I also believe that the timing for this "resurrection of the body" is now. Because "1000 years is as a day to the Lord and a day is as 1000 years", Jesus was resurrected "in the early hours of the third day", and he also claimed that he would be "perfected in the third day". Have no doubt, by considering that this Resurrection of the Body applies to the church, I am also saying that the Body of Christ has been "dead" for almost all of the past 2000 years. This is a very humbling and frightening concept for church-goers who don't want to rock the boat. However, if you are familiar with Church History and become willing to question the foundation of your doctrines, traditions etc, you will clearly see how this applies. The deceptiveness of Lucifer is uncanny. The truth of this is not something that people can be convinced of by others. To see it, you have to look for the signs of deception for yourself. You have to plead with God to help you in discerning truth. You have to be willing to always reexamine the ground on which you stand.
In 325 A.D., by order of Roman Emperor Constantine, the church became the official religion of Rome and was organized by the Nicene Counsel. This counsel created it's own creed which is very similar to the Apostles Creed, but rephrases the "resurrection of the body" to the "resurrection of the dead". That subtle difference is very significant. Earlier in this blog, PeterZ taught, "I personally believe that the council was a grave stone to the Church because it went from being an organism to an organization. It set the cannon but it also made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and now had the authority of the State rather than the anointing of God." Since then, numerous atrocities have been carried out by the church, in the name of Christ, and have caused many non-believers to dismiss Christianity as a hypocritical, judgmental and violent religion. Fortunately, the teachings of Christ and the Apostles have little if anything to do with the horrors of the post-Nicene church. While scriptures have been plucked up and twisted to help the accuser to cast millions of Christians back into darkness, if a believer will study the scriptures faithfully in context (and pray for understanding), the nature of Christ's spirit becomes very clear. Even though the church has fallen away, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Gospel is truly good news, not some verbal formula; God's love for us is unconditional (agape), not simply "tough love"; and the time of restoration and resurrection is upon us. Hallelujah!
Many believers came to the church in the first place because they didn't want to go to hell when they died. Messages of Hellfire and Brimstone are terrific motivators, and successful evangelists have been using that angle to beef up their recruitment numbers for many generations. And while it's true that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom", I can tell you for certain that the fear of the Lord and the fear of Hell are two entirely different things. Throughout most of the church age, Fear of personal destruction has been used to control people, to keep them submissive and obedient to their worldly authorities. But God did not sacrifice his only begotten son so that we would be scared into submission...He did it because He "so loved the world". To fear the Lord is to acknowledge that he knows everything about us all. That he sees into our hearts, he knows our secrets, and he isn't fooled by lies (even if we persuade ourselves to believe pleasurable lies...such as condemning a group of people and calling that condemnation "love"). To fear the Lord is to follow Him, to serve him, even if your own life is threatened because of that dedication. If you have the fear of the Lord it means you are willing to stand alone, against the crowd, despite great objection because you don't care about the judgment of people so much as you care about the judgment of God. Many people who belong to the church institution aren't willing to stand out of the crowd. They follow the rest of the herd, instead of the good Shepherd. They lack the "Fear of the Lord", and therefore lack wisdom.
Growing up, I would recite the Apostles Creed at its designated time every Sunday morning church service, along with the rest of the "flock". It always struck me as strange that people in my church could recite such a radical list of beliefs with little to no emotion. As though people were embarrassed, and competing with each other to see who could sound the least sincere or interested. But at the same time, these same people were too afraid or self conscious to do anything but recite it, on command, every week. Lots of things about the church always puzzled me. The history, the routines, the traditions, the repetition and the methods of recruitment. What we were reading from, learning about, and claiming to believe was much more urgent, inspired and extreme than what we were in the habit of doing. It all seemed so very wrong. But it was easier for me back then to believe that there was something wrong with my perception, instead of something wrong with the entire church.
When the church was young, it was full of life, energy, love and joy...then very quickly after it's birth, it began to die. The Official Catholic Church introduced a heavy system of rules and traditions that Jesus never spoke of (but the old pagan Roman religion practiced)....and for almost the entirety of these past twenty centuries, the power, life, love, faith, and hope of the church has died...but even that was a part of God's greater plan.
The faith of Christ's disciples was shaken when he died. For two days, they remained hidden from the outside world. The rug was pulled out from under their feet. The 11 remaining Disciples, and numerous other men and women had dedicated their lives to following a man who was supposed to deliver Israel...and he died. For two days (the day it happened, and the day after) there was nothing...the future looked very grim for Christ's followers. But then on the third day he rose again: and all doubt, discouragement and uncertainty was put to rest. Followers of Christ are in a similar predicament today, but resurrection is coming. When it does, everything will change.
That's the reason why the global elite have been scrambling to establish their New World Order: Lucifer (who rules them) knows that his time is short; he knows that the resurrection is coming, and he is in a race against time to establish his rule before he is overthrown and put in chains.
Also, Jesus knew that there would be atrocities carried out in his name. As a prophet, he saw not just this point in history, but across the entire landscape of the past 2000 years. It has been marked by misinterpretation and the spiritual death of his teaching. His teachings and spirit have been rejected by the established authority. Throughout the ages, a remnant has survived, and has been blessed with an understanding of Christ's spirit. But it has only been a remnant. And here is hope: despite knowing what would happen under the banner of Christianity between then and now, Jesus also knew what would happen in our future. And the final judgment of Father and Son is that Christianity was worth the price. We haven't seen anything yet when it comes to the Glory that has been promised to the Son, and his bride. He will return to rule the world, along with his saints who will rule under his authority. The seventh "Day of Rest", the third "Day of Resurrection" and the 1000 years reign of Christ in Revelation 20 are prophecies of the same exact promise. So as bad as everything may seem to us, we must rest assured that the King of kings will be given his throne very soon, and what happens then will be more wonderful than anything we can imagine.
Romans 8:18-25
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.
That is an inspiring message for all true believers. We are the temple of God and it has nothing to do with a building or what church you came from but if you are a follower of Jesus and abide by his teachings. I myself don't think his teachings are hard to live by and when we deviate from the teaching we as true believers know right away and get on our knees and repent. We don't have to be publicly exposed to know we are guilty and set about righting the wrong. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts us and I am overjoyed knowing I mean that much to my Father that he convicts me and causes me to right the wrong. What a blessing that is for followers of our savior Jesus.
Growing up Orthodox I can also relate to reciting the Nicene Creed. It had another change called Filioque which the Catholic Church added and was one of the causes of the great schism of 1054 which separated them into East/West churches. Another one of the issues was the catholic pope. East did not believe one man had the authority to govern the individual churches. To me it is all power and control by both east and west.
I enjoyed your article and believe your were lead by the spirit of God.
God Bless
Amen, young brother and Sandra; and this is how our Lord blesses Israel. What an amazingly marvelous thing to witness.
I have been thinking and praying on just how the Lord will have us to make His enemies His footstool before His glorious return. Imagine...we have so much to look forward to with the hopes and promises of our Lord. We praise Him in all things, even in the shadow of death because He will not abandon us.
Love and prayers.
Beautiful writing young brother and may the Lord continue to bless you with His truth and wisdom so in turn we may be blessed.
Patient endurance while we are essentially preaching to the choir here (amongst ourselves), but it is serving a purpose in God's perfect plan and our voices will be heard.
My dear beloved sister in Christ,
Yes it is preaching to the choir here but it is needed. We get our encouragement and strength from others here and it helps us to bring forth the message of the times we are living in to all that will listen. We get our strength from all who post links that show us what is behind the news that is coming forth from the main media. The news media already are siding with Georgia in this conflict with Russia. I am so thankful to Nathandave for giving us the link in the last comment section on the person who stood up to his church on the issue of the Georgia/Russia conflict. Its encouraging and shows us how we are to behave when confronted with false reports coming from the church or news media. I think I will put the link here that Nathandave gave because it is encouraging to all: Thanks Nathandave for this link:
Here is another link to the hypocrisy of this country on this conflict:
Love and Blessings to all
I wonder why nobody did this when people called Bush the antichrist? I don't remember CNN ever questioning or reporting that people thought George W. Bush Jr was the antichrist. CNN felt the need to report this after the political ad came out "The One".
I do believe there are some (not all) people that are supporting Obama that have blinders on and they will be let down because he is only a man with faults like everyone else. He is already changing some of his positions but McCain is playing on the fears of the fundamentalist and actually they are already following the man of sin.
Love to all
Sandra, you are exactly right in your understanding of the benefits we get by "preaching to the choir". I know that FF also understands this (but thanks for pointing it out Sandra). If it wasn't for this group, and the faithful work of Hanchett, I would have shrunk back a long time ago under the weight of most people's denial of what seems so obvious. We all know in our hearts that we support each other.
The time to go out and preach the real Gospel of the Kingdom of God (which we have been learning about) is coming, and God has used this time to get his saints ready. This millennium so far has been a grace period for people to repent, but it has also been boot camp for the body of Christ (scattered all around the world). Everything is right on time, exactly according to God's plan. Those of us who are still awake and watching can almost see the master returning in the horizon.
"To whom much is given, much will be required."
We have been given much secret knowledge of God, by his grace; that knowledge will be required of us.
The saints are meant to offer comfort to the fearful, explanation to the confused, and guidance to the lost during the next world war. I fully believe that. God will use the light of truth to dispel the darkness of many lies in his perfect time.
You are right on that the time is fast approaching when we will be sent out to preach the true message of Jesus. It is such a blessing to have all of you in this community to support and when needed to guide all of us on the right path. FF is really good on that and I very much appreciate her steadfast faith and all in this community who keep me grounded on the right path. The Lord guided us all here to this community and the wisdom and strength I receive here keeps me from going in the wrong direction.
I very much appreciate all of you. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love and Keep the faith
Oddly enough, Young Brother, I am leading a discussion at the Friends Meeting I attend this Sunday on the subject of the Credo.
Here's my two cents:
Friends, for discussion on Sunday, I have a mission for you.
Here is the Apostles Creed:
1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
3. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
4. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
5. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again.
6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
7. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
10. the forgiveness of sins,
11. the resurrection of the body,
12. and the life everlasting.
Is this what you believe? A lot of politicking went on to create this statement of faith. If we had to draft the Credo today, what would it look like? After some thought and consideration, I came up with this rough draft:
1. I believe in God, the author of all things seen and unseen, creator of heaven and earth.
2. I believe Jesus, the Christ, was his Son, and is our advocate.
3. He was born on earth to a woman named Mary
4. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
5. On the third and subsequent days after his death, he was seen by his followers.
6. His home is in the world to come and His seat is near the presence of God.
7. The Son of Man came again on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory to judge and end the Jewish nation but not the Jewish people.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
9. the Church on earth and in heaven,
10. the forgiveness of sins,
11. the resurrection,
12. and the life everlasting.
Your mission, should you accept, is to write a Credo that speaks to you and bring it Sunday. That is all.
Psalm 91
1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
Rejoice today and everyday in the Lord for all that He has done for us and for all that is to come.
Love to all.
This is the Creed recited in the Eastern Orthodox Church:
I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages.
Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not created, of one essence with the Father through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried.
And He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
And He will come again with glory to judge the living and dead. His kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke through the prophets.
In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come. Amen.
I never knew that last sentenced was changed from "the resurrection of the body" to resurrection of the dead. After Youngbrother posted this I did some research and realized as the church started to become an organization changes were made. The Apostles Creed is the earliest set of beliefs set down by the followers of Christ.
The meaning of the word catholic means: all-inclusive, useful to all, all-embracing. It does not mean the organization of the "catholic church". To me it means all people of faith coming together.
Thank you for the inspirational scripture. As always you know how to keep us focused on the truth and the inspiring promise of our Father God and the glory to come when Jesus returns.
God Bless
You are such a blessing and thank you again for your kind words; may the Lord continue to bless all those who seek Him in these days.
Changing the word 'body' to 'dead' changes everything. I always thought I understood that sentence in the Apostle's Creed to mean Jesus' resurrection and all those who have died when they rise to stand for judgement. I am sure my understanding was misconstrued by the 'church.' Of course, then we need to discuss the two witnesses. Are His followers a metaphor for these two and we will be the ones to breath fire and burn the earth up with His holy word?
However God's perfect plan is fulfilled is fully accepted by me and however it unfolds, I know we have much to look forward to and I believe a new revelation/event is quickly approaching.
Bush has brought humanitarian aid to the people of Georgia by way of the military which angered Russia but now Russia is supposed to be pulling out as of tomorrow, if my understanding is correct, due to the peace deal brokered by France's Sarkozy - of all people. Poland is being dragged in by allowing the US to use them for part of their missile shield which Russia said made Poland a nuclear target - if what we hear is true. It certainly would appear that God is in the land of Magog, prophecy fulfilled in front of the whole world for our eyes to behold, and yet, when you close it out, it is so easy presently to ignore for most of the world because life is virtually unaffected unless you are spiritually active. I am very thankful to be spiritually active for it is by the grace of God and all for His glory.
