Tuesday, February 2, 2016


What an incredible time we are witnessing. The beginning of the end of this age has begun and the intensity will only increase as this system of things passes away. I say good riddance; I will not look back! A new day is coming.

While we wait upon the Lord, a quick look at this lost and dying world where evil is abounding is pretty astonishing. That is if we are able to be astonished. Sometimes the slumbering masses don't seem to be aroused by anything. God has everything under control. When He sends a worldwide earthquake, many will be awakened then.

There are reports of members of a satanic group giving the opening prayer at an upcoming Phoenix City Council meeting on February 17. Coldplay and Beyonce will be performing an illuminati ritual at the Super Bowl just as previous 'stars' have done so in the recent past. A new show on the stupid television is called 'Lucifer' and he 'makes being bad look good.' Parents are showering their little ones with Disney and Pixar's little minions and have no clue what is being done right in front of them because they are so cute and seemingly harmless. I copied this from an article on yahoo that stated also stated “Minions” was a hit overseas as well, taking the No. 1 spot in 29 of the 30 other countries in the debuting weekend last year grossing $280.5 million internationally. "Given that they seek to work for the most evil people on the planet, they give off this incredible happiness," said Duncan Clark, Universal's president of international distribution. The Lord says in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” It's all fun and games...until Jesus comes back. Then the game ends. Satan's time to reign will be done and over with. What a splendid event that will be to see the old foe wiped off the face of the earth.

The weather everywhere is about as crazy as crazy can get, but it will get crazier. The world economy is on life support. The real minions of the world are delusional and unenlightened enough to believe they can usher in their new world order. I see the Tower of Babel as a foreshadow of their new world order, and God stopped those works in an instant by the participants being rendered unable to communicate with each other. Our God will not be mocked and He is the only One who can fight this battle.

Speaking of God being mocked, the upcoming worship of Ishtar is quickly approaching with all the practices of paganism done in His name. How much longer can He put up with us? His death as the sacrificial lamb on Passover is what The Bible instructs us to remember. Why do more people not wonder or question what the word 'Easter' means. Maybe the slumbering masses would be astounded at what they might find.

We have a major planetary alignment in the heavens for a month and reports of fireballs across the entire world. A pilot on January 30th on the Hudson River recorded a meteor on dash cam from a few hundred miles away. This recent particular fireball was witnessed in at least 12 different states and 2 countries! There are reports of eerie sounds emanating from the earth which cannot be explained and hoards of dead sea life are covering shorelines everywhere.

Our world is anything but usual while we try to carry on as usual and meanwhile, the band plays on; just like on the Titanic when it sank. That was a sad ending though. This ending will be of unspeakable joy.

Come dear Lord Jesus. All praise, honor and glory to the KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.


Anonymous said...

"Our world is anything but usual while we try to carry on as usual and meanwhile, the band plays on; just like on the Titanic when it sank. That was a sad ending though. This ending will be of unspeakable joy."
Amen to that My dear sister. What a powerful statement!
Indeed interesting time to be alive. We just wait for that glorious day when the Lord shines upon His own.

Stay blessed and keep looking up my dear sister.


faithful forever said...

...when the Lord shines upon His own. Worth the wait this I know for sure.

Love you my brother.

faithful forever said...

In regard to Ash Wednesday, it is just another reason why I despise religion. I enjoyed this article and thought I would pass it along.


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter my dear sister FF.

Stay blesed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

Thank you my dear brother Annon. Staying blessed by His grace and mercy with all glory to our amazing, mighty Savior.

...nice to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

What else can the devil say about our lord?

