those I know, and within those I have yet to meet. May we each grow in an awareness that divine love is active within us and within every person and all circumstances.
God Bless
RÃ na Cruinne
king of the world
folk are destroying
the human race
[because] we don't care enough
king of the world
nature is being destroyed
from year to year
we're not aware enough
let's rouse our courage
all over the world
let's rouse our courage
all over the world
let's rouse our courage
through the wide world
You know pride can be a hard thing to swallow.
I find it sad that a little difference in opinion or misunderstanding can drive a wedge between people just as satan likes it.
This was just a little speed bump but there are huge potholes in the road ahead. If we can't get past this little speed bump how will we navigate the potholes ahead?
When we refuse to swallow are pride we are thinking only of our SELF but when we swallow our pride, even though we may feel we were wronged or misunderstood, we are dying a little to SELF for the benefit of the whole & this is a noble thing in the eyes of God.
A little pride is of no value to you but can destroy us all so it is better to swallow it then to let it swallow you.
Just an observation of mine & you can take it any way you choose.
Good observation Thomas. As the discussion gets colder and we as a community lost the appetite to each other's love, I was wondering how we are going to see the face of Master or have relationship with him in these perilous times. Ironically, instead of being mad in love with each other, we are getting mad against each other and allow the enemy a free ride over our head. Lets just examine ourselves and try to make things right wherby our Lord delights.
Love covers multitude of sins. Hence, lets give a second chance to love.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3: 12
Stay blessed and stand firm in the Lord.
Amen Thomas and Annon..
Let me publicly apologize to FF and Ali if my disagreement caused division among believers. I am truly sorry.
Love to all
Thanks Sandra for coming forward to make things right with your sister FF and brother Ali. Am confident that they will follow your lead. Love should be the foundation of our lives no matter our differences are wide. Indeed, our disagreements sometimes can lead us unto undesired bitterness. Yet, we can bridge the gap of our diffeences with Love, kindness and understanding lest we allow the enemy to stand on our way and rob us the joy that our fellowship can bring.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Add to that Colin Powell's and Joe Biden's slip that there is going to be a "generated international crisis" that will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January. Interestingly, the very two days after Barack Obama is sworn in as a President and here we have official confirmation that such a crisis will indeed take place. So now its getting clearer when the thing will hit the fan.
The only question is, what sort and where?
Stay blessed and keep watching.
From the article above:
The Bush team has also invited Obama transition officials to attend a "national level exercise" set for January 12 and 13 that may play out what would happen if the top leadership of the nation were wiped out in a single stroke.
Isn't that Wierd?
" Know that the life of the world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rain, whereof the growth is pleasing to the husbandman, but afterward it drieth up and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becometh straw. And in the Hereafter there is grievous punishment, and (also) forgiveness from God and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion."
Quran (57:20)
And I see the Christmas is coming. In Iran, most people have received their first snow. What about in your city ?
It is getting cold everywhere.
Keep the faith,
Here in Portland we've had a couple of snow storms. It is slippery here on the slopes of Mount Tabor! Happy skiing!
I really miss the mountainous area of Tehran but not really the people. Don't miss this video:
If someone has to be questioned I would question myself and my Iranian people first.
Keep the faith,
Dana Perino with Black Eye! Helen Thomas: Prime Minister Maliki Is An American Puppet!
Keep the faith,
Great video Ali!
Some day I'd like to be able to visit Iran. Especially the region around Tabriz. From what I've heard, the air pollution in Tehran is terrible. Otherwise, from videos and whatnot, I've gained the impression that Iran is a very beautiful country.
And the young people there, I think, know it. The power of the mullahs won't last forever - they have failed. For all their conformity to Islamic law, is the air any cleaner, the people better off, and Iran safer from attack from the United States and Israel?
The video is titled "Iran's Hedonistic Youth." That is a misnomer. They aren't hedonistic. They simply recognize what it is that is holding Iran back.
I kinda disagree with you and agree with the title of the video. The people of Iran and particularly the youths failed to recognize and adhere to true Islam. Mullahs are only one of the current baffle. I see people as the major problem. Faith, I would say, is tainted and people have lost beliefs to everything. Believe me or not the differences seen between my generation and the earlier young adults who are only 4 5 years younger than me is VAST and undeniable. You see 4 5 years younger "sociologically" is not considered as "generation" but their wave, I'd say, was more or less about vacuity,banality and indifference towards religious issues. Evidences? I'll tell you:
The rate of crime is soaring (3rd in the world), the divorce rate is rising (1st in ME) and Tehran is becoming the capital suicide of the world, Drugs,HIV/AIDS you name it.