Tropical storm Fay that is building in the Atlantic looks huge and the whole state of Florida is in its path. Ali and Alex you are in our thoughts and prayers. As well as for all our brothers and sisters who have not visited recently, I would like to send love and prayers and hope you will join us, and for those who have remained constant, love and holy kisses in His precious Holy Name.
Sandra, I relate and understand your hunger so well my sister; I am right there with you, and right beside you all the way in love and spirit. I seen a weather map last night and it looks like your area is under extreme heat right now and I am thinking of you - always.
Love and His peace be upon us all through it all.
Major typo and my apologies; "Gog" is in the land of Magog.
Meshech was a land of idolotry in its day and how appropriate that if Georgia is indeed this land, that these people idolize Bush. He left them hanging this time though, possibly not for too much longer unfortunately.
Sorry again for the typo; one word (letter) changes everything indeed.
Off topic, but I found it interesting how the world looks at "Christianity". And who would dare to dispute when the bible said judgement will begin from His house?
Stay blessed
Thanks for the concern. Yes for this area it was hot this weekend. In the 90's so I kept my computer off. I don't have a air conditioner so did not want my computer to overheat. My place gets hot and I only have fans. It has cooled off considerably today and now we are talking about a lightning storm this afternoon.
I wonder what is different with Poland having a nuclear missile shield set up by the USA and it is considered OK but what Russia was trying to do in Cuba in the 1960's was considered an act of war. Kennedy did not allow it and this country was on the verge of war over it.
Your latest link is sad the way the T.V. ministers distort the word of God and make fools of Christ Holy name. They will have to answer for it. Using the name of God in vain.
Did anyone see Obama/McCain on their stands on religious values this weekend with the mega church pastor Rick Warren? Here is a link to how some believe it turned out:
God Bless
Russia is trying to install a shield in Cuba in light of current events. It will be interesting to see if they get it accomplished. The mere fact that Georgia gained independence from Russia reveals the power behind George W. Bush. Georgia has said that it will not give up the two breakaway provinces which means they must have a pipeline running through them. Rice is headed there this week and the 11th draweth ever closer as the rhetoric grows heavier; the US wants to 'penalize' Russia for its disproportinate response. All is happening for a reason and all the world is their stage.
Fay is to hit tomorrow and we must keep in mind that 'a natural disaster' could lead to martial law. Speaking of martial law, Denver has an old warehouse in use for 'undesirables' at the DNC as a processing/detaining center. No running water, limited toilet facilities and no phones. It seems there is a group called 'Recreate '68 (nonviolent protestors were confronted by angry police in Chicag) as they are protesting the Iraq occupation. The FOX reporter saw 'nothing wrong with it; just don't do anything to get yourself arrested.' I guess the key word would be 'wrong' as it would be defined by the powers that temporarily be. In China during the Olympics, 'wrong' is defined as being homeless, protesting, prostituting, anyone who upsets the status quo is fair game to be processed and detained. What an unusual world in such a relatively short amount of time.
I hope the storm has passed Sandra and there is some relief coming in the weather. It has been a very unusual year for weather in many places in the states and now the hurricane season starts.
Someone at one of the other sites mentioned that there were far less chemtrails in their state of California, and I have to say that they have decreased substantially in my area also in the last 4-6 weeks. Has anyone noted anthing in their area regarding chemtrails?
A training exercise in Ohio for bio warfare and in California for WMD, and on and on the stories go. On and on the world turns while we cling to our faith and convictions according to the Holy Bible. My prayer is for everyone to keep praying about everything and to stay watchful and sober...no matter how long it takes - never give up the good fight. As youngbrother points out, we have no choice, there is no turning back and no more doubts or fear; only love and trust in our Savior. Forever and ever.
Love to all and may His peace be with us all.
This issue with Russia has been brewing. I found this link on the issue of allowing missiles in Poland from a year ago:
My question is why does the U.S. think that Russia would not concider this a threat to their national security? Why is it Ok for the U.S. to do this and cause tension between the two countries but if Russia tries it in Cuba it is an act of aggression. Double speak is alive and well in this administration. Jesus would say what hypocrites this country is because of the illusion that we are the best and our actions are honorable. Listening to McCain this weekend and I realize what a warmonger he is and no thought in any of his answers. Just we are right and everyone else is wrong. Self-righteousness is the downfall of this nation and the Lord knows this nations' hypocrisy. Seeing the splinter in other nations eye and not the log in their own.
Love you sister
God Bless
And it does not look like this Georgian war is going to die down any time soon. The fighting has slowed down right now, but the war of words continues.
The world has been fed the lies of this being a righteous nation, anything we do is acceptable because of it and anyone who questions it is flat out wrong. I don't believe the lies anymore but there are many who do, and as we have pointed out regardless of the aggression by Georgia (US), the Russians are blamed. Everything that has ever been done by this country has been done to bring us to this point in time to achieve their agenda. Isn't it wonderful to know that they do not succeed?
Love to you Sandra, and looks like we have the whole place to ourselves! What great company for me! Love in Christ.
Check out this guy on youtube for synchronicity in movies, and how it relates to end times and other things. Very good videos!
Also, there are a lot of subscribers who have interesting comments about this guys videos.
Here is one of many that is on the joker in the Dark Knight along with a quote from the devil's advocate:
(As an Illuminati Pyramid of Money burns behind him) "Its not about the Money... its about sending a message...EVERYTHING BURNS" -Joker(Lucifer)
"Do I look like a guy who's got plans??...I try to show the Schemers how PATHETIC their attempts to control things really are...See I am an Agent of Chaos. Oh and you know the thing about chaos? Its fair." -Joker(Lucifer)
{Satan main gripe with God is that mans "Fate" above the Angels was "unfair"}
"You've got to be the little guy, dont ever let them see you coming...You'd never think I was a Master of the Universe, would ya??"-Lucifer to Keanu Reeves in the Devils Advocate
Also, Two Face flipping the coin to let "Fate" decide whether to Kill people or not reminded me of how in WANTED (starring Morgan Freeeman) the used the patterns of "Fate" in cloth to decide who to kill.
I believe movies nowadays are showing us what is to come.
When we as individuals try to point out the error in the thinking of this country we are labeled as unpatriotic. People do not want to know that our country has a long history of oppressing other people and nations for it's own self-interest and they do not want to wake up to the evil this country has done to others. I listened to some of Peter and Kevin's radio show today and this scripture was given which I think is relevant to the times we are living:
1 Thessalonians 5:1 - 5:11
Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Encouraging each other is so important during these times. We need to give each other strength and faith to go forth with the message of our Lord. You are a blessing to me FF with your steadfast faith and encouragement.
We are expecting stormy weather for the next couple of days so don't know if I will have the computer on during it.
Love to all
You are a blessing to me Sandra with your steadfast faith and encouragement. I hope the storms pass quickly with minimal damage and that you can check in occasionally. I would miss you way too much girl. You're always in my prayers and so close to my heart and this is a blessing from our Lord and Savior whom I praise for bringing you here. Perfect scripture is sooo beautiful and gives a serene feeling like nothing else. Keep shining my sister.
All you have to do is listen to our national anthem to know this nation glorifies violence and dominance and we sing it proudly.
I got to listen to the radio show today also. I really enjoy listening and wish it could only be longer. There is just not enough truth in this world and I never tire of hearing it. Keep fighting the good fight Kevin and Peter; you are so supported in thought and spirit.
Really great quotes and I agree with you, hints are everywhere for those who are alert. They are rather revealing quotes and they come directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak, because ~they~ have attacked us on every level especially the 'entertainment' industry they control and manipulate. Unfortunately it has worked like a charm on the masses, but all glory to God for opening our eyes and ears.
And setting us free.
In His precious Holy Name, love to all.
Thank you FF, I'm glad to hear that you were out there listening. Today we got our first caller who wasn't already a friend! We're going to continue with the theme of the Antichrist Candidates next week.
Sandra, it's wonderful how the Lord works. I brought up that same passage from 1 Thess tonight on the radio show. What a blessing to see that you were pondering on it as well. This is a very exciting time for us to be awake.
A really good read with so much truth to chew.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Amen, Annon. Keep looking up for our redemption draweth near. Thanks for that site; it has a lot of good information.
The news reported this morning that Fay has struck land, and is 'one of those unusual ones' that will turn around, strengthen and hit Florida tomorrow as a hurricane. Can these erratic paths really be natural?
youngbrother, your caller last night sounded like one of us which always uplifts me to know that there is another one of us out there.
Love to all.
NYC not only has surveillance cameras like they are planning for DC, but terror checks (random searches as well) that I had not heard of before. Things just keep getting stranger and stranger; this isn't in response to 911 almost seven years ago, this is in anticipation of the next event:
A drone responsible for the missile strike today in Pakistan? Musharref steps down and Pakistan gets hit:
I gave that scripture because I listened to most of your radio show and you read that scripture and I thought it was ideal for the times we are living in. I look forward to your subject on the antichrist Candidates next week. I am having a hard time deciding whether to vote. I have not voted since the 2000 elections and I thought I might try it this year but I am getting second thoughts on it. We had primary elections yesterday and I did not vote. My question to all that want to give their opinion is if "we participate in the General Election" are we partaking in Babylon? If we are to come out of her should we stay out of politics because we know that it is all part of a corrupt system. Any advise would be appreciated.
Thank the Lord that the storm did not hit my area last night. It was more down south and up north but we still have one coming in today so I am watchful. I have trees all around my place so I am extra cautious about having the computer on during a storm.
I believe there are signs even in movies also. It is nice to see you back.
That article was interesting. This paragraph stuck out to me:
"I have to say this. I do not know which is worse, the open brutality of both the Russians and the Georgians, or the preening, arrogant and naive response of the West. Georgia is where Stalin was born. Stalin was born in the city of Gori, where the West is upset the Russians bombed it. Funny, when the Georgians were shelling the capital of South Ossetia, killing hundreds, not a peep out of the West. It is this kind of arrogant hypocrisy that is going to get the West gutted like a fish. There are no good guys here. War crimes are the way things are done, and have been done for centuries over there. "
The stage is being set. The world needs Jesus more than ever. The hypocrisy is so plain to see and all we can do when we hear this administration take sides is to shake our heads and say "but you did the very same thing" but for some reason this country was right but others that don't bow down to us are wrong and evil. Frustrating to watch the hypocrisy.
Love to all
Talking about hypocrisy here is a list of the most visible:
God Bless
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
..'to stand before the Son of man'...imagine what that will be like.
It is indeed frustrating to watch the hypocrisy, but it is to be fully expected coming from the belly of the beast.
I am glad the storms missed you Sandra, and pray for the same today.
My humble opinion is that the election in November will not take place; all this is circus for distraction to deceive people into believing that things are 'normal' while their agenda is furthered.
God knows your heart in all ways and all things and He is just. I used to believe that voting was rendering to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but now in full view of the corruption, I have started to believe that it is part of believing the lies and I want no part of it. Once upon a time in fairy tale land when we thought it was our civic duty to do so and our vote counted, but not so anymore for me. I believe true elections with honest candidates ended with JFK before I was old enough to participate, with one exception of Jimmy Carter, but I no longer feel or have the desire to participate.
Rice signed the missile shield with Poland today and this will certainly escalate tensions. The more chaos the better for the neocons and illimunati.
Young Brother, when discussing the candidates for the antichrist and exalting himself above God and all, be sure to mention that George W. Bush after 911 said that he would exact infinite justice on those who caused this tragedy. It further enflamed the Muslim world who proclaimed the blasphemy, but the Christians cheered him on. ONLY GOD can exact infinite justice.
Love to all my brothers and sisters in Christ; keep praying and keep shining for His glory; the One whom we love and serve with all our hearts and minds.
Here is a video definitely worth watching on youtube:
Dark Knight - Joker vs. Jesus
I know that the election might not take place but I have to be prepared. Your humble opinion is much appreciated. I also use to think we could make changes if we got the right person in office but I don't believe that anymore. Even if they have good intentions they get swallowed up once elected. Can you imagine Jesus compromising his principles to get elected? He would have said it like it is and let people make up their mind. I so long for people who say it like it is instead of pandering but it will never happen because the system is corrupt. I know that I might be criticized for this but my spirit is not feeling good about the upcoming election. It could be because indeed it will not take place. If my spirit still has this uneasy feeling and we do have elections I don't think I can vote. If I voted I would be in the system still. That is just my humble opinion. Everyone has to decide for themselves if it is worth taking a chance.
There is no promise except the promise of our Lord. He is the only one who tells us the truth and his truth never changes.