Pope Francis Likens Jesus to ISIS, Says Muslims Must Breed With Europeans

“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”


Just sickening.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

My amazing brother, Annon. It is just sickening and I believe it shows the Pope's true fruits and it's not good. He has said many things that directly contradict Jesus' word, and he will continue to do so. I believe he is quite possibly the False Prophet. He certainly is 'uniting' the masses into their New World Order. I am so thankful their plans do not come to fruition. Jesus says there will be no peace until He returns and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

Hostile conquests are entirely different than conquests done out of love, and to compare the two is so wrong on so many levels. One is good and one is bad. One is righteous and one is evil. I believe the end battle has begun and it will only intensify from here on out. Come our Lord and mighty Savior. All creation is groaning for You. I believe time is short and I pray for it to be true. Until then, I spend as much time in His spiritual Kingdom and I know through Him, we can endure what is to come.

I am so thankful and blessed by your watchfulness. I have missed you.

Anonymous said...


We don't have any hope other than Jesus. Any one tells us otherwise is from his father the devil.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.



faithful forever said...

Hi Annon. The words that come out of this dragon's mouth are always Biblically incorrect. No hope other than Jesus is exactly right. The pope keeps revealing that he could quite possibly be the False Prophet. We will see what is revealed when our Shepherd wants us to know, He will show us.

Staying blessed and looking up with you always for surely our Redemption is drawing near. May He continue to keep us in the palm of His hand of which nothing can pluck us out. All praise and glory to Jesus - the ONLY Savior of the world.

Anonymous said...

Demonic ritual glorifying the devil. Strange times we live in.

Bizarre Opening Ceremony For Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland


Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

That was a very bizarre display for the opening of a tunnel. I am sure the occult symbolism serves their purpose somehow.

...sure am looking forward to The Day of our Lord.

looking up always.
and praying for His return to end all the evil and corruption.

Thanks for staying watchful.

Love in His name,
your sister, Sue

faithful forever said...

Found this Annon; others are watching also:


faithful forever said...

Vigilant Citizen has taken notice as well:


faithful forever said...

Last info about the tunnel (I think!):


Matt_333 said...

Hey FF, how have you been sister? I just wanted to share with you what happened to me today while reading the bible. I thought you might get a kick out of it.

Here's the site where I shared my experience:


God bless FF!!!

faithful forever said...

May God continue to bless Annon. I would love to hear your story, but I don't really want to join and become a member. Could you copy and paste it?

Stay blessed and keep looking up.

Matt_333 said...

Here is the story FF. It's short. I'll just copy and paste it here.

About thirty minutes into reading the bible, I took a sip of water from my mug, and a drop of water fell from my beard and landed on the page I was reading.

I quickly flipped through the bible to see how far the drop penetrated into it, and then flipped back to the very next verse and read it and it said "for he maketh small the drops of water..."(Job 36:27 KJV)

I mean, what are the odds of that happening?

faithful forever said...

That is awesome, and thank you Matt_333. So good to see you are still around.

Our God is always so great in big and even the smallest of ways. I love all His ways and this is a wonderful example. I will be reading Job 36:27 tonight!

Thanks again, Matt; I appreciate it. Got any thoughts on the Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony? ..would love to hear them.

Love and blessings.
I pray our redemption is drawing near and maybe this is why we see so much evil growing in our midst. The light will always outshine the dark. Come Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

Its getting worse and obvious that the false prophet is revealing himself. I am speechless.


Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Matt_333 said...

Hey FF

I watched the Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony and it looked like a satanic ritual to me. I also find it odd that it is close to where CERN is. I skimmed through some comments on the ceremony, and it definitely was interesting. Strange times we live in sister!

God bless you, FF! Keep strong in the Faith!!

faithful forever said...

Indeed they are strange times and they just keep getting stranger. Now we have another (most likely) psy-op event in Orlando, and also the Christian singer that was gunned down. crazier and crazier - a time like no other and it has only just begun.

I like to read the comments also, Matt and it there are more and more people randomly saying Jesus is coming soon. Brings me happiness every time I read one. May it be so.

God bless you Matt_333, and thank you for blessing me. It's great you are still here. ...love it :)

Our God has great things in store for us, more than we can even imagine. It is all so amazing watching it unfold.

faithful forever said...

more on the Gotthard tunnel


Anonymous said...

