Hi all,
I hope that everyone is well, and not too overwhelmed by the times we live in. After all, what really is time? What is life but a series of events experienced by an observer of the events? (which is us of course LOL). And the events we are experiencing are fascinating, dangerous, and life altering. Quite a roller coaster ride indeed.
Things are speeding up. As we approach 2012, the spaceship earth is approaching hyper-speed as we all prepare to make a quantum jump into the next age. Information is accelerating. The powers that be, which wanted to create a war of Gog and Magog to stop what is happening (a colossal blood letting caused by the wayward Sons and Daughters of Abraham and Ishmael) failed, although they continue to hope for their blood letting. However, their time has passed. They missed their window of opportunity to control the singularity, and they know it. Not that they could control it, but each must play its part in the divine drama we call life.
What is happening? I cannot be sure, but I believe what is happening is that the collective mind, the vast cosmic reserve of 26,000 years of human thought, experience, pain, joy, etc is reaching critical mass. The hard drive is full, to use a computer metaphor, and the operating system we call humanity is in need of an update. God, the universe, (whatever you want to call it) is wiping the slate clean, and something new and very different is on its way. In many ways it is already here, but it will take time to fully take effect.
Will this happen in a instant on 2012? Not sure, and really I don't care because its happening right now. What makes the whole thing challenging is how will folks react to the change that is coming. How will the whole thing play out? I think it depends on the individual really as to how it plays out, because we will be transported to a place beyond time, as our HIS-story meets GOD's-story and is transformed, "in the twinkling of an eye."
The Norway Spiral is a sign. A dimensional door is opening. Will we drop our preconceptions and fearlessly face the future?
The Danger of a "Conservative" Bible.
By now news of an upcoming Conservative Bible has spread throughout the
media and Internet. This news can be viewed as just another
15 years ago
When did you quit reading the Holy Bible??
How do you know I did?
Would it make you feel better if I used the term Apocalypse instead of singularity, or eschaton instead of the universal mind? These are both Greek words, perhaps I should speak ancient Greek?
Language is a way of expressing reality. I choose to use it to open a discussion. I hope it will.
But if it doesn't, no matter. The change is coming, regardless of what we say about it.
I was wondering if Sandra is out there lurking? Had a dream last night about a battle for native fishing rights in Seattle with big corporate interests, it was so vivid I was wondering if there really was a battle brewing between native fishermen and the corporate beast?
Spaceship earth?
...only the Father knows when Jesus will return. Anyone who says differently, like 2012, is mistaken.
Dave, do you prefer aliens to Jesus?
The Bible speaks of aliens, and alien encounters.
We call them angels, or messengers of EL (the name for the ancient Caaninte God EL) However they are not from our world, therefore they are alien.
The Bible also speaks of demonic entities which are alien to this planet.
As far as guessing the date, I would never do that. I simply am pointing out that 2012 is a tipping point if you will, like a giant wave in time and once we cross that threshhold, there is no chance of going back. Everything will have changed. When the change will officially happen, no one knows, but the change is coming and after 2012 there is no going back. Its like Jesus said to his generation, you can read the sky and tell the weather, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. Call it the second coming if you like, but you interpret it any way you want. I am not here to tell you what to think.
Is this really news that something big is coming? How does this make me an alien worshiper? To be fair you did not say that, but it appears to be your meaning. If I got it wrong, I apologize.
I am interested to hear a discussion of the topic rather than an indictment of the poster.
No, it is not news that 'something big' is coming. That 'something' is Jesus. Jesus with His army of angels.
Why do you appear to desire to confuse the situation? Jesus calls it the Second Coming. Why call it anything different?
A blessing from the Berean:
Haggai 2:7
(7) and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,' says the LORD of hosts.