Interesting video. I have no desire to go see the movie Dark Knight but I do know it is one of the hottest movies out right now. I remember Darth Vader in Star Wars and it seemed more kids were imitating Darth Vader than Luke Skywalker who represented the force of Good against the forces of evil. I was confused by that but this world does seem to go down the broad road of destruction. The joke in the end will be on all those who follow the man of sin thinking he is annointed by God. That is what the ministers have instilled in their flock when it comes to this present President.
Coverup by Bush:
Love to all
God Bless
Things are just all askew. Heath Ledger died mysteriously after that movie. I have no desire to see it either, and could never get into Star Wars, but this world is drawn to the dark side just as the video that Matt_333 claimed.
Sandra, I see nothing to criticize; someone else might. You can never go wrong listening to your Spirit. May you let it guide you wherever He may lead you.
Love you so much in Jesus' name.
Wow, I am sure out of it. I did not know Heath Ledger was joker in the movie Dark Knight. I learned this about him today after you posted that information:
In their New York Times interview, published on November 4, 2007, Ledger told Sarah Lyall that his recently-completed roles in I'm Not There (2007) and The Dark Knight (2008) had taken a toll on his ability to sleep: "Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night. ... I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going." At that time, he told Lyall that he had taken two Ambien pills, after taking just one had not sufficed, and those left him in "a stupor, only to wake up an hour later, his mind still racing."
Maybe playing such an evil part might have upset his soul and he was not able to really understand why he was having problems sleeping. I believe our soul knows when we go over the line into evil and tries to right the wrong. He tried with pills which was not a good choice.
Love to all
More on 27:
William Howard Taft was the 27th president of the United States and a member of Skull and Bones. His father, Alphonso Taft, was the founder of Yale's Skull and Bones. Alphonso Taft was also Secretary of War and Attorney General under President Ulysses S Grant.
Below -taken from Wikipedia - is the family history Alphonso Taft:
His son, William Howard Taft, was the 27th President of the United States and was a member of Yale's Skull and Bones like his founder father; another son, Charles Phelps Taft, supported the founding of Wolf's Head Society at Yale; both his grandson and great-grandson, Robert A. Taft I (also Skull and Bones) and Robert Taft Jr., were U.S. Senators; his great-great-grandson, Robert A. Taft II, was the Governor of Ohio from 1999 until 2007. William Howard Taft III was ambassador to Ireland; William Howard Taft IV worked in several Republican administrations, most recently that of George W. Bush.
Sandra, forgive me for skimming. I didn't realize that you were listening to the radio show. You should call in next week!
FF, that is an excellent point about Bush promising "Infinite Justice". As we get closer to the end, I get a mixed sense of dread and excitement.
Has anyone here even heard of the recent international wargame, "Operation Brimstone"?
matt_333, I believe that there are oodles of signs, and symbols in Hollywood. George Lucas is exposing the truth of the Nephilim in many movies (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). The Star Wars plot of the Rise of Emperor Palpatine is a direct parallel to the shenanigans of George W Bush and the Luciferian New World Order(and Phantom Menace came out in 1999, a few months before Bush even announced that he was running)...Movies like "They Live" and "The Matrix" tell the story of a battle going on while many are oblivious...and on and on.
Russia is threatening retaliation beyond diplomacy and Rice responds by saying that it borders 'bizarre.' If that isn't bizarre, I don't know what is! How incredibly bad they must want more war.
Over 250,000 civilians in Pakistan are displaced because of the increased fighting on the Northwest border.
Florida is flooding tremendously with Fay; so much so they have snakes and alligators in their streets and yards.
I hope the storm has passed in your area, Sandra, and I agree, there was more than meets the eye with Ledger's untimely death.
Times are strange indeed, but having His people here to share them with lightens the load and I am thankful for each one.
Young Brother, I heard of that operation last night, and thought 'how appropriate.'
I understand your thoughts about the mixed emotions and I think we all feel the same way. This is with our faith and insight. It makes you realize why people are more willing to put their head in the sand because of their lack of faith and trust in God.
I talked with the Associate Pastor at my work today about the Gog Magog war and he seemed like he couldn't concern himself with the possibility. And he is leading people. Many are called, but few are chosen. I still pray to be chosen; to be found worthy in some small way. I would have to say that I definitely feel more excitement.
Love you all.
What seems to me bizzare is infact a warship full of blankets, baby foods and hygiene products heading to Georgia. I guess a Naval cargo vessel would have been a better means of delivering aid than a destroyer. That move comes after Russia's warning to NATO of rearming Georgia.
Stay blessed and keep looking up!
There you are, Annon! Doing all the legwork and I am loving it. I am still on limited capabilities as the electric company is going to take forever to process our claim and we were told the other day that our homeowner's insurance does not apply. I lost a lot of sites in my 'favorites' so I really appreciate the links. Thanks for all your hard work.
I could see this brewing until 'September thee 11th' (as Bush says it) when ~they~ make their big move just as YB has said, and as nathandave says they are so transparent and predictable.
All the people that I have talked to believe that Russia is the aggressor and many will be screaming for war for their falsely perceived safety from the Bear. Everything is being so well spun by the evil ones and keeping people right where they want them. They are even deflecting suspicions of the Antichrist by portraying Obama as the most likely candidate. There is a new book out called "Obama Nation" (abomination) that they are crediting McCain's rise in the polls for and many still do not recognize the real mccoy.
Amen Annon - stay blessed and keep looking up. Pray about everything and be of good courage for our Savior will never abandon His people.
The storm was not too bad in my area. You are right about McCain trying to link Obama with the antichrist. They got a new ad out below:
Isn't it amazing that they have no problem doing this to Obama but we are considered crazy if we say it is Bush.
Russia is the bad guy to hear the administration and news media. Here is a link that gives more truth that you will not hear in the news media:
We see through their deception and the Lord is with us through the tribulation coming. The truth has set us free and it can do the same for others but they have to be willing to take the pill of truth which is hard for some to do. They have to take their blinders off and see this country for what it has done to others.
Keep the faith and love you guys
Just wondering where this tit for tat is leading us to.
Excerpt from the article below:
"It appears Russia is wasting little time responding to the neocon provocation of declaring its intention of installing missiles at Redzikowo, on Poland’s Baltic coast. Russia has dispatched the aircraft carrier at Admiral Kuznetsov to the Syrian port of Tartus. Admiral Kuznetsov, along with Russia’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear submarines, left Murmansk on the Barents Sea on August 18"
That is very interesting development and add to that currently New missile defenses being installed in Israel.
Stay blessed and keep looking up!
Unfortunately, we know exactly where this tit for tat is leading; the only real question is who will use their nukes first.
The Democratic National Convention is next week and Denver is already on 'high alert' the news reported. I don't recall Minneapolis being on high alert for the Republican National Convention. The news just reported that McCain's headquarters in Denver received threatening letters with suspicious white substance. This is why I can't hardly stand to listen - I am so fed up with the lies.
It so awesome watching prophecy unfold while the world keeps on keeping on like things are normal.
Glad to hear the storm wasn't intense, Sandra. Thanks for the site; it says it just like it is. Am I mistaken or is that the crew (antipas ministries) that have fled the US?
I remember when Putin was making a statement about Georgia becoming independent and he told Bush that since he had to let Georgia go, Bush should let the Lakota Nation be free from the US like they were seeking. I don't recall a response from Bush.
All praise to our Lord for the blessings His people continually bless me with and holy kisses to all my amazing sisters and brothers. You all are in my heart and my prayers and just think, the best is yet to come...rejoice and give Him thanks.
God is in control no matter what the enemy's lan is.
Stay blessed and keep looking up!
Great article, Annon. Sure explains the 'high alert' status and the two buildings they have set up with razor wire and electronic device usage (tasers).
Amen, Annon, our God is in control and He reigns and soon the whole world will confess. Yeah, I definitely feel more excitement.
Love to all.
More lies; and getting more desperate:
Yes it is the same group that went to Canada. They never made it and are back here in the U.S. setting up home visits to bring their message to believers. I communicated with them when they were warning everyone to flee. I told them that I live on a reservation and we are a Nation within a Nation and I will not leave because I will do my fighting here.
I woke up this morning all excited too. I can not explain it but I do know it is the Lord giving us peace in the midst of the storm.
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Acts 10:36
You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.
Thanks to all for their vigilant in searching for the truth and bringing us links to help us understand the times we are living in and not get caught up in this beastly system of corruption.
Love to all
He renews our faith daily does He not? What a joy witnessing your testimony of being of good courage.
I did not know that they never made it out of the US. Do you know what happened?
Watching the Body of Christ work is an amazing blessing. Thanks for the verses Sandra; goosebumps again. He is drawing closer. This I know for certain.
Here is a link to their failure and coming back to the U.S.
I think that the Lord wants us to stay here but spiritually get out of the system. That is why I am seriously thinking that voting would be putting me right back in the corrupt system. No politician is going to get us out of this mess. It will only be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Love you sister
God Bless All
Man, do I love you right back Sandra. Indeed, it will only be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will get us out of this mess.
Thanks for the link and you keep shining for His glory my sister; such as amazing blessing.
Love and prayers.
27 and its relation to Bohemian Grove:
As it says below, the camp takes place at a 2,700 acre secluded forest, and it ended this past year(2008) on July 27th(7/27).
"Outgoing President George W. Bush and both of his presumptive replacements John McCain and Barack Obama are rumored to be in attendance at this year's Bohemian Grove gathering, an annual get-together of the global elite staged inside a sprawling forest encampment which kicks off tonight and runs until July 27.
Bohemian Grove is a 136-year-old all-male encampment complete with restaurants, bars, stages and lodges, which caters to around 2,000 members of the global elite along with Californian hoi polloi on a yearly basis in July. The camp is set within a 2,700 acre secluded forest replete with giant redwood trees."
Another thing is 11
another thing is, 11 and 27 may both have importance with the occult(as 9/11 had a lot of 11s dealing with it in numerology).
I find it interesting that this past camp meeting started on the 11th and ended on the 27th of July.
Here is a bit of interesting stuff on 11 and 27 I found on a message board:
3 / 11 = .27 with 27 repeating
6 / 11 = .54 with 54 repeating
9 / 11 = .81 with 81 repeating
12 / 11 = 1.09 with 09 repeating
15 / 11 = 1.36 with 36 repeating
18 / 11 = 1.63 with 63 repeating
21 / 11 = 1.90 with 90 repeating
24 / 11 = 2.18 with 18 repeating
27 / 11 = 2.45 with 45 repeating
30 / 11 = 2.72 with 72 repeating
The repeating digits are below:
27 54 81 09 36 | 63 90 18 45 72
Notice that the pattern starts at 27 and once it reaches 36 the numbers reverse and end at 72. This pattern continues every 10 digits using multiples of 3 divided by 11.
Another interesting thing is that I've heard that some have found interesting correlations between 27 and 11. I've had people tell me "No, I don't see 27s often, but I do see 11s."
Thanks for the link on Bohemian Grove. That is one sick organization and it just goes to show us how corrupt in mind and spirit the leaders are in this country. I wonder if Obama did go to it. Just rumors are not good enough. I would like proof and I have been searching to see if he did but could not find anything. If you find out more information that he did go could you please let us know.
Love to all
Interesting stuff below.
-- 11/27/2007(or 27)"Anna"polis "Mary"-land Peace Conference
in this date we have two 27s and an 11 much like we have with the book of Daniel(27th book) Verse below
Book of Daniel(27)verse: 11:27
(2 27s and an 11 like the date above)
"Those two kings will want to hurt each other. They will sit at the same table and lie to eachother, but it will not do either one any good, because God has set a time for their end to come.
Fast-forward to July 11th 2008.
Bohemian Grove camp meeting with elite of the world started July 11th and ended July 27th.
Sorry.. should have included this in the last post in relation to the bohemian grove.
Like the "peace conference" above
With 2 27s and an 11, and the Book of Daniel Verse 11:27, with 2 27s(one being the 27th book) and an 11.
They seem to be following suit at Bohemain Grove(2,700 acres and held on the 11th-27th) with 2 27s(zeros could be considered not to count) and an 11.
Wow, Matt_333, that's amazing. Can you use it to look ahead at any possible dates for the next false flag? If we would really want to know...
Love always.
August 27th may be a day of choice for their next false flag. I wonder if FEMA is in Denver as they were in NY on 911.
The news reported last night that that by the end of the year the largest deployment ever will be shipped to Afghanistan. Which means ~they~ are setting up for more bloodshed and destruction in broadening the war. McCain, even though not President, has been mentioning the draft as reported on the Olbermann show. They just can't conceal their excitement at the thought of bringing democracy (death and destruction) to the whole world. What twisted souls we must dwell among. The only good purpose they serve is to make me ever more and more thankful to our Lord for His followers.