Dearest sister FF

Hope your well.
With much going on in the world, I am just praying to see the Son of God comes in all His glory.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

Me too!

Hi Annon. I guess I don't check in here as often as I used to. It is always so good to hear from you.

The world is definitely a crazier place with every passing day.

This election seems to have done something to people's brains and it feels like the scales are being tipped with chaos to ensue soon.

God is in control and I have no fear nor worries. I pray also to see the Son of God come in all His glory.

Staying blessed and always looking up with you!

Your sister in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year FF

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

Hello my brother! Happiest wishes for a great year. I believe there will be many changes this year.

Staying blessed and always looking up with you.


Anonymous said...

Dearest sister

Yes changes are coming. But the changes that the world brings are changes of more violence, war, distress, and destruction.

We are but waiting the glorious change that the Lord brings to His own.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

Hi Annon! It is always so great to hear from you and it is amazing we are still here!

The change the Lord will bring to His own is what I am living for and in the meantime He changes me every day for I groan louder with every passing day for that glorious change.

Come dear Lord Jesus. So thankful he lives in my heart. So thankful He lovingly and willingly poured out His blood for you and me and so looking forward to His glorious appearing.

Looking up with my brother Annon always!
Your sister in Christ

Anonymous said...

Hi FF.

Hope you are still come around. Its been a while.

Staybblessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

I still come around, but just to see if you have popped in! It has been a while...too long. I am always looking up now and forever.

The world goes a little crazier everyday and the new normal of lawlessness should be shocking, yet too few seem to notice or care as long as they can carry on with their lives. Been saying it for a long time, but I would be surprised if this year ends without some kind of shattering event. War is growing closer on the horizon and quite possibly appears it could be any day now.

I pray for His judgement upon the nations and peoples, myself included. I much prefer God's judgement than satan's rule. Ready for the end of this age and a better day. A thousand year reign with the Righteous One our Savior Jesus Christ. To have heaven on earth will be worth the wait and the turmoil, so longingly and patiently I wait and I know time is drawing short. All praise and glory to God. Come Lord Jesus.

I love you my brother Annon and look forward to meeting you on that great and awesome day of the Lord.

faithful forever said...

Annon, you are gonna love this!


Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

Hope you are doing fine.

Stay blessed and keep looking u.


Anonymous said...

Hi Annon!! I am still looking up waiting and watching for our Mighty Redeemer. I pray He is coming soon.

Hope all is good with you and you get a chance to see the super blue blood moon with a total eclipse on the 31st. I enjoy watching the Heavens.

Love in His name.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

Glad to hear from you.
Yes, our mighty Redeemer will come soon. What a joy we have in waiting for His return!

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Indeed, what a joy we have in waiting for His return. It gives me such hope for I know all His words are true. There really is a light at the end of this tunnel and His name is Jesus.

Looking up always


Anonymous said...

Dear sister FF

Hope you are doing well.
Stay blessed and keep looking up


Anonymous said...

My brother Annon, my heart skips a beat when I see a comment has been left because I know it is you! Thank you for still being around here. I gotta say I miss this forum.

I am doing well and hope you are as well. I am staying blessed and looking up for our redemption. Our Lord Jesus is coming soon.

You take good care and pop in a little more often!

I am watching Trump on the world stage and he is speaking of a global trade war, and I thought how interesting...this could cause all, great and small, to not be able to buy, trade or sell. Any thoughts? Would love to hear them.

Anonymous said...


Dearest FF

Yes indeed all this trade war rumbling is ushering the way to the mark of the beast. And here we have the pope telling us openly that he is the devil. I don't take his statement merely as comparing himself with the other pope who is regarded as a "saint". He just shamelessly and out in the open admiting his identity.

Come Lord Jesus!