And then what you see in the mainstream is either about Israel or once in a while the beauty of Iran. Of course it is a beautiful country but like everywhere else, Of course it was the cradle of civilization but what about NOW? Nothing.
This is what I have experienced and it is the same feedback of older generations that I have come across.
True, Tehran is a polluted city because of the traffic. I have been to Tabriz once couple years ago. I also have taken nice photos from that part of the country. Hopefully someday (I donno how) I will share it up.
Keep the faith,
It is getting cold everywhere, Ali, even in places where it usually doesn't:
Pretty soon the only warmth to be found will be in the hearts of those who love and worship the one and only true God. May that warmth continue to not only grow but glow in those who gather here as we are so frequently blessed with witnessing here.
In searching for the 'illusions' of this make-believe world we live in, I came across this article and wanted to share:
Love and peace to all. Always.
Glad to have you back. You were immensly missed.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Like I miss you intensely when you are gone for a few days.
The fellowship in our community is such a blessing.
Thank you Annon.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
with love.
Who would have ever thought...
...Ten million dollars for the shoes that were thrown at Bush. I seen an article the other day that people are placing their old worn out, stinkiest shoes on the sidewalk outside the White House.
Unfortunately, the journalist Muntadar Al Zaidi is said to be imprisoned and to beat up to be seen in court.
On a much more dire note, Hamas has stated that the cease fire with Israel ends tomorrow.
Ali and FF, good to hear from you again. Its not the same without you FF, thats for sure.
Well, Ali, you probably know Iran better than I do.
Still, I think Islam doesn't need a state to protect it. Moral authority doesn't come from the end of a gun.
If there were a separation of mosque and state, then I think maybe a lot of the social problems which stem from youthful rebellion against the hypocrisy of that state of affairs will die down.
On the other hand, have you seen anything related to this?
It is part of why I want to go to Tabriz. I think it would be wonderful if an international, interfaith organization devoted to peace and reconciliation could be established there. At the very least, it could be a tourist destination for all peoples of the Book.
The media says the journalist who threw the shoe has asked for a pardon!
Reminds me of the song from "wag the Dog" named "Good Old Shoe"!
BTW, I really missed you sister.
I completely agree with the point you just made: "Moral authority doesn't come from the end of a gun." Well said. The only thing that has been remained is patience . Hopefully God will sort us up, because the mess is already huge esp. in Iran.
I checked that article. Well, I think it is an absolute stretching . Tabriz would be the last option for being the "garden of Eden". Generally Iranians are inclined to exaggerate their beliefs esp. those related to their ancient custom & their homeland. That proof being that they always want to underline their Ancient custom instead of the divine practices they have recieved in Islam. And one more thing isn't it that the Garden of Eden is supposed to be somewhere in the heaven and not the earth? So now I really like to ask YB something.
Could you organize a shared photo gallery for the members of this weblog? I mean is it possible? Regards.
And I have a breaking here:
Moscow is delivering the highly sophisticated air defense S-300 system to Iran for securing its nuclear and strategic sites against potential attack.
Keep the faith,
Soon there truly will be an established international, interfaith organization devoted to peace and reconciliation...imagine and believe. And this is the hope, joy and faith in all His promises to His children.
Does anyone believe that there could be an 'orderly bankruptcy' of the auto industry as Bush 'considers' the options for the failing industry that claims to be out of money at the end of December. The decider is deciding. Be sure to scroll down and check out the other news worthy items of the day that are just as unusual (or just plain weird; everything seems weird to me too, Annon - I know exactly what you mean) which has gotten to be routine and typical in these crazy times:
Please accept my apology and deep regret for adding to the disagreeableness while miserably attempting to combat it. I also want you to know that you were not the reason for my absence, and my hope and prayer is that we can all just move forward in love and faith. I love you dearly and nothing, absolutely nothing could or will ever change that. We are all on the same journey, we're all in this together and for a reason; we're on the same side but in different places at the same time. The disciples had disputes and I imagine it was for this very reason and I guess it is only expected that we will occasionally also. With love and peace in our Savior's name with a thousand holy kisses.
nathandave, I hope I am safe in assuming you mean that in a good way?! A thousand holy kisses for you too my brother.