New King James Version
Jesus Christ is the desire of all nations; people are yearning for Him, longing for Him, even though they do not know it. They are yearning for solutions, wisdom, power, understanding, vision, and love, and He is all those things. He will bring them all with Him. He is going to bring with Him what He is—His undivided mind that is filled with the way that He and the Father have lived for all eternity. He will instill this way of life into their minds.
The solutions to man's problems will come because He is sitting on the throne of nations. But we have been called to seek Him now and not fail where Israel failed. It is in the process of seeking Him that we become just like Him. This is what God expects us to do with our life now, and we must do it. We must show Him that we are thankful for our calling, for His forgiveness, for His Spirit, and then seek Him to be one with Him.
This is the solution now to both coming out of Babylon and avoiding Laodiceanism. It is to seek God with all of our heart in order to have the oneness of His mind. We are not to seek Him just to find Him, because He has already taken care of that by calling us to give us access to Him. Our seeking is to facilitate our coming to know Him so that we can be like Him. Thus, prayer, Bible study, meditation, occasional fasting, and obedience, driven by gratitude and passionate desire to be like Him and with Him, are the keys to oneness with Him.
I agree with everything you said. However, the basic problem I have FF is why do you think I am confusing the issue? Isn't it more likely that Jesus himself is confusing it? After all, if he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords (and we know he is) then he is in charge of current events, he is the Lord of History. So if there is confusion, he is the author of it, for whatever purpose Jesus sees fit to use confusion, however as Lord of Lords he is the cause. Perhaps to, as he says in the Gospels, stop up the ears of those who might understand and be saved?
Another point. Would it not make sense for Jesus, in this time of great change, to give us information from non-Christian sources, since as you point out so well, the churches are corrupt and teaching false doctrine? Why not encode for this generation a calendar that says, in a way we can all understand, things are going to get bumpy folks, but have no fear I'm on my way soon, and when I come in glory I will wipe every tear from your eyes. After all, the Magi, astrologers and magicians from the East recognized the Lord when the Jews, his people, did not and tried instead to kill him.
Makes you wonder?
Hi Dave. May our discussion be blessed and the Lord pleased in some small way for our search of truth according to His holy word. Of which is more than sufficient for me and needs nothing added to it nor taken away from it.
The way the Bible reads to me, the Lord has promised to send the spirit of Elijah that will turn hearts and minds back to the Father as well as the Two Witnesses. Both are extremely exciting promises. How the Lord will fulfill these prophesies are sealed until the end, and as you once said, it's not going to happen the way anyone thinks it is. We cannot know the mind of God. But I do know that He never creates confusion. That is the foe's agenda. The Lord blinds those who He wants to just as He blesses those whom He chooses to bless. He creates all things and all things good and evil, the light and the dark, serve His purpose.
As for the Jews being His people, the Lord tells us there were those who called themselves Jews but were not. A Jew once upon a time one referred to one who believed in Him. And there were those who called themselves Jews who were His enemies - those who did not believe. They still know who He is for even the demons tremble at His name. They fell from Heaven after all.
I think people would be frightened by flying saucers everywhere and our God does not desire to frighten but rather comfort and strengthen.
Thanks for the discussion.
In love and peace.
Thanks FF,
I agree that flying saucers would scare folks. What I am referring to is knowledge, not UFO's.
Knowledge is like a lightning bolt from heaven. The Bible refers to Jesus as the Word, or Logos, made flesh, the divine knowledge of God vibrating down into history and becoming active in our material world. This is an ongoing process: it did not end or begin with Jesus' earthly life, a mere 33 years of history, but continues, and was active before his incarnation. And of course it will continue on into successive ages, and complete the purposes that God sends it for.
Imagine human history as a story of rises, and falls, creation and destruction. Historians tell us that this age we are living in began about 26,000-30,000 years ago with the advent of farming and livestock cultivation. This was extremely important because humans did not have to spend all their time hunting and gathering food, they could question, think, write, pray,and develop knowledge, create large societies with histories and stories of their own. Ironically, this is when the Mayan calendar says our current "age" begins. It was at this point that, I believe, the Logos first made itself known to humanity. Christ, as a principle of human ingenuity, creation, rise, and fall was born into our experience. He incarnates first as knowledge.