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Annon! Staying very blessed by His grace and always looking up. More than ever...so ready!!

I believe we are watching Him toss the seas as He tells us in Luke 21:25.

I pray for His will, but come quickly Lord Jesus, come.

with love in His holy name,
your sister in Christ,

Anonymous said...


Hope you are doing well.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hello Annon! So great to see you dropped by again. It always makes me smile and I hope you are doing well. I am fine and blessed beyond measure.

Still watching prophecy unfold and longing for His glorious return.

All in His time.

with love from your sister in Christ, Sue also known as FF :)

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that you are doing well.
Same here. Watching and waiting for the glorious return of the King. We won't be waiting for long!

Anonymous said...

I miss the ol'good days when everyone was discussing.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

I know...I miss the insights that came out of the discussions. I hope and pray that you are right about we won't be waiting for long! I know it will be in our lifetime and the joy it brings will sustain me until He arrives and He is already in me even now. All praise, honor and glory to the one and only true God, Jesus Christ, our Savior. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

It is very interesting watching prophecy unfold and it is only going to get more interesting, and we will be blessed to watch the greatest show on earth. And most people think that Barnum and Bailey's, but they ain't got nothing on what is to come.

Love you my brother. And remember, where two (you and I) or more are gathered, He is there. I am thankful you are still here and it makes me happy every time I see the comment count go up because I know it is you!! God is so good.

Anonymous said...

great video, Annon


Anonymous said...

Dear FF

Hope you are doing well.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Dear FF

Hope you are ok.
Stay safe ans stay blessed.
Keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

I am ok Annon and hope you are good, too.

Watching our world go a little crazier.

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Please come around more often!

Keep looking up. I am looking up with you.


Anonymous said...

Dear FF

Glad to hear that you are ok.
True, the world is getting crazier and surely it is bound for destruction.
Yes, I promise to drop by often.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Staying blessed and just got more blessed! Hello Annon. Wow, what a time to be alive, huh? I don't know what will prove to be worse in this world that is being turned upside down - the Chaos (what we are currently witnessing) or, the Order (as in their NWO). Chaos out of Order. The battle is being waged, but the war is already won. All praise, honor and glory to the one true God, Jesus Christ, our mighty Redeemer.

Indeed this worldly system is bound for destruction and some days it can't come quick enough (only being half sarcastic). I am not weary, but I sure am ready to have evil wiped off the face of the earth.

The US and Iran are currently threatening each other as we send warships to the disputed seas in South China. More rumors of war again. Just as He said. Everything is just as He said and this comforts me for more than their scare tactics could ever scare me. I will not be one of those people in line for a vaccine. A vaccine that will allow me to be approved to go to the stores, to my employment and out in public. Sounds a little like causing big and small to not be able to buy, trade or sell. The mark of the beast, perhaps?

But everything is just the way it is supposed to be and He is with us so what do we have to fear...nothing at all.

Our Savior was born in a census year and maybe it means something with 2020 being a census year.

Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Love and blessings in His precious holy name. ff

Anonymous said...


Hope you are doing well.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hello Annon, still checking in to see if you have popped in again!! I am doing well and still looking up and praying our redemption is drawing near. You take good care.


Anonymous said...


Yes, every now and then I check around, for old times sake as it were, to see if there is a now post. We are lucky to be alive in this exciting time.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.

The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords will come soon.


Anonymous said...

Hello Annon. I miss the days when people posted here. There is certainly a lot going on that we can talk about, but I guess that season has passed. It is great staying in touch with you, Annon. It is a most exciting time to be alive and only going to get to be more so as this day draws to an end and we will have heaven on earth.

All God's blessings to you.

Indeed the King Of Kings and Lord of Lords will come soon. amen

Anonymous said...


The Lord is coming soon. What a day that would be!

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Annon, Indeed the Lord is coming soon. I pray to be found worthy in some small way to escape all that is about to come upon the earth, but His will be done.

