Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The UN is meeting under a banner that reads "Leader's Summit on Peacekeeping."  The pope spoke of peace and love and harmony during his visit to the States.  If we didn't know better we might be lead to believe that things are going to be alright in our world; that nations like Russia, China, the US and others are gathering around Syria to make sure war and destruction won't happen.  Yes, surely if the leaders are gathering to discuss peace, all those soldiers will shake hands at the end of the day and return home without a single shot being fired.  

Enough of the sarcasm and wishful thinking.

The pope appeared on a stage surrounded by pyramids and a colorful image of baphomet and on another stage with a life-sized crucified Christ, while NEVER mentioning His name - not once that I am aware of.  I couldn't help but think of the abomination of desolation standing in the temple as he seemingly replaced the true Savior, watching all the world wander after the beast by revering a mortal man as if he was a living god uniting and healing the world.  How lost we are and we still do not know what we do. 

Many were watching and waiting for a big bang in September.  Whether it was an economic crash or a devastating earthquake or another false flag, that big bang did not happen.  I propose there is something much more sinister taking place and the world is being primed for their satanic new world order of one religion and possibly for the emergence of the Son of Perdition, and while everyone is breathing a sigh of relief, war is being planned while they speak of peace.  It is more subtle and while a big bang did not happen, it is still happening and prophecy is being fulfilled.

We need to take heed that no one deceives us and hold tight to His word that is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, with all glory and thanksgiving and praise to the Father through the amazing Son, Jesus Christ, the one and only true and mighty Savior of the World.
god's word is the light t o our path photo: Thy Word is a lamp to to my feet- Scripture verse Lanternonsnow.jpg


faithful forever said...

Came across a great article that says it way better than me:

Stay bless and keep looking up.

Unknown said...

Amen, no doubt we can not have the brotherhood of man without the Fatherhood of God

Anonymous said...

Sad as it may seem though the pope spoke about gobal warming, capitalism, Islamophobia. Yet little or no about the persecution of Christians Then again Rome has killed more Christians than any other group combined. He mentioned Quran is a book of peace and Islam is not violent. He is shamelessly and out in the open going along the New World agenda.
For a true Christian there was no failure of any kind at the Cross, just victory. Yet I don't know what you make of this:

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


**** Good to see you Peter Z

faithful forever said...

Hi Annon, Isn't that so repulsive to hear a so-called man of God say that the Son's mission, what He came to do to save us, was a failure. I believe he revealed himself to be the False Prophet spoken of in Revelation.

The world is wandering after the beast and I am ever so thankful to be set apart from the deceit. Watching people fawn over him like he is a healer and a savior is so disgusting. I wonder how can people not see, but yet I know they are blinded.

It is happening and we are truly at the end of this age, and I know everything is in His hands...including us. Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have done, all that you are doing and all that is to come.

Hold tight to His word and our faith in the one and only true Savior, Jesus Christ, who failed at nothing; absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

FF, so true. Just is victorious in everything. He failed at NOTHING.

We are overcomers with Him. We shed our tears under His feet. We pour out our heart to Him. He is closer to us than Anyone else in this world. Yet the pope tells us that it is dangerous to have personal relationship with Jesus. Its just staggering.
Just watch and you be the judge.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

Thanks for sharing that, Annon. I love that guy's work. I did not know what Vicar meant before and find that most interesting.

This pope has said many things against Christ and people still act like he walks on water. It is staggering and I also find it rather repulsive and maddening. I loved it when Vigilent Christian says he has a personal relationship with Jesus and he loves it. I would be so lost without Jesus, and I loved it when you said He is closer to us than anyone in this world. AMEN. What a beautiful witness, Annon. Indeed we shed our tears at His feet and pour out our hearts to Him.

Love to you my brother in His precious holy name.
Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

faithful forever said...

This is a good reminder for the time we live in. Many false prophets in the world deceiving the masses, but God has saved Himself a remnant and He has amazing things for His true church.

Stand strong in our faith in Jesus, focus on His promises and keep looking up for our redemption is drawing near. I believe even before the Almighty Lord returns to us in all glory and majesty, He will rise up the Holy Spirit within His apostles and prophets. A truly exciting prophecy.

All praise and honor to our Lord and Savior.

faithful forever said...

Hey Annon, sorry I didn't think of it before, but there is a facebook page called theredpill that PeterZ has set up to share insights and current events if you are interested. It would be great to have you.

The truth certainly sets us free. Free from the deceptions of this world and free in Spirit to worship in wholly and completely through His word and in our heart.

I love our Savior with all that I am; more with each and every passing day.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Whats next?

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

SAY WHAT? I hadn't heard about that. Checking it out now - thanks Annon for the blessing of your witness and your watchfulness.

Love in His name.