We are all needed and we should all know and accept this. We are all different but all equal. Only our Lord can do this as this is nothing short of remarkable if you think about it. It takes all of us. Our numbers are few but I believe we are mighty. Made mighty by our mighty Lord who loves us more than we can comprehend.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
FF, I would have meant it no other way. Unfortunately, tone and intention do not come thorugh in an online post. It is difficult to discern one's meaning. I never intended to come across angry, or as an accusser, although I can see how that may have happened. Just know, I felt compelled to speak out as a measure of my concern for you all. I just think there are spiritual traps laid by Satan, and we can fall into them without realizing it.
Which brings me to a larger point, which I think Balor has tried to express to us. Perhaps we spend too much time trying to understand and anticipate the plans of the evil ones, maybe it would be better in some cases to simply alow God to work thorugh us as we forge ahead with God's plan to establish the KIngdom. Maybe we presume too much, and it is in our pride that we forge out to engage the enemey. I think our group may not be a spiritually prepared as we think we are. And in the end, it will all happen as God intends it to anyways.
There is so much good in the world. There are so many people who want to do the right thing, much more than those who support the evil one. They may have the institutional power, but we have the SOUL POWER. Don't forget that, and don't forget to take care of your soul. That is more important than anything. Take time to be with God, however you concieve God to be.
On last thing. The Hopi Tribe (peaceful ones) teach that those who are of the flesh will try to escape the coming judgement by going into shelters. However, they believe there are no shelters from this judgment unless one is right in their spirit. In the end, it is as the Psalmist says, If God does not build the house, then the buiders work in vain.
Thank you for your encouraging words. You have encouraged me on my walk here and I was surprised myself on how I responded because I was caught up in the subject. I was not sure if our exchange of words caused your absence so I wanted to do my part in trying to get you back. You are a vital part of this community and as Nathandave said it was not the same without you. You encourage all of us to stay true to the important issue of our Lord Jesus and not be swayed by what might be popular at the time. I love you sister and for my part I am sorry. It is very good to have you back. We all have a important roles to play in these end times and your present was missed.
Love to all
I love you nathandave, and a very loud Amen to your words of taking time to be with God for that is the only way to take care of our souls. That is why ~they~ fear us, because of our SOUL POWER that comes from the Lord God Almghty which they do not have. There will be no place to hide; God sees ALL. He will raise a standard against the evil flooding the earth and He will raise His people even higher when the time comes. This I know for certain.
Satan does set many traps and I know that he would be very happy if he succeeded in destroying this community. We will not and cannot let that happen - ever. This is my church and I would defend it with all that I am which includes those who gather here.
Ali, I hope that is just a glitch with all the weather that is around because I don't think our young brother would moderate the comments.
Did everyone see Bush last week say that the Bible is not literally true...shocking and infuriating most of his supporters. Surprise, surprise.
Today Bush sounds like he is deciding to give the auto makers a small bone compared to the bankers. With the ponzi scheme and using bailout money for bonuses and all the blatant shameful lawlessness, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich, will make their judgement so easy to accept. Vengence is the Lord's as only He can exact perfect and infinite justice. And we are to leave it all to him; we are in this world but we are not of it. And I give many thanks for that for there is so little to be desired. Give me the spiritual gifts which is what all of you are a part of.
Love and His peace to all.
That is good advise about taking time with the Lord. I was raised to examine how I might have contributed to any argument and disagreement. I saw in my post how I triggered a response that was my own doing. If I had done what YB said we should all do is write it down and go away from it for a while this would not have happened. I take complete responsibility for my part. I still strongly believe in what I wrote on the issue but not my tone with FF. I should have been more considerate of where she was coming from but I was caught up in the issue and lost my balance. I did take time with the Lord and was convicted to set it right and take responsibility for my part in the tone of the discussion.
I did see that about Bush saying the Bible was not literally true. I don't think any of us here doubted that he was just using the name of Jesus to further his power.
I think the weather is affecting the internet. I lose my ability to get on it at times. We are having very cold snowy weather here in the NW.