The Lord has made this day, rejoice and be glad in it giving thanks that He has called us out of the world while we are still in it. How amazing is our God.
Each and every one of you a part of my heart.
You are in our hearts too. It is so wonderful having our small community uplifting each other and not tearing each other down.
The news is all about the VP of Obama. All yesterday and today. The world is getting to be a dangerous place and all that is in the news is Obama's running mate.Prioities are all mixed up.
Love to all
More on 27 and also its connections to 11:
*The Binary expression of the number 27 is "11011".
Click the link below for in-depth *details - scroll a little past halfway to see the numbers(1-100 chart) converted to binary.
*September 11th has some good connections between 11 and 27:
(this could be God's way of revealing things to us, or this could be deliberately done by the Illuminati,Freemasons, Occult,etc... or It could be a combination of both.I believe it has more to do with God revealing things to us)
Connection 1:
For starters, I can't believe I didn't realize this when it was staring me right in the face.
9(or 2+7)/11
Connection 2:
(Again, this figure could of been made up by Illuminati, Occult, etc...,or it could be God revealing things to us.)
The official number of people killed in the World Twin Towers: 2792
2 + 7 = 9
9 + 2 = 11
27 + 92 = 119 = 11
92 - 27 = 65 = 6 + 5 = 11
The site above is a great, great site and goes into tons of detail on numbers and their connection to the bible, along with 11s(also tons of information on how 11 is extremely connected to 9/11(doesn't touch upon 27). It also covers 11 and how it relates to Urgency(the 11th hour mentioned a couple times in the bible), and how 11 is frequently used as judgment in the bible.
*Apollo 11 (27) went to the moon.The moon takes 27 days to orbit the earth.
(Again 2 27s and an 11!)
(Nasa is involved with the occult. There are/have been a number of 33 degree freemasons who were astronauts.)
*Walt Disney is 27,000 acres large.
*The Walt Disney company was founded in 1923, and in 1927 Walt came up with the idea for an animated mouse called Mortimer Mouse. His wife Lillian convinced him to change it to Mickey Mouse.
Walt Disney was a 33 degree Freemason.
This site talks about Walt Disney in full below:
"Walt Disney, he was a 33 Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite and his whole life he has spun threads from the Mystery Schools into the children's minds with the purpose of getting them used to the occult for days to come. Tolkien Walt used the Le Sacre du Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for Fantasia. This piece of music was written AS a pagan ritual where a virgin sacrifices herself by dancing to death. According to CIA informants opposed to the NWO, CIA contractors were brought in to build the underground tunnels under Disneyworld in 1977.
These contractors were sworn to secrecy, but were only informed on a need to know basis why the CIA was involved with an amusement park. To work on the secret tunnel project took an "Above Top Secret" clearance. A major programming center was constructed under Lake Holden. (Many of the lakes in Florida are named Lake So-and-so, rather than So-and-so La ke.) The tunnel system was built for programming trauma-based total mind-controlled slaves.
Here are some good quotes on numbers and the bible:
Bulllinger, writes in his excellent book, Number in Scripture:
"The question which we have to answer is--Is number used with design or by chance? Surely if God uses it, it must be with infinite wisdom and with glorious perfection. And so it is. Each number has its own significance . . . Numbers, . . . and their secrets, hold an important place in the words as well as in the works of God. . ."
(E.W. Bullinger, Number in Scripture, pp. 20-21)
Ed Vallowe, writes in Biblical Mathematics:
"If the Bible is an inspired Book as it claims to be, are not its numbers as well as its words inspired? One of its books is called 'Numbers'. . . One out of every five Scriptures in the Bible contains a number. . .The Bible is a book from beginning to end that is built upon a vast system of numbers which is interwoven with the doctrines of the Word of God."
(Ed F. Vallowe, Biblical Mathematics, p. 20)
The site at the top also covers the extremely strong connection of 11 to the events that happend on 9/11.
It also goes into great detail on 11 and how it relates to "urgency" and "judgment" in the Bible. I will give most of this information below)
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, the worst tragedy in the history of the United States occurred, as American Airlines Flight 11 bombed into the World Twin Tower. As authorities were frantically searching for what went wrong on Flight 11, just 55 minutes later, like a speeding missile, with 92 innocent people, American Airlines Flight 77 exploded through Twin Towers number two. No one who has seen the TV scenes of the airplanes turned deadly missile exploding into the Trade Center, full of innocent victims, can ever be the same.
Our country was shattered. . .
Our lives were shattered. . .
For many, their loved ones and dreams were shattered. . .
In such a terrible and senseless tragedy, it’s only natural to search for some possible "hidden" meaning. Is there a deeper reason for such a tragedy? Is God trying to get America’s attention? Why did God allow something so evil to happen? Could something so devastating, so evil, so senseless, happen and God not have something to say?
Many people have emailed about the numerous occurrences of the number "eleven" found in the disastrous events associated with the September 11th World Trade Center Bombing.
# The day of the attack: 11
# The Date of the Attack, Spetember 11 or 9/11 = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
# 911 is emergency number = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
# September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
# After September 11th we have 111 remaining for the end of the year.
# 119 is the Area Code for Iran & Iraq 1 + 1+ 9 = 11
# The first plane to hit one of the buildings was Flight 11
# The State of New York was the 11th State to join the Union
# New York City = 11 letters
# Afghanistan = 11 letters
# The Pentagon = 11 letters
# Flight 11 had 92 passengers, 9 + 2 = 11
# Flight 77 had 65 passengers, 6 + 5 = 11
# Twin Towers look like an 11
# Twin Towers had 110 floors
Another sad occurence of the number 9 and 11 is found in the official number of people killed in the World Twin Towers: 2792.
# 2 + 7 = 9
# 9 + 2 = 11
# 27 + 92 = 119
# 92 - 27 = 65 = 6 + 5 = 11
Does the repeatedly occurrences of the number eleven have a deeper meaning?
Or are they just a weird coincident?
Note. There is also another unusual occurrences of another number that we’ll look at later.
11 and its meaning of "urgency" and "judgment" in the Bible:
Same site:
What about the number eleven?
Is there a specific meaning connected with the number eleven found in the Word of God?
There are two clear meanings associated with the number eleven.
One meaning of the number "eleven" is urgent, the last chance, or something is about to happen.
This meaning is expressed in the "eleventh hour". The Lord Jesus Christ speaks of the number "eleven" only twice, both times in Matthew 20, in the phrase "the eleventh hour".
The "eleventh hour" is urgency, the last chance before something happens.
Matthew 20
20:1 For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.
2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
3 And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
4 And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.
5 Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
4 And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.
5 Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
6 And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?
7 They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.
8 So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.
9 And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny.
11 And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house,
12 Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.
13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?
In Biblical times, a day was measured in 12 hour increments, from sunrise to sunset, and the twelfth hour was darkness and night. So the phrase the eleventh hour referred to the very last hour, the hour just before sunset.
In Matthew 20, the Lord Jesus coined the famous phrase "the eleventh hour". The "eleventh hour" has echoed through the years as a warning or urgency: "time is running out" – "the last possible moment."
A few secular definitions of the "eleventh hour":
Idioms & Axiums currently used in America, says of the "eleventh hour":
"To come at "the eleventh hour" implies that it comes in the last hour before the deadline."
(Idioms & Axiums currently used in America, www.pride-unlimited.com/probono/idioms1.html)
Idiom Archive, writes:
"at the eleventh hour(adv) :at the latest or last possible time. The latest possible moment. Time just before it is too late"
(Idiom Archive, www.eltc.com/idioms.html)
InfoPlease, has under "the eleventh hour":
"The eleventh hour: the last possible moment for doing something: to change plans at the eleventh hour."
The number eleven is clearly connected with "the last chance".
Is the Lord sending America and the world an urgent "eleventh hour" warning? Are we standing at the "eleventh hour" before the "deadline"?
Are we watching the "eleventh hour" of a major event in human history?
Maybe. . .
The Bible plainly paints another portrait of the number eleven. One that unmistakably weaves throughout the Word of God.
And one that is much clearer. . . and much, much more alarming.
The Bible clearly associates the number eleven with "judgement".
The first "judgement" executed upon mankind after the fall of man, resulted from Cain killing his brother Abel. The judgement was executed in Genesis chapter four verse "eleven".
Genesis 4:11
And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
Somebody's probably thinking. . . Whoa! Just a minute. . . The chapter and verse numbers aren't "inspired" — there are no chapter and verse numbers in the "original Hebrew" manuscripts! So that eliminates any chapter/verse number "meanings".
If the chapters and numbers for the verses aren't "inspired" — are the "vowels" and "spaces"? There are no vowels, spaces or lower case letters in the "original Hebrew" text. (also the Hebrew text read left to right).
If only the "original Hebrew" manuscript is inspired, etc. — let's remove the spaces, vowels and lower case letters from the Old Testament! By doing so, can you read the following chapter?
Have we settled that?
Are we ready to proceed?
Thank you. . . ;-)
The second judgment was the flood of Noah’s day. The "judgement" was executed in Genesis chapter seven verse "eleven".
Genesis 7:11
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Noah had three sons; Shem, Ham and Japheth. Because that Ham looked upon the "nakedness of his father" God executed judgement against Ham’s son Canaan. Note: God couldn’t curse Ham because God had already blessed Ham in Genesis 9:1, so the curse fell to Canaan.
Genesis 9:25, describes the judgement of Canaan:
Genesis 9:25
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Ever wondered why God "judged" Ham's son Canaan? Ham had at least four sons; Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan (Genesis 10:6). Why the curse on Canaan? Normally, the curse or blessing is bestowed upon the first-born. Why the "cursed be Canaan"?
Was it because Canaan had "eleven" sons? The "curse of Canaan" was executed upon the "eleven" sons of Canaan.
Genesis 10:15-18
15 And Canaan begat Sidon (1) his firstborn, and Heth, (2)
16 And the Jebusite, (3) and the Amorite, (4) and the Girgasite, (5)
17 And the Hivite, (6) and the Arkite, (7) and the Sinite, (8)
18 And the Arvadite, (9) and the Zemarite, (10) and the Hamathite: (11) and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad.
The Bible describes the infamous "Tower of Babel". The Tower of Babel was Nimrod’s attempt to bring in history’s heralded "one-world-order". And God executed judgement on Nimrod and company by confounding their language, so they couldn’t understand each other:
The judgement on Nimrod occurred in Genesis chapter "eleven" verse seven.
Genesis 11:7
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
(I cut out right here, but the site continues on past this point with a whole heap more of information on 11 and Judgment)
Amazing. I have to admit I am terrible at numbers but it is fascinating how the number 11 comes up.
On another development Buchanan is accusing McCain's neocon warmonger of treason. Can it get any better than this.
Keep the faith
I am also terrible in numbers but it is really amazing.
Matt333, I came across this site and thought you would like it.
Stay blessed ya all.
Mat333, sorry I meant to post this link:
Interesting article...we need to know the truth that this government is hiding.
Love to all
Chantilly, Virgina was the where the Bilderberg Group Met earlier this summer. If you click on the link below, it will take you to the hotel's website they stayed at, which was the Marriott.Scroll all the way down to the bottom to get the number listings. The last for digits to the "toll free" number for the Marriott hotel are "5666".
Also, if you take 5666 and add each number together you get 23. 2/3= .666 repeating.
More 27:
*The European Union consists of 27 member states.
* This fall the EU will be electing its first president:
* Tony Blair's last day as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was 27 June 2007. He has a lot of support for becoming president of the EU.Some people believe Tony Blair is the Antichrist.
*The United States of America's Constitution has 27 total Amendments.
*Amendments 1-10 make up the Bill of Rights. 11-27 consist of the rest of Amendments.
*As of right now, Washington D.C is the 27th largest city, immediately behind Denver.
*I think I brought this up earlier, but all goods that are produced by Israel start with the barcode "729" which is 27^2.
*Random interesting event:
the fastest wooden roller coaster, and the only wooden roller coaster with a loop - "Son of Beast" -
had its official Debut on April 27, 2000.In 2006, the loop had to be removed when 27 people were injured because of it.Coincidence, or foreshadowing?
*The Large Hadron Collider(LHC),the worlds largest particle accelerator complex atthe size of 27 km, is almost done being constructed.Some people are afraid that this could create a black hole.
*The 27th state, Florida, also has area code "727", which covers Pinella's County(near Tampa) Florida.
I have some interesting math that I will be posting soon.
Thats amazing research you are doing. Keep up the good work.
Stay blessed.
These times are urgent, and I believe God has recently opened my eyes to some of his infinite wisdom due to these end times. We are in the 11th hour,I believe God has a message to the world, and these numbers will explain what his his message is(very long, make sure you go all the way through).