Of course, this knowledge is misused by those in power from the very beginning. This is the root or all the stories regarding the "fall" of humanity. And interestingly enough, when the Logos becomes flesh in Jesus of Nazareth, he is misused and abused, and crucified, just as the divine knowledge has been from the beginning. And, interestingly, Jesus is crucified by the AUTHORITIES, who have stolen his essence, his knowledge, and have used it to enrich themselves and enslave us. We see a pattern.
What the Mayan calendar is saying,I think, is this 26,000 year cycle of oppression, abuse, and hijacking of divine knowledge is coming to an end. Let me comment directly on your point about Elijah and the Two witnesses. These three are symbols of knowledge coming from heaven, which are obscured as you say by the enemies of God, or killed to silence them. Who obscures and silences them? The CHURCH, the religious authorities who do not want to share the gift of God, the Logos, the divine knowledge, but wish to use it to control us through fear, but mostly through ignorance.
2012 represents a lifting of the veil of ignorance. Everything will be revealed The internet is part of this, knowledge is EVERYWHERE, and easily accessed by all. UFO's represent this knowledge, that the control freaks cannot hide from us anymore the vastness of life in the universe. 2012 represents the end point of this 26,000 year cycle of oppression. Freedom is right around the corner.
The Mayans and other ancient civilizations worshipped false gods. Why give any credence to what they say. I am reminded of the words of Jesus that men will not adhere to sound doctrine anymore.
I do not know that UFO's will represent knowledge from God, but soon we will all see.
I agree that freedom is right around the corner and His flock will be jumping for joy like calves out of the stalls.
Our God has thought of everything and is the victor in this battle. The Two Witnesses cannot and will not be silenced by anyone or anything, and the one thing they cannot take from us is our spirit.
Yes, it is going to be an interesting show on earth and I care not what the evil ones have planned as much as the amazing promises the Lord has in store for us.
With the total lunar eclipse coming on the soltice and the biggest ritual happening next weekend, and the Koreas threatening war, and the economic collapse looming, we should be turning our hearts and minds to the Lord and to Him only. Praise His precious holy name forever. All glory to God in the highest for He alone is able to save.
One thing is for sure...these sure are interesting times.
The 'knowledge' that came with Lucifer and the fallen angels affect our everyday lives in ways we are not even aware of. The symbols of occultism, even the way towns are platted, and the practices we continue to blindly practice, continue to separate us. I would be careful about where 'knowledge' comes from.
I do not know how satan and his minions got to this physical realm when God cast them out of Heaven. But I know they are here and they dwell among us. They rule our world. They continue to believe the lies that they can replace God. This is the original sin that thrives today.
If they want us to believe in UFO's it is to suit their purpose. I do not believe the Lord will need a craft of any sort for His will to be done. Just my thoughts...
My thoughts on wikileaks are it is a major psyop and going to serve their purpose as well, and I thought you may like to read this timely article:
The Lord God Almighty is coming to reign on earth as it is in Heaven.
In love and peace.
Found an interesting article about the lunar eclipse on the soltice, and while I have no idea about any of it, eclipses have had Biblical significances. Thought I would post it for anyone who might be interested. It mentions the Mayans, the Hopi and the book "The Secret" which has been discussed. I trust in all the Lord's ways and pray for all His elect not to be deceived, to be gentle as doves and wise as serpents. Love the one and only true God Jesus Christ with all your heart and soul and mind.
Things are definitely getting more interesting.
Some good links also:
Watching it all unfold and lovin' every minute of it. Our God rocks.
FF, that was a good article explaining some new age views regarding 2012, and the particle wave theory and its effect on human life.
Thanks for adding it to the discussion.
Well! Do not tell fairy tales!