Stay blessed and always looking up with you.

God's love and blessings,


Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

Hope all is well with your soul.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
The King is coming sooner than many expect Him.


Anonymous said...

Hello Annon! I am still looking up with you. I still miss the conversations with everybody, but everything has a season and that one ended. You and I are still here and that makes me happy. All is well with my soul because of my Savior and I give thanks and praise to Him everyday. He is coming sooner than many expect Him. Until then, I wait longingly and faithfully for His return and pray to be found worthy in some small way to escape all that is about to come upon the earth.

Stay blessed my dear brother Annon. Jesus is the light unto our path and I trust in all His ways.

Anonymous said...

Hello FF

Hope all is well with you. Am amazed this site is still existing.
Interesting time to be alive.
Yes, we pray to be found worthy in these perilous times.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hello and greetings Annon...we are still here! The wickedness in our world grows daily, but God's righteous judgment is coming.

with love in His name.
your sister FF

Anonymous said...

Dearest sister.
Glad to hear from you. Indeed we are still here by the grace and mercy of the Good Lord. Yes the wickedness as the lord told us, is just like in the days of Noah. Soon the king of kings and lord of lords will rip the sky apart and we shall see Him. What an exciting time to be alive.

stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hello Annon, I feel so blessed to still be with you here in this forum. I love it when I check in and see that you have been here. It is all in His hands and I trust in all His ways. Indeed it is an exciting time to be alive to watch prophecy unfold for the greatest story ever told. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Staying blessed by His grace and ALWAYS looking up with you, Annon.

Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

Same with me - feel blessed to stick around with you in the old good forum where other like-minded brothers and sisters used to engage in discussion. Its been a while! The Lord is with us in this journey and he will take us by hand to the better end. I am longing to that glorious day when the King Of kings and Lord of lords appear in the cloud. What a day that would be!

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hello Annon! Been too long since I checked back here. Life is too busy. Our world continues to crumble with lawlessness and ruthlessness in so many aspects, but the hope of our Lord's glorious return gives me strength to endure another day for with each passing day, is a day closer to the great and awful day of our amazing Father - the Lion and the Lamb. Love and blessings to you my brother in Christ.

Staying blessed and looking up always.
I hold you in my prayers as I do for all His people and please continue your prayers for me.


Anonymous said...

Dearest FF

Hope all is well with your soul.
It is exciting to live in anticipation of the soon coming of the Lord. We almost hear His footsteps. He is coming soon.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and happy New Year dear sister FF.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we can almost hear His footsteps. I am so ready, but even in the waiting, He is working everything for the good. Stay blessed my friend and brother and keep looking up. Our redemption draweth nigh. Come Lord Jesus. Love always, FF

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear from you after so long. We've come a long way in this site. Pray that all our brothers and sisters of that time are all safe and in the faith.
We are living in an exciting time.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.

Anonymous said...

Annon by the way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Annon, it's been a while. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the journey to the end of this age. Surely time grows short and prophecy is being fulfilled at a quickened pace. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. All creation groans.

Stay blessed and keep looking up always for our redemption draweth nigh.

Anonymous said...

Hi FF, prophecy is being fulfilled at a quickened pace. He is at the door. It won't be long before we hear the trumpet.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

Hi my brother Annon. Indeed He is quickening the time just as He said. There is little to be fulfilled the way I see it. The Son of Perdition is yet to be revealed and Damascus laid to ruins for the first time in the history of civilization. I pray for all suffering injustices, war and famine perpetrated by our enemy. His time is short. Come Lord Jesus come quickly, all creation groans.

Stay blessed and keep looking up. Glad you are still around, Annon - you are a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Dearest FF. Hope all is well with your soul. We are getting closer to that dreadful day. Dreadful for the wicked whom the Lord will destroy in his glorious appearance. It won't be that long.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.


Anonymous said...

The Lord of lords and King of kings is coming soon.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