All these numbers relate:
Before I make this extremely important post - Take note at the time above 1:27 and the fact that the prior post was the 66th(66 book in the Bible -- book of man) when I began writing this post.
- 6 is the number of man(as the bible so plainly says)
- 27 is the soul of the universe(will explain later)
- 73(also 7+3=1, will go into geat detail about this later.)73 is the number of perfection, or in other words, our final destination.
Here is some math below. There will be a lot of math in this post. By the end of this post(will be really long), you will have a good idea of how these numbers relate and what they mean.
*144,000 will be saved(will be a lot of math on this later)
*Add up all the numbers 1-36 (1+2+3..etc...) and you will get 666. Remember 37(Remember this number.37(God source) and 27(soul of universe) and this "1-36"(material world)sequence above are all closely related and profoundly important - will explain much later)
This math directly below is not close as important as what comes later. I am saving the very best/most important math for later.
*144,000/666 = 216.216216216(repeating to infinite
Note the number 5666 -- I have seen the number a lot for a reason -- just like 27.
*Take 666. 6^3 =216
*144,000/216 - 666.6666666(repeating to infinity)
*Now take everything and go to the "thousandths"
*666/1000 can be rounded to 2/3(notice 23, we had "5666" earlier on the last post which also equals 23 -- I will share how I have seen these numbers constantly, the reason for it, and its connection to me on the next post.
*216/1000 is the same as 27/125
*2/3 times 27/125 = 18/125 =
.144 or 144 thousandths.
now note that:
This simply means that the material world "666" is being converted to the "spiritual" world "999" or Gods people.
*Very important: 27 and 37 strong relation:
As I said earlier, 1 through 36 is the spiritual world, 37 is the source/way to perfection/God(73), and 27 is the soul of the universe(as plato has said, I will show his platonic series later)
Believe me, this will be easy to understand once I go through all the math later.
Remember Genesis 1:27 Man and women were created in the image of God.Also, 37 leads to the source of our creation, God(will make sense later much later)
*37/27= 1.37037037
*27/37=.729729729(repeating to infinity). remember, the square root of 729 = 27.
*1/27= .037037037(to infinity)
*1/37 = 027027027027(to infinity)
*Take 27^2= 729. .729*37= 26.973
26.973 + .027 = 27
*Take 36^2 =1369 1.369*27 = 36.963
36.963 + .037 = 37
*27*37=999(spiritual world)
27 in binary is 11011.
27 is the largest of the integers making up Plato's Lambda:
Plato called "27" the soul of the universe
For Pythagoras and Plato "37" was a holy number, and maybe they got it from Egypt.
In the Pythagorean triangle with side units 3, 4 and 5, the angle from the bottom up to the top is 37 degrees. The side in the triangle with 5 units is symbolizing the "path of return", it is rising up from the bottom of the triangle and back to the source from where everything came out in existence. So 37 is pointing the way back to The Father and the Source.
Jesus, with the greek gematrian value 888, is 37 x 24. Christ =1480 = 37 x 40, and so on. There is a lot of 37 both in the Old and the New testament.
37 is also like a "cosmic key", causing the existence to move on from level to level:
37 x 3 (1+1+1) = 111
37 x 6 (2+2+2) = 222
37 x 9 (3+3+3) = 333
37 x 12(4+4+4) = 444
37 x 15(5+5+5) = 555
37 x 18(6+6+6) = 666
37 x 21(7+7+7) = 777
37 x 24(8+8+ = 888
37 x 27(9+9+9) = 999
So Man is developing from 666 (= "the Beast", the physical/emotional/mental body and earthly existence), through 777 (completion and also greek gematrian value for cross/stauros), and 888 (transcendence and greek gematrian value for Jesus), up to the Father, the spiritual fullness and heaven in 999. This happens through the work of 37.
37 has also several other meanings, for instance a hexagon can consist of 36 + 1 = 37 units. The unit in the centre of the hexagon is number 37 and symbolizes the spiritual seed or Higher Self/ Christ Consciousness, surrounded by 36 other units (1+2+3+4+...36 = 666 = the physical world).
With this newfound knowledge on 37 and 27 - check out this chart below, which connects 11,27,37,72,73 all together. I will explain how all of these numbers relate after.
3 / 11 = .27 with 27 repeating
6 / 11 = .54 with 54 repeating
9 / 11 = .81 with 81 repeating
12 / 11 = 1.09 with 09 repeating
15 / 11 = 1.36 with 36 repeating
18 / 11 = 1.63 with 63 repeating
21 / 11 = 1.90 with 90 repeating
24 / 11 = 2.18 with 18 repeating
27 / 11 = 2.45 with 45 repeating
30 / 11 = 2.72 with 72 repeating
The repeating digits are below:
27 54 81 09 36 | 63 90 18 45 72 (73
Remember how 11(11th hour "urgency "and "judgment" explained in earlier post) relates to 27.Notice how through the chart we see each number being divided by 11.At the bottom we are given the results of numbers divided starting with 27(the soul of the universe) and ending with the mirror image of 27 - 72.Notice that the 36(remember 1-36 added up is 666 and is the material world) is the last number in this series before the mirror images start to happen and we end up back at 72(the end/ or mirrored trap of the materialism world.)
Notice the "37" I inserted directly above and at the middle of the chart.Remember the mirror of 37 is 73(God).37 exists outside of the materialism world, and is basically God's hand reaching out to us, waiting for us to grab it(take faith in him) so he can take us out of this materialistic world and lead us back home to our creator/God(73).I inserted 73 at the end of the chart to show you how 27*37=999(spiritual) and bypasses this mirrored trap(27-72) of material existence. Without 37(or in other words - our Faith/Trust in Him that leads us to perfection/God(73)), we stay in this material world.
This is why we see such a strong connection between 27( remember Genesis 1:27 and soul of the universe - or collective souls)
and 37(Faith/trust -our link to our final destination, God/perfection(73)7+3= completion 1.
Now we bring in 11 and connect it to the other numbers(27,37,73)
As said above, 11:11 has to do with the bible and the 11th hour(urgency) and the judgment(11 connects very strongly to this, and is illustrated in a post above) that is coming soon.
11 and 27 connect strongly. We already see this in the math I have in previous posts with 9/11, Bohemian Grove,and the Anapolis conference to name a few.
What could this message mean?
Simple. The the collective soul of the universe(27/us) are being forewarned in an urgent manner(remember 27 in binary is "11 011")that these are the end times and our last chance before judgment.We need to grab God's hand which has always been reaching out to us,and trust/have faith that he will take us out of this material world and lead us home to His Kingdom(73).
Take note of the date FF mentioned about a possible terrorist attack.
August 27 or (8/27)
As I was doing my research on 27, I created a thread on 27 at GLP.I god a weird post from someone, and I'll post it in full below.
Here is the post below from GLP:
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 46267
6/25/2008 12:34 AM
GOOD WORK.. however, to take you closer
go to the knowledge of the ENNEAGRAM..how it is utilized
also realize the significance of 27/37 and 37/27
and look at the HYDROGEN ATOM.. etc..
GOD in the ASARU language constructs is
37... 4.. or FOR 37... the perfection number... 73
the ILLUMINAZI CABAL USES THIS ALL THE TIME> hence their chapter of REVELATION by a REPTILIAN CABALIST!.. THE PLAY of 27 72= to the finish line.. the REVERBERATING 73-1... back to the beginning..
I didn't understand this post all at first, but it did direct me into looking into 37.A month or so passed and I forgot about this post. I started getting a desire to investigate into other prominent numbers such as 27,11,37,73, and 23.After another month, it finally all clicked(I think God opened my eyes).
I think it is possible that the poster above could of been an angel directing me in my research.
Check out this site:
This site talks about the ASARU Language which is found in the post directly above.
"Why the reptiles(I believe they are Zionists) put those they hate in 4 plus 8 math usage."
"IN DI AN.. 15 _41_15= 6 +5+ 6... 11=2 +6= 8.. death.. end of the octave.. genocide.. etc.."
"the even numbers 4 and 8 are processing numbers.. transforming to energy.. or the wheel of life and death.."
What they say about the number 8 is interesting. We just had the 8/8/8 olympic games, and now, as FF mentioned, we have 8/27(soul of universe, us) coming around, and it wouldn't be surprising if a false flag happened on this date.
I am going to do some more research into this "ASARU" language. I'll post what I find on the next post as well.
The next post I make will be on how these numbers deeply connect to me through my birthday, sightings, and events, and how I believe God has a purpose/meaning behind all of this.
I meant to post this very important part as well.
Take 27.......72, or the material world. In order to leave this world and get to the spiritual world we need to Trust God and let him guide us(27,material world) home to His Kingdom(73).
Remember Israel's Bar code for Its Goods it produces?Its 729 if you didn't remember).Take note that the digits of 73 added togther = 7+3 which equals one.
This is possibly a sign for God's return to make Israel right and rule over it, since if you take the completion of 73(7+3) you come up with "1" and 729+1 equals God's Kingdom on Israel/Earth.
I am amazed even in my limited understanding of your work and have no doubt that the Lord is revealing a very important message. Thank you for the blessing of your work and faithfulness, and these words which resonate so deeply:
We need to grab God's hand which has always been reaching out to us,and trust/have faith that he will take us out of this material world and lead us home to His Kingdom(73).
Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.
Amazing work Matt_333 and I am so thankful you are here to share this with us...I would bet the Catholic church would have no use for this inspired message and this is how you know you are where you belong...with us.
Keep going; I am praying for you and looking forward to your next post.
matt_333, you deserve to be a co-author of this blog. Please email me at youngbrother@rocketmail.com so that I can send you an invitation. This number issue is very interesting (and way over my head, for the most part). If you wouldn't mind posting it on the blog, instead of in the comments section, we might be able to get a little more traffic exposure to it.
I also wrote about "The Treacherous Tongue" over at my 9-11 Antichrist blog, but I don't want to double-post everything over here.
I hope everyone else is hanging in there alright.
Like minds think alike. I was thinking the same thing. That Matt_333 should become a co-author on this site and post his interesting views on numerology. I was going to tell him exactly that when I read your comment.
I hope you consider YB offer. I am not good at numbers but you sure make it interesting and I am beginning to pay more attention to numbers. I just realized that I have this CD I love to listen to and always play a song called "God's Will" and guess what. It is number 11 on the CD.
God bless all
How about I copy and paste most of what I said on here onto the main site. Would that be alright with everyone?
Also, how do I join as a co-author on this site? Are there any directions that someone can pointme towads,or can someone explain to me how to join this site as a co-author?
Matt_333, email young brother at the address given and he will send you a link. Blessings my brother.
Maybe a little unusual and there was no warning given:
We have to realize that all the systems that Satan uses to mock God were first from God such as numerology and astrology. ~They~ use them for evil. It is a blessing to see the wisdom be returned/used for good.
Sandra, that is too cool that the song you always play is number 11 on the CD.
Man do I love His people that gather here and the joy it brings. Holy kisses and love to all.
Hard to watch because the video is blurry, but more so because of the evil and corruption committed against children by the illuminati that was not allowed to aire:
Copying and Pasting will work great, I'm glad that you're interested in joining up. FF is on point (thanks!)
I'm also very relieved to hear that Hanchett is monitoring his blog again. It would be nice if we heard from him, but that's never really been his style.
Once I get my email from YB, I will start posting as a co-author. For now I'll continue to post on here, and I will copy and past onto the main page once I get it all set up.
Remember the Marriott Hotel in Chantilly Ohio where the Bilderberg Group stayed at and Its toll free number 5666(added together you get 23)?
I found a link between the Marriott hotel and the occult, Illuminati, Freemasons.
Check out this site:
Check out the quote Immediately below the Masonic temple picture at the top:
"The Masonic temple in Providence, R.I., which was abandoned before its completion in the late 1920s, is set to open next spring as a Marriott Renaissance hotel."
* Check out how many luxury rooms(note the palindrome) are in this former Masonic temple:
"In April, it is scheduled to open as a Marriott Renaissance hotel, with 272 luxury rooms, a ballroom, a lower-level restaurant and lounge, meeting rooms and a fitness center."
Also, Notice the "23" associated yet again with Marriott
"Despite the temple’s optimistic cornerstone, which is carved with a “1949” date, the state did nothing with the building."
1+9+4+9 = 23
Back to 27,36,37,72, and 73
God is giving us signs constantly in anything and everything.
I'll try to make this simpler and give a few examples...Once people start catching on, I'll try to connect world events(Like the EU 27 states and Washington, 27th largest city) to Antichrist rule/future rule and so on.
Take the man that was struck by lighting on 7/27/1980. Twenty-seven years later he was struck on the very same day - 7/27/2007(0r 27)
Someone seems to be trying to tell us something. Seems like "27" is a serious number.