Can't you at least give a "handle?" After all, if I'm telling fairy tales, at least my name stands behind it.
How can we be sure, Dave...maybe anonymous meant me. Who knows. Don't sweat the small stuff I always say.
I don't think I have a new age bone in my body to tell you the truth. While I have no idea how God will fulfill His marvelous plans as we are not to know until they happen, sealed up until the end, and this is sufficient for me.
You're welcome for the article, and thanks for the thank you. I don't support the views and believe much more along the lines of the second article that we are being set up to believe in UFO's and other propaganda to fulfill their evil agenda.
I am compelled to point out that the Canaanites did not worship Jesus and they were enemies of the Israelites. I am assuming you know that, but for anyone who may be reading, the Canaanites are our enemy still to this day. Nothing new under the sun and the same spirit that persecuted Jesus is behind our oppression and enslavement. 'Tis true.
Jeremiah 11:14 KJV
14 Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.
Prayers for all in California who are being affected by the heavy rains and mudslides in the south and the blizzard conditions in the North.
In love and peace.
I don't sweat the small stuff, or the big stuff, and with all due respect I don't care whether folks like or dislike my views. However, I do have the right to defend them and know who is lurking and "trolling." If it was you, then all I can say is HUH? LOL!
Anyway, my thank you in no way was meant to say that you are a new ager. Just wanted to thank you for respecting. You are no Shirley Maclaine, have no fear.
...no Shirley Maclaine. Funny thanks for the laugh.
There seems to be a general consensus growing that there will be war on christmas day, and it is starting to appear that it is a growing possibility. South Korea (and the US) are planning live-fire military drills and the North is threatening a strike if it goes forth. The other day I read S.Korea had backed down, but now the light is green again for the games to begin on Tuesday...imagine that.
It certainly seems it could spark ww3 in an instant.
Israel has attacked Gaza recently and more Palestinian lives have been.
How long will the Lord allow it all to go on for. Surely the critical point is enclosing. The unrest throughout the whole world is unprecendented and the whole world can sense it whether it is spoken of or not. What an amazing time to witness.
Love and peace to all.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Lives of Palestinians have been lost.
gotta learn to proofread better.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can defend the position.
The powers that be want war, and they may get it, but it is not the war they want that they will get. The war will be between those who wish to return humanity to the dark ages of superstition, fear, death, and ignorance and those who desire humanity to go forward into the Kingdom of God, one of light, freedom, creativity, and all power and glory. And, the dark ones will lose, and are losing. They will not get their wars, or their NWO, because it is all built on shifting sands. It depends upon an increasingly diverse web of connections, and while we hear a lot about their plans to create a one world economic system, think about the logistics of keeping that edifice afloat.
Don't be fooled. The game is over. It was ended 2000 years ago,but it was only delayed while God gave us a chance to change.
Anonymous, I am not sure you meant to say what you said(but maybe you did?). I meant I was able to defend my position, not you should defend my position. Either way, I invite your comments on the information.
Great points:
This is interesting as well:
Time frame of the eclipse for anyone who may be interested:
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Hmmm...a little peace for now:
Last one about the eclipse...I think!
The truth is busting out everywhere - even in MSM:
S.Korea and the US continue with massive military drill tomorrow:
The Ivory Coast is suffering major turmoil with another civil war ensuing.
Prayers, prayers and more prayers.
While the islands of Japan are shaking like a leaf:
Hi Dave,
Boy I was surprised to come to this site and see you posted a topic. No I am not lurking but come to the site once in a while. To answer your question on fishing battles with corporations out here in the Northwest. The tribes are always fighting corporations that might destroy fish habitat and they must be consulted on environmental impact on developments close to the water ways.
Interesting article you wrote...I have heard that saying before "spaceship earth". We are in very interesting times. With Christ within each of us we have peace even though the world seems to be spinning out of control. All have their parts to play to awaken people to the truth of Christ's love and forgiveness. Those that continue to hate will have their just reward.