Love to all and I am so glad you are back FF.
Praise the Lord! Welcome back, FF. It's been a very interesting week, and I agree that the times are getting weirder and weirder.
The shoe incident startled me. I've also recently read about a lawsuit against Dick Chaney and Don Rumsfeld for conspiracy on 9-11. If it's not dismissed, this could be what breaks open 9-11 truth for the masses. The Japanese Government and European Union have already viewed 9-11 truth documentaries this year. There are advancements being made all over the place on the side of light and truth. Praise the Lord!
We may not be perfect here, but we are working (and being worked on by a very faithful and determined potter). Our souls are constantly being processed through our interactions with each other and with this world. We all stumble, but it is that Spirit that has come upon us which makes us get back up and continue in our journey. And as long as we keep walking forward, we are getting closer to the promises of Christ.
Ali, As a blogger, you are more than welcome to post a series of pictures that you wanted to share. I'm not sure what you were visualizing: pictures of us, or pictures that inspire us? (I have lots of pictures I've taken around my area that I'd love to share with you all).
Also, I'll either change or remove that comment moderation thingy.
Blessings, all!
...we are getting closer to the promises of Christ. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord and rejoice.
You are such a blessing young brothe and I love your words of our Lord being the perfect potter. Truth is joy and joy is truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. All things will be revealed and I agree that the light is growing brighter even as the darkness grows.
That lawsuit will be interesting to see how it unfolds. May the good Lord be with her. She states in her lawsuit that no plane hit the pentagon. Yep, should be interesting.
I believe that we can see the enemy for who and what it is because we are faithful to our Lord. We could not be where we are without Him opening our eyes. It is imperative unfortunately to know our enemy in my opinion. Jesus is the reason for all things, and this is all about Him, even when we discuss and recognize the enemy.
Love to all, forever and ever.
It is an honor for me to bless you, as you bless me, FF. By the way, there is a comment from Sandra above mine that needed to be moderated. I've adjusted the settings for that, sorry everybody!
No apology necessary yb, and thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this site. I would have missed our beautiful sister Sandra's comment, so a great big thank you for that also.
Another amazing thing about the faithful, perfect potter is after the struggle is over, we are bound even tighter to Him and each other. This is our amazing God blessing His flock and I give thanks and praise. I love you Sandra and I say this with tears of joy in my eyes and my heart. My cup runneth over.
I love the joy of our ties that bind and the peace and harmony prevails much more than it is interrupted. As with everything that grows, there are changes that have to take place and I am so honored and humbled to be growing among you people here. I am wealthy beyond measure.
The weather is wreaking havoc in many places across the whole world but seems especially so in the US, and I can't help but think of it as a prelude to the big event with this being a glimpse of what may come. Thinking about it conjures up some sobering thoughts for sure, with gun sales up about 50 percent and the tension growing everywhere, and now it's 'Christmas' time, but because of our Lord we need only keep our oil lamps full and burning. And fear not because He is with us. It just doesn't get any better than this; to know, trust and believe in all His words and promises is the only weapon we require. What a mighty sword it is and will become even more so.
Many of us here knew that Bush lied about being a Christian, but many more were still clinging to their false beliefs of him. Can't really fathom that, but the deception runs so very deep. They don't seem to care so much about being more transparent and in our face about it, with Cheney saying 'so' about the American people not wanting the war, and now with Bush saying 'so what' about Al-Quida not existing until we attacked. Now we know that Al-Quida is Mossad and cia, but other people do not. They still believe that Bush has kept us safe from that evil organization for the past seven years. He just said yesterday that the record of that is a non-debate. People still believe this lie, and when we get attacked again, we can probably safely assume it will be Al-Quida. Then Bush would have to step back in (or not leave at all)and save the day. People will believe this lie also. If Bush is the Son of Perdition, we are about to witness the beast being unleashed as he will not leave office and there will be chaos. There will only be peace in the hearts of those who follow Jesus. A time like no other may very well be right upon us and I know our Lord will guide us and protect us. The seven years of peace with Israel is over. I know I don't have to remind anyone that we, His people, are Israel. As Bush said, if you're not with him, you are against him. Jesus said the same thing and our God will not be mocked.
Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.
God Bless you brother.
Thank you very much.
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