*Take the roller coaster "Son of Beast" and It's subtle connection to 27 given in detail above. This very well could be God showing us subtly that 27(material world and soul of Universe) is connected to the Son of beast. The Son of beast could stand for the Antichrist(material king 27, could even be trinity)coming to rule/already ruling the material world/soul of Universe(27).The soul of the Universe(27 - our collective souls) are at stake in this spiritual battle and subject to the evil trinity right now.If we can turn to "Faith in Jesus"(37) to lead us home to "the Father(73)" and escape this material world(It's key to check out the chart 27---72 below)we will make it to his Kingdom of everlasting life(73).
I will post the important part of the chart below. Make sure to check out the paragraph above and study it a bit if you don't understand what I just said.
he repeating digits are below:
27 54 81 09 36 | 63 90 18 45 72 >73
Look at 27 - 27 could be man(soul of Universe -- Materialism world)at the beginning of a journey to God.Note the 36 at the half-way point before the mirror-image change). We could take the the non-spiritual materialistic way which ends at 36 and if we miss the link(37 - Faith in Jesus who leads us to the Father))we fall into the mirrored trap of the material world (27---72) and do not reach our maker's Kingdom(73). Notice 37 and 73 are not on this chart, that is because they are in the "spiritual" world not the "material" world. We have the choice(free will) to follow and have "Faith in Jesus"(37) who points/leads us to the father(73).Again, If we make the right choice, we(27 material world, Platos soul of the universe) join through faith with Jesus(37) who then takes over our lives and leads us to the father. If we make the wrong choice(note the critical point 36)we fall into oblivion back into the material world(72)short of God(73).
This has always been for me a spirited debate, though hot at times, but not hate filled anger.
YB refused to address my questions and it get frustrating. Plus you keep confusing judging for love, which is very weird to me. Once and for all, convince me I am wrong.
"What I did say is that Gay Christians exist,"
Did you mean ex-gay? Then we totally agree! I have never said that sinners cannot be saved. If repentance and reform are genuine, prior homosexual actions should not be a bar to church membership or ministry, as all Christians are reformed sinners.
If not civilly please, tell me how you can just discount Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9.
How to love thy neighbor was described in Leviticus 19:17-18, right?
For all of our sake, please unwind that rubber band that is so tight. Convince me I am wrong or concede you cannot refute my points and I win the debate.
You said Proverbs 8:13 "he fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate."
Which I agree 100% But then in the same breath you said:
"Sometimes that which we fight against, we become."
Are you claiming that Jesus is evil? Are you claiming that since y'all fight very hard against GW, that he is the antichrist, that y'all will become antichrists? I don't understand the logic. Please help me understand.
"when Bush leaves office, you supported him in thought and word."
Again this is not logical and plain false. Just because I don't believe he is the antichrist doesn't mean I follow him. You are being absurdly illogical.
I am searching for truth and I will not drink the "kool-aid." You should all like my character, that I don't just follow whatever someone claims, I make sure it is of truth (God) first. Is that a bad thing? With all do respect please show me your logic.
If anyone doesn't understand some of the things I said in the last post above, please feel free to ask a few questions.
Continuing on...
Btw.. isn't it odd that I posted the past post at "7:29 eastern "time", and I am now jumping to Israel(barcode 729) again to talk about its corruption and deception and how God(73) will change this "materialistic" capital of the world in an instant when he (7+3= completion 1) rules Israel(highest materialist power in the word, as the number says to 27^2 or "729")
(God 73 or 7+3= completion 1)1+729= God 73 or completion 1 where he Brings his Kingdom to the most evil nation in the world, full of deception and lies, and turns it into the "perfect 73 and complete 7+3=1)Kingdom.
Lets take a look at the current Israel.
What would be the ultimate deceptive plan of the devil?
To take over and control supposedly God's nation Israel(Physical, materialistic world right now, 729)which really isn't the case at the moment, as we all know that God's "spiritual" Kingdom of Israel(73 perfect completion) has yet to come.
Who is the devil tricking? Well, lots of people right now actually.
he turns a "materialistic" nation and twists the Lords words on Gods "spiritual" Kingdom that has yet to come to deceive us like the deceptive Cameleon he is. We(well not us, but the a large portion of this world) equate current Zionists(or synagogue of satan spawn) as "God's chosen people" and thus Israel is supported and not questioned, because if we question the zionists we are labled anti-semite, or sinners because we are going against God's "chosen people", when in fact we don't hate jews, we hate those that say they are jews, but are not,and are of the synagogue of satan.
Come on people, it's plain as daylight.(excluding the regulars at this board).
wouldn't the most deceptive way be the most likely route of the Devil?
The mostmaterialistic/evil/deceptive nation of the World Israel(729 being strongest materialistic number, and the barcode number for the goods they sell.... hmmm) is obviously Israel. It is the Devil's throne right now, until God "73" returns and defeats "material" Israel and creates his "spiritual Kingdom"(7+3=(missing piece:1) +729 = 73(spiritual perfection) and this obviously goes back to "1" completion of his kingdom
The next few weeks even days could be crucial.
Indeed we are living in interesting and exciting times.
Stay blessed and stay tuned.
YB why are you calling me a liar?
My current blog states:
"Be kind and I will keep the comments up and moderation off, you are free to express yourselves. Please try to understand others, we all have our opinions. I want you to be heard so please engage in the conversations. We seek to debunk atheists and their philosophy , but not attack them personally. Debunk the person logically, but personal attacks is no way to do it. Keep the ad hominems out of the conversation. Personal attacks is unnecessary and wastes our time. I will delete personal attacks. Please be respectful with the language also. Just use some proper decorum, please. Limit your c/p (copy/ paste) and use links if you can."
I will accept your apology, if you are man enough to give one.
With all due respect, I will address your two concerns to me and then I will not respond or read any more of your posts. You are creating a diversion and I will not have anything more to do with your distracting from a much more important message. I hold you as well as those who are lost and/or misguided to be found. The rest is God's work.
Jesus is perfect. We are not. When you understand this you will know that Jesus cannot even be tempted to do evil much less be any part of it. Unlike us in our fallen unfortunate current, but temporary (thank you Jesus) state. Why would anybody have to have this explained to them who claims to know Him?
The last and final response is for you not being able to even think about the possibility of Bush not leaving office (when you would use your words of 'nana nana boo boo' - you do remember that, right?), you supported Bush in your thoughts and then your words.
I am dusting off my feet and moving on.
Dan now has put the deleted comment that you took off your blog and put it here. It does not make sense here because others don't know what he is responding to and he looks foolish. It sounds like someone not quite right in his mind and makes no sense to those who were not in on the discussion and responding to his accusations on your other blog site. That is so mean spirited of him. It seems he wants to embarrass you and all he is doing is making a fool of himself. Now watch he will say I am judging him but he can throw his accusation out but then cries foul when it is done to him.
"Do unto others what you would want to be done to you." If you accuse us than in affect you want it done to you so stop acting childish when we throw it right back at you. Take it like a man.
Hang in there Young Brother. Don't let him get to you. You have my support and I know your love and devotion to spreading the word on the times we are living in.
Good advise sister. Shake the dust off and move on. He is distracting us from the more pressing issues of our day.
I am so amazed, blessed, bewildered and thankful for what you are revealing.
The deception of the Zionists surrounding Israel has become a strong area of interest for me since dwelling among them at one of their websites. The overall mindset for war against Israel's enemies is expected if not demanded, and in our Lord's precious Holy name, and if you do not support this belief then you are an enemy. You know these are the ones that would have us hunted down and turned over for death because this is the fervishness of their (deception) belief.
The msm news reported a new storm that is already hurricane strength that he reported came out of 'nothingness.'
Rice is going to Israel. Cheney is going to Georgia on the 2nd. Tibet had a 6.3 earthquake today and India has 1 million people displaced from flooding caused by Monsoon rains (which may be usual, but the end result of human suffering and misery remains the same) and the economy (global) dropped drastically the last I heard earlier today.
Speaking of numbers in a somewhat different way...but when I have read articles about the Georgian (George) conflict some say 8-7-08, and some say 8-8-08. It just caught my eye and the discrepancy must be explained by the other side of the world being ahead of us; making the date where we are 8/8/8. Wanted to mention that, not sure why, but there it is.
At another site I learned that Stalin had actually changed his name and was actually a Jew (as in the bad variety), but also that the ending of the current sitting president of Georgia's last name that ends in 'shvili' is translated in the Georgian language to mean 'son' or 'son of' and found that of to be of a little interest. I read an article recently that he has squashed free speech and declared martial law because so many are protesting his leadership.
Annon, going to check out your article.
I have no more words right now, only prayers, prayers and more prayers...for all of you and for everything.
Dan, this is ridiculous. How am I acting like a child? Aren't you throwing a temper tantrum right here and now? Have you no sense of decency? Are you too far gone?
In Matt 7:6, Jesus said "“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."
Are you the bearer of pearls, or are you the swine? Either, or, it's better if you leave now. You're acting more and more like a jerk, and why? Because you got kicked off my blog? Because I pointed out to you that you're a liar and a hypocrite? God caused you to lie, because you do not love the truth so much as the pleasure of winning a debate.
You are a classic example of someone who refuses to repent. You are fighting and becoming irrational and frenzied in order to avoid being pegged for obvious wrongdoing. Your posts will be either ignored or deleted. Please take the hint and go back to your blog.
"729" is Israels mark of the beast or square root of which is 27(false rise of trinity).This is the king of Materialism Israel's good's bar code is 729 or the mark of the beast 27(the knew antichrist/trinity rising.
Note today I found out the connection between 27 and 23.My old address in Texas was 27023 or 2723.Also take the 7"23" at the end, flip it and you get 3"27"(This deals with song later).The Symbol of the old beast(2/3 = .6666 that is cast into hell for 1000 years, rising st the end,as the new evil trinity(3^3) or 27, the mark of the beast(Israel bar codes for their prefix= 729 square root 27.
Note the song I head earlier today at my epiphany realizing 27 and 23 were connected, 23 being old antichrist cast to hell, and 27 being new antichrist coming to poer 8-27-08.
This song is called "machine" by static X. It is 3"27" long.flop it and you get the old antichrist 723
Notice this (327-723)This is the 27----36----72 chart that I listed a few posts back. It represents the materialistic world we are in.
Here is what it was repeating over and over when I realized this 2723 connection to antichrist.
"you are no longer apart of the machine) over and over and over
Next song By steven Curtis Chapman
"live out loud"
Frequently said, if you are a believer get the word out, if you are a believer get the word out"
and "lalalala live out loud"
It's time to spread the word about the new coming beast on "8-27-08"
We have to get people to turn to Jesus our Lord and Saviour for faith and the Truth before the spiritual battle of "8-27=08"
Notice all the violent movies on T.V. Currently "Mortal combat" is on channel 23 at my house.
Also, I saw Obama's vice president, Biden in full huge white text on national televesion(news station) which said "Give them the Devil" This was on the screen for almost a good two minutes.
like the 27-------72 material world says on the chart I posted earlier.
We are traped between the old antichrist and the new antichrist in the material world
and this is were we get the 33 degree mason folks.
sorry last tidbit is (327-723)
trapped between the materialism old new antichrist 27-72 material existence.
And this is where we get the 33 degree mason(327-723) 33.
If you don't know the 33 degree freemason its youtube time.
Notice people.
Psalm 23 is God's protection of Faith/Trust in him against the first attack of the antichrist whowas cast to hell for 27 years)
Psalm 27 is his protection through faith/Trust in him against evil(3^3 or evil trinity 27 antichrist)
It all comes down to Faith folks!
Believe in Jesus, shout it from the roof tops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
27 was a typo above it was a 1000 years, or then again (((was it)))).... look at 11 at th very bottom that was a typo too or was it?
Just like 11 after the end of the shout of rooftops, I didn't mean to type that. 11 is connected to th 11th hour in the bible or 11:11 or
Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Do not be surprised if tomorrow, the day the false trinity(27)and Jesus(888)Holy Spirit and God "the true trinity" start the battle on 8-28-08 for our souls passes quietly.However, remain Vigilant!
Your Brother in Christ,
"8-27-08" important correction
Wow Matt_333, tomorrow could very well reveal a big revelation...don't know what else to do except keep on trusting God and praying about everything. Thanks for your work and dedication.
I can't wait to shout from the rooftops. Love in our Savior's name and may He continue to bless you so you may bless us.
Would love to hear nathandave's thoughts. Missing Ali and Mhoram, Kelly, Josh and others. All are in my prayers.
Hurricane Gustav is gaining strength - expected to his the US this weekend; hitting Haiti today with the eye expected to hit Port Au Prince that has 3 million people living there.
All things are being revealed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will not abandon us - quite the opposite. Rejoice and give Him thanks and praise.
Looking forward to the radio show tonight.
My brother Matthew,
I hope you are resting. I have to ask if you are mathematically inclined, or if this is just given?
In love for our Savior.
You are way over my head on all these numbers. I knew I was not good at numbers but reading your post just confirms it more. Let me ask you do you believe Jesus is 888 and how does that play into what happened on 8/08/08 with the conflict in Georgia/Russia. Now we are coming up again with 8/28/08.
Do you believe the battle will be spiritual on 8/28/08 or are you talking about a real war?
You are such a blessing giving us your positive message of hope in the midst of the storm. I agree we should be rejoicing because our salvation is drawing near. The forces of evil are being revealed and we have a choice on our path. Give praise to God for revealing his truth to his people.
Hang in there. You are a blessing to all of us. Don't let him pull your strings. That is what he is trying to do. Turn him over to God and let us go on with our message of hope and love for all his people.
God Bless
I love you Sandra.
Are Matt_333 and Matthew the same person?
I think they are different but I could be wrong. When you sign in you give your email and password before your name appears so that is why I think they are different people. What about it Matt_333??
Love and Blessings from your sister in Christ.
Good point, Sandra. I thought about that after I thought the were the same person because the message is so similar. We may be doubly blessed!
Without being able to adequately put it into words, isn't it so strange thinking that something major is going to be revealed tomorrow, or soon, that will change everything, and yet all we can do is carry on as normal while trying to further His Kingdom.
The directing pastor at the large church where I am employed is busying himself with what color bags to purchase for welcoming visitors...
Yeah, I am ready to shout from the rooftops.
Hurricane Gustav could become a cat 4 and will likely threaten the whole Gulf region including the oil rigs:
It is just as Jesus said. People will go about their daily lives oblivous to the signs all around us. Your assistant pastor is an example of it. What color of bags to give vistors is a prime example. The world is falling apart and there is such hurting going on in the world and all he is concerned about is colored bags. What church is it?
Stayed blessed and watchful my friend.
Matthew 12:38-40
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.”
39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
You said that Jesus rose at the beggining of the 3rd day but if what Jesus says here is true he could not have risen on sunday.
3 days would be sat, sun, & mon.
3 nights would be fri, sat, & sun.
He must have risen on monday night witch would be the begining of tuesday. Is this not correct?
Even if you count friday as one of the days it still does not work out.
3 days fri, sat, sun.
3 nights fri, sat, sun. Even in this scenario the earliest he could have risen would have been monday at daybreak.
Since I will presume the words of Jesus are true then the church must be lying about sunday.
Welcome, but I have no answers for that. I try to treat everyday as the Sabbath and worship and praise our Lord in thought, word and deed. It will take a better mind than mine to get around that. Things have been messed up for a very long time.
It is a United Methodist Church. 150 years old - one of the oldest and best known in my area. It is slowing dying; I am witnessing it now.
Love to all.
Hey everyone, I came across this very interesting article about a card game that came out in 1995 (Illuminati: New World Order), this game predicted a "terrorist" attack on the World trade Center, and the Pentagon, as well as the rewriting of history.
We all know the WTC was struck first in 1993, but it didn't collapse. The card shows the tower on fire above the city skyline anyway...it's a very interesting article that I haven't even read all the way through yet, but here you go:
Sandra, I'm trying to keep my composure...you and FF have really helped me. I don't always ask for help when I need it.
Hello my name is matthew, i am the friends of your matt_333.
I am here to tell you that what matt_333 has posted here has warped his mind.
The numerology that Matt_333 has been displaying has shown that it has tried to destroy him.
Tonight i was with him and he was doing his numbers and he proclaimed to me that he was the son of mary and god. That he would die tonight at *midnight*.
I pointed out to him that his math was wrong and he told me that i was so right. That the devil was trying to deceive him into killing himself in the name of the lord.
I then took him home where he proceeded to beg for mercy and ask to die because he had tricked you all with his numbers.
His last request before he passed out after three straight days without sleep and hardly any food was for me to come on here and tell you all of the betrayal that has made him so weak.
The Numbers that he was studying have made his mind weak and sick and i only hope that he will recover. I am sure through faith and prayer he will be alright.
I ask you all to pray for him and watch for evil wherever it may lie.
thank you
matthews dear friend matthew
I have been wanting to give you my thoughts (for whatever it's worth)on Obama's attendance or non-attendance at the Grove because I know you would really like to know. It can't really be proved either way, but I really believe Obama is a prop brought to us by the illuminati to offer false hopes and distraction so more likely he was there as not...just my thoughts. His choice of Joe Biden is pretty revealing as Biden has talked about the NWO, and according to Alex Jones' site he had a part and/or knowledge of 911.
I got to catch the second half of the radio show and was overjoyed to hear there is another one of us out there - I am always amazed at how uplifting that is; pure joy. I completely agree that there are no coincidences with God and really enjoyed the part about the symbolism of the burning bush. Our God is so amazing; just look at His people to get a glimpse. That card game is another example. When the 666 number was being discussed it made me think back to the 2000 election debates between Gore and Bush (for the first time ever I was paying attention to the candidates), and I heard Bush say something about the internet because that was one of the issues they were staging against the staged Gore, but anyway, Bush said that you 'couldn't get on the internet without using my name.' I wasn't sure I heard him right and let it go. Until fairly recently someone here (I think it was here) posted that W had the numerical value of 6 in the Hebrew language, and then it made sense - every web address started with www. It was more solid proof not just coincidence. Like we have said, signs are everywhere and everything is just as Jesus has foretold and it is a remarkable journey witnessing it and having His people to share it with.
Whether something more is revealed shortly we know anything can happen at any time but it will still be the day the Lord has made. I had a passing thought about a midweek timeline with Wednesday being a halfway mark, but I know the Bible uses years in Daniel's timeline. We all know God's time is not the same as ours and maybe the second half of the tribulation is being ushered in. Would love to hear any thoughts or insights. Matt_333 also mentioned it in the way of a more empowered antichrist.
Sounds like the police are acting up a bit in Denver; they kicked the official press out and people are detained - didn't catch much more detail. Anything can happen, and as always but more than ever, trust and follow Jesus. This revelation that is upon us is about Jesus, it's all about Him; the way, the truth and the life. His plan is perfect; this we know for certain.
As always, love in His name to all.
If what you say is true, then you have been a good friend to matt_333. It sounds like he has had a breakthrough. The devil is furious, and he will attack and devour as many saints as he can before he is bound up. But God is in control, and we are in His protection. I'm sure that everyone here will be praying for matt_333. This is serious business, our enemy is very upset.
"War with Russia is on the agenda"
Stay blessed and keep watching.
...and the threat from the othr side can't be underestimated either.
Stay blessed and listen to His Voice for he speaks one way or another.
My prayers are with Matt_333. His numerology was way over my head and since I know numerology is used by the occult I have never been one to get involved with it. I remember watching a movie recently with a man obsessed with number 23. It was called The Number 23 with Jim Carrey. He saw it in everything. It was a strange movie. If the occult uses it and he was trying to crack the codes it is very possible it begin to break him down. I think we need to focus on Jesus.
Thank you for your opinion on the Grove. I do know that politics is not of Jesus. All you have to do is watch how they tear each other down and see the speck in their brothers eye and not the log in their own. We are in such an interesting time where their hypocrisy is exposed fairly quickly. They attack their opponent and we can search and find that they did the same thing in their past. I was told by a tribal chairman that he considered the internet and computer a tool of the devil. I told him "well than we better learn to use it so that we can turn it into good instead of evil. If true followers of Christ don't use it than it will be used to further evil." Within a week he bought a lap top was beginning to learn it.
Turning away from accusations and going forward is the best thing you can do. There are too many important issues that the body of Christ needs to be doing to further his glory and to spread the word.
God Bless
I have not been able to read all the posts on here but I see our favorite pharisee is here blabing away, he truley is a swine.
Leviticus 11:7
and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.
He gulps down the word without ever chewing it meaning he never meditates in his heart on the spititual meaning of the word.
It is a waste to argue with him.
I was just reading your post & I thought I would point out that I believe it is impossible for Jesus to have risen on sunday.
I believe he rose on monday night witch would have been the begining of tuesday & a sabbath because it was the last day of passover & if what you say is true then Jesus will not be returning for another 1000 years.
Not that it matters because whether he returns tommorow or 1000years from tommorow we are to be preparing ourself for his return.
Stay blessed all.
Welcome back.
Your links shed a lot of light on the situation that we find ourselves in and that really there is no hope in Obama because he won't be able to change anything. I am beginning to see it with his speeches. The only real hope we have is in Jesus. He does not change. FF was right. People are putting their hope in Obama and it is a false hope because even if he wants to change things it will not happen and he will cave in to the status quo. I listened to Hillary last night and even though she said we need to vote democrat to change health care she could not do it when her husband was in office and there was a majority of democrats in the Senate if I am recalling correctly. If they could not do it than what makes them think it will happen now. It is just a illusion and will not happen. So let me ask you if you will be voting this year?
Our hope is in Jesus and he is who I put my faith in not in politics . Politics is of this world and we know who runs it at the present time.
God Bless
If I remember correctly, you believe that Paul is a devilish heretic, but you believe the Gospels are the solid word of God. In that case, what do you say about Matt 28:1
"After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb."
Sunday is the "first day of the week". Jesus died on Friday (the first day), was buried before the beginning of the second day (Saturday, the traditional sabbath) and rose just as soon as he could at the first ray of light on the third day (Sunday). Right now, we are in the earliest morning rays of light in the third 1000 year "Day" since the death of Christ, which lines up perfectly with the gospel accounts. There is a strengthening of the Holy Spirit going on right now, and there is an abomination to Christianity who has caused much desolation for the past seven years.
Everything, from the worldwide food crisis, to the massive disasters that have been plaguing the world lately...absolutely all the prophecies are being fulfilled in full view of everyone, but very few can face it. Very few can connect the dots and see Christ, and God in the midst of such suffering. There are no coincidences, this is not a guessing game. We are bearing witness to an unfolding of events that the Bible has told about.
Other gospel accounts of a Sunday resurrection: Mark 16:1-2, Luke 24:1-3, and John 20:1
My question to you is, why would you rather believe that the resurrection isn't for another 1000 years? The world is in desperate need of a savior now. I frankly don't think the human race could survive another 1000 years at the rate we're going.
Come Lord Jesus!
Also, I received a message from Matt_333 today. It seems is under tremendous spiritual attack. I encourage everyone who reads this to pray for Matt_333. Please. He asked me to post the comment he left on my other blog here:
YoungBrother: MAtt_333 is me.....I was posting earlier on your main blog about 27 and how it is connected to the antichrist. This is false,the antichrist is the fake trinity "27" sThis fake unity thing going on in The United States is the work of the DEvil! Ignore what he says. I am not typing in the main page blog anymookre. THat is the evil force of the Devil posing as me!!!!! He decieted and inspired me with the occult(I was using ouija board right before this) Read the book of revelation in the bible! The true Trinity will reside in Isreal! This MAtt_333 is the work of the false . I urge all of you to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for the Truth the right and the way! Make sure to post this on the main blog site, to expose the devil who decieved me(originally) and then is deceiving you!
Interesting development
Stay blessed and keep watching
Young Brother it is not what I want it is what Jesus said.
Matthew 12:38-40
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.”
39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Please explain this then.
I wish he would come today but that doesn't make it so.
I never even thought about it untill reading your post.
Now if he was not talking about his resurrection then was he talking about his return?
Somthing is wrong here.
I guess you would have to read the original text in greek to see if either the "first day of the week" was mis-translated or even added by scribes or Jesus meant somthing different when he said he would be 3 days & three nights in the heart of the earth.
I guess it doesn't matter because you will only believe what the catholic church tells you without question so I will just drop it but I prefer to believe what Jesus said over what someone else wrote years after.
While you raise an interesting point, I'm getting tired of the barbs of accusation that have been coming from you and Dan in recent months. Get real. I see through your posturing. How do you conclude that I'm a catholic, and What exactly does the Catholic church have to do with this? There's a difference between questioning the status quo, and being contentious.
Check your spirit, go to God directly if you want an answer. You have used a technicality to continue an argument. The devil uses scripture to cause the faithful to fall, and I'm teetering on the edge of my patience right now. I don't want to argue. I'm very, very tired right now. And I don't appreciate that you completely ignored the point that I made in response to your question.
Don't ask me questions if you already believe you have the answer in your own mind. Are you just trying to show off? This sort of thing gets old very quickly. God knows the truth, and is in control, that's all I really know or care about.
I thought Thomas changed his opinion about Paul when he realized that the book of Acts written by Luke explained Paul's conversion.
Do you still believe Paul was a Pharisee or where you talking about Dan in your comments? I took it that you were letting everyone know that Dan who you considered a Pharisee had now come to this site from Stephen's site.
Let's all take a deep breath and call on Jesus to give us peace and understanding. Sometimes the comments can take on an accusation tone and I think we all have to be careful. I don't know about others but I am here to learn and to grow in my understanding of the Lord.
I really have questions and concerns about this upcoming election and FF has been very helpful. I ask questions and she tries to answer to the best of her ability. I appreciate that and thank her for her honest opinions.
God Bless
Yes Sandra I meant Dan.
And yes again on Paul, I do accept him as an apostle but like I said many letters wrote in Paul's name that are not in the bible where not wrote by him & I do not trust all the letters of Paul nor the scribes who translate.
I had been pondering the whole sunday thing & the refrence to Jonah before but after reading Young Brothers post it made me think more about it & added more questions I need to ponder & reflect on.
Young Brother you need to check your spirit yourself.
First off the point you made only raises more questions as I pointed out. Technicality? Are you saying there are technicalities in the bible? Jesus's refrence to Jonah is not a technicality but (the first day of the week) may be.
The catholic church is the one who put all this together. They are the ones who say sunday is the new sabbath, they are the ones who made christmas a pagan holiday, they are the ones who added easter a pagan holiday long before Jesus in place of Passover. That is what the catholic church has to do with it. I know you are not catholic but yet you believe all the lies they have given us without question. All churches today do so knowing the catholic church is corrupt they still accept christmas & easter.
I only asked because it was your post so excuse me for questioning you.
You ACCUSE me of being the devil because I question but I will not be lazy with my search for truth & will not let people spoon feed me with false doctrine or in other words I will not be a swine & will chew the cud.
You need not reply to me you have your own problems to deal with & they are not me nor Dan you need to work on yourself before you start telling others what they need do.
Sandra here is some more info on the upcoming election.
Thomas, you're right about how the Catholic church combined Roman Paganism with the teachings of Christianity, but you are wrong in your spirit. And your logic of "three days and three nights" being legitimate, while "the morning of the third day" isn't legit...just doesn't make sense. The same author wrote both the quote from Jesus, and the account of his resurrection, correct?
If you don't want to be spoon-fed teachings, then don't ask me these questions, expect me to provide an answer, and then toss unneeded daggers into your response to that answer. I consider that a game of argument, and would rather not play that game.
Continue pondering, and seeking the truth. I'll make sure to keep an eye on my spirit, so long as you promise to do the same.
I found this link. YB and Thomas you got me searching with your comments. I always thought it was Thursday that our Lord was crucified. Sorry if I am intruding on your conversation but you got me thinking.
From the link on Easter:
Two Sabbaths described
Many have assumed that it is the weekly Sabbath mentioned here. But this is not the case. Instead, it was the "high day" mentioned by John, a Sabbath that occurred on Thursday that year. We know that because verse 56 shows that the women, after seeing Christ's body having been laid in the tomb just before the Sabbath began, "returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils" for the final preparation of the body.
Such work could have been done only on Friday, since it would have been considered a violation of the law if it were done on the Holy Day, and that would not have been allowed. This is further verified by Mark's account, which states, "Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices [which would not have been purchased on a Sabbath] that they might come and anoint Him" (Mark 16:1, emphasis added throughout).
This conclusively proves that the Sabbath mentioned here and in the other narratives was the first Holy Day of the biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:4-8), which, in A.D. 31, fell on a Thursday. The women had to wait until this high-day Sabbath was over before they could buy and prepare the spices, on Friday, to be used for anointing Jesus' body.
Then, after these activities, "they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment," which would have been the regular weekly Sabbath (Luke 23:56).
After this rest, the women then went to Jesus' tomb early on the first day of the week (Sunday), while it was still dark (John 20:1), and found that He had already been resurrected (Matthew 28:1-6; Mark 16:2-6; Luke 24:1-3; John 20:1).
Therefore, if we allow the Scriptures to interpret themselves, an accurate harmonization of all four Gospel accounts demonstrates the accuracy and validity of Jesus' statements.
Further proof of the accuracy of this sequence and explanation is found in Matthew 28:1. Most translations render "Now after the Sabbath" as if the word Sabbath were singular. This is not correct. Sabbath here is sabbaton in the Greek text, which is plural. Some Bible versions, including Alfred Marshall's Parallel New Testament in Greek and English and Ferrar Fenton's translation, translate it properly as "after the Sabbaths," which again demonstrates that there was more than one Sabbath that week.
The wording of Mark 16:1-2 is also confusing to some because it seems to suggest that the spices were purchased after the weekly Sabbath rather than before it, on Friday.
However, this is explained by Luke 23:56, which clearly shows that the women bought the spices before, and not after, the weekly Sabbath, "and they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment." Mark did not mention this weekly Sabbath rest in his account, but Luke did.
Some also stumble over Mark 16:9, not taking into account that there is no punctuation indicated in the original Greek. Therefore, to be in harmony with the material presented in the other Gospels, a better translation would be: "Now having risen, early the first day of the week He appeared first to Mary Magdalene . . ." These verses are not saying that Jesus rose early on Sunday morning, but that He appeared on Sunday morning to Mary Magdalene, having risen some time earlier.
Three full days and nights in the tomb
Be assured that the precise fulfillment of Jonah's sign of three days and three nights, which Jesus gave as verification of His authenticity and messiahship, did happen. Jesus rose not Sunday at sunrise, but instead late Saturday afternoon around sunset—which was precisely three days and three nights after He was placed in the tomb just before sunset on Wednesday. He had already risen hours before the women came to the tomb—before sunrise —on Sunday morning.
We should be grateful that God has preserved the genuine, incontrovertible proof of Jesus' resurrection so we can have the absolute confidence and certainty that Jesus is indeed the prophesied Messiah and Savior of the world. Christ has paid the full penalty of human sin by His sacrifice and death, and He rose from the dead and now lives in heaven as our Helper, High Priest and Intercessor.
Let's no longer cling to fables such as Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Instead, as Jesus instructs us in John 4:23-24, let us worship God "in spirit and truth." GN
Here is a link on Christmas which we all know was not on December 25th.
Thanks Thomas for the link on the trilateral commission and the candidates in this years election.
God Bless
There we go!
Well, Annon, it seems that the Netherlands are a lot better informed than we are - as usual. We do a pretty good job of it working together I think - thanks for the articles. Anything can happen and as there are only 67 days left to the election, 'it' could happen any day. Maybe it will be Gustuv that gets martial law declared and the election suspended. All we can do is what we have been doing which is staying watchful and praying about everything.
It must be the conventions that have people all riled up as tensions between the 'parties' seem raised higher than ever. The directing pastor here at my work always assumes that I am a democrat because he knew I did not support Bush during the 2004 election (and you know what assuming does), but anyway, a man was passing around a paper that was showing since the 2006 election of a democratic congress gas prices have risen, the economy is failing, and blah blah blah, and he wanted me to make copies of it for him. I said it was fine but I didn't like being a part of passing propoganda and lies around and the directing pastor heard me and wanted to see the paper and he starting laughing loudly when he read it and said 'yep, the truth hurts, doesn't it?' I said, 'not nearly as bad as lies.' It fell on deaf ears; he did not get it nor would he be able to because he is so blinded by his party loyalty. My loyalty is to the Lord and the Lord only. While watching the crowd in Denver for Obama's speech, all I could think about was how good it would be if people could have a fraction of this enthuasism for Jesus...if only.
Just when you think things cannot get any stranger, they do. A museum in Italy is displaying a green frog being crucified (?) and the pope has requested that it be removed. The museum considered the request and denied it. The crucified green frog remains on display.
This is interesting:
Wouldn't the world be a much better place if people would just accept the Bible lock, stock and barrel and not question it. I believe Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday just as the good book says. Jesus will set everyone straight one day soon. Until then, I choose to believe the whole Bible as it is and love every word.
There is another storm behind Gustuv named Hanna that will hit the East Coast they 'predicted.'
My thoughts and prayers are with Matt_333 and his friend Matthew.
Stange times indeed.
Love to all.
In the grand scheme of things, it is not all that important to know what day of the week Christ was crucified. If it were very important, then God's Word would have clearly communicated the day. What is important is that He did die, and that He physically, bodily rose from the dead. What is equally important is the reason He died—to take the punishment that all sinners deserve. John 3:16 and 3:36 both proclaim that believing, or putting your trust, in Him results in eternal life!
From the link below:
God Bless
With all this gossip, something we all should stay clear of according to God's Word, you should call this blog "sewing circle"
Personally I don't think I have been taken seriously on this site so I am leaving. I have asked questions and nobody wants to answer except FF and Thomas. If you question anything that others think is dogma within the christian faith either it is quiet or they in a round about way let you know that you are wrong. Not by directly confronting you but I get the point. I am leaving this site.
I believe strongly that we are in the end times but I do not appreciate when people come on here with questions that they are considered the enemy and are rudely called names. Thomas came on here with questions and he came around to believe Paul was an apostle but because he does not fall into the mindset of what is the popular belief of so many within church doctrine he is ridiculed and put down. It is only with love and kindness that we can win skeptics over. Christians have distorted the truth for so long and I personally don't blame those that have questions. I deal with it all the time with my own people so I know why they ask questions. It is not because they lack the love of Jesus because I believe they love him deeply but they are tired of the hypocrisy of christians. I don't believe Jesus would mind questions especially after those who call themselves christians have distorted the truth.
So the end is before us and I know the time is right for me to end my time here and work within my family and community to further the cause of Jesus. Not with accusations but with love and compassion.
Dan you need to get over your obsession. I don't agree with gay marriage and voted against it within my state but I refuse to let that be my guiding light. My light is Jesus and he guides me. Get over your obsession. There is more evil in the world than attacking gays.
Yours in Christ
God Bless
"Personally I don't think I have been taken seriously on this site so I am leaving."
I am so proud of you.
"Dan you need to get over your obsession"
I understand it appears as that but that isn't the case. This discussion just has spilled over to all areas because one of us is very stubborn to admit their wrong. It has tainted YB and my relationship. It simple was a debate that turned him evil. I do feel real icky about the whole thing and I admit to my frustration with YB and FF.
And one more thing I am not attacking gays, I only witness to them as well as anyone else. Why? Because they are sinners in need of a Savior.
correction: simply
Sandra, I am sorry that you have been turned off by this site. Your contributions were greatly appreciated. I'm not sure where NathanDave, Josh, or any of the others have gone, and I've been very busy (also getting a little sick today).
Is my behavior the reason you are leaving? I didn't intend on managing this blog alone. I was hoping that it would be a cooperative effort, and that everyone would contribute. Dan beat me down, and then when Thomas came in with a legitimate question (and a little bit of a confrontational attitude), I suppose I swung a bit.
If it's any consolation, I have been thinking, and praying about the matter, because it is a legitimate issue. But with work, and other matters, I didn't respond quickly enough. I'll still probably post about it in a few days, if it still matters to either you, or Thomas.
It's better for you to focus on the world around you anyhow. Focus on the love of Christ that is in you, and how you can continue to share it with others. God is in control, and will lead you wherever you need to go. Thanks for the blessings.
Thomas, Please forgive me for snapping at you. I've been under a lot of pressure, and when my patience gets short, my flesh takes over. We all have it, thank God that Christ was able to completely subdue it.
You are a mystery to me. You seem to have an emphatic belief in the power of the words of Christ, combined with a very strong distrust of the New Testament in general. I hope you wouldn't mind sharing a little bit more about yourself, your background etc.
For as long as I have read the Bible, I have had a very simple, and pure faith in the idea that God's sovereignty extends to the scriptures. I believed that the abuses of the Catholic church were limited to tradition, enforcement and interpretation of the Scriptures. I always respected the scriptures as holy, protected, a secret weapon for us to understand this life, and to equip us in our fight against darkness (both spiritual, and internal). When I said "technicality", I was tired, short tempered, but wrong. Because I really believe that the Bible has none.
I don't believe that the truth is confined to the Bible, but I strongly believe that the scriptures have not been compromised. Some interpretations, and a lot of the more modern versions have diluted the integrity of the scriptures, but if you study diligently, you can discover the meaning of scriptures. You seem to have strong faith, but also the distrust of someone determined not to be fooled again. It's good to be vigilant, and careful but you must be open, and trust that God can help us to find the truth as long as we seek it out. I'll put up a post that gives my interpretation of the resurrection, and again, I am sorry for getting short tempered.
Forever Faithful and Annon, thank you for your continued contributions here. Where are NathanDave, Josh, Ali, Nari etc?
Matthew, or Matt_333, can you please give us an update about what happened on the 27th?
I'll be posting more of an explanation later today, but for now, let me just point out what Hasea 6:1-3 says:
Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
This doesn't invalidate what Jesus said, but I think that the two verses are discussing different events. More later.
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