Conservative group: Obama will give ‘entire land mass’ of the US to ‘the Indians’. Link below:
May the spirit of Christ dwell in our hearts and minds to guide us in the days ahead.
Hi Sandra; nice to hear from you.
Stumbled across another eclipse coming on January 4th, 2011. A partial solar eclipse that is linked with something called Perihelion. Scroll down a little bit to read the encyclopedia definition of Perihelion. Quite interesting:
Keep your lamps filled and burning bright. The Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ is coming to reign.
Layman's terms regarding Perihelion:
The Earth is closest to the Sun in early January (perihelion), and furthest from the Sun in early July (aphelion).
Hey Sandra,
I posted because I felt that this fit the mantle of an End Times Blog. Awesome to hear from you.
Interesting perspective.
I leave it up to you to decide whether he is telling the truth.
N.Korea is threatening nuclear holy war over the South's massive military exercise.
Ain't scared, rather the opposite, just staying watchful.
Love, prayers and blessings to all.
A daily blessing from the Berean:
Proverbs 8:13 (New KJV)
(13) The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate.
Proverbs 8:13 is one of the definition verses of the Bible, along with "sin is the transgression of the law" (I John 3:4, KJV) and "the love of God [is] that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome" (I John 5:3), among others. Here, the fear of the Lord is defined as "hating evil."
In the Bible, "evil" is used in a wide variety of ways, but as we might expect, its basic meaning is simply "bad" or "negative." It appears in both the passive and active senses. When used passively, it describes distress, misery, misfortune, calamity, or repulsiveness. Proverbs 8:13, however, does not express the passive form of evil, but the active form, which is used in two ways in the Bible. The first can be defined as "what is wrong with regard to God's original and ongoing intent," while the second is narrower in scope: "what is detrimental in its effects on mankind."
People are most familiar with the second definition. When we think of evil, we typically imagine something that is purposefully injurious or intentionally unkind. It is not merely bad in the sense that a hurricane may be bad; it is more than merely unpleasant, but rather terrible by someone's design. In this definition of evil, there is intent to harm—or at the very least, ambivalence toward harm done to another. Evil does not care if harm is done.
In his book, People of the Lie—subtitled "The Hope for Healing Human Evil"—Dr. M. Scott Peck provides a simple yet profound definition of evil: "that which does harm to life or liveliness." The book is about "malignant narcissism": self-centeredness so extreme and pervasive that those possessing it continually injure others around them, not with physical wounds, but with subtle assaults on their emotional or spiritual well-being. This evil cannot be observed directly—the malignant narcissist is a master of deception—but can be seen only in its effects on others, in subtle violence perpetrated against the human spirit in others. Even as these people are doing harm to life and liveliness, they are putting on a pretense of righteousness and piety, terrified at the thought that others might see them as they truly are or that they might actually have to face themselves.
This second way that "evil" is used in the Bible—"what is detrimental in terms of its effects on mankind" or "that which does harm to life or liveliness"—can be quite subjective, thus the Bible also defines it as "what is wrong according to God's intent." A common description in the Old Testament is that a certain person or group "did evil in the sight of the LORD." This description is key because the people did not consider their deeds to be evil. In their view, they were harmless acts. Nobody was getting hurt, and nothing detrimental occurred (that they could see), so they did not consider their behavior to be evil. But what they did was evil—in God's sight.
Israel and Judah justified blatant idolatry and even child sacrifice by saying that they were not doing any harm, or that the harm it might do to the child was insignificant compared to the "greater good" that they believed would come from the sacrifice. The same justification is used for the practice of abortion today.
Israel did not consider temple prostitution to be harmful either, but in the eyes of God—the only eyes that see objectively—what they did was evil. It was evil not just in terms of going against God's intent; it went against God's intent because it was injurious to those involved in it, even though they could not see it. In their myopic pride, they were unable to see that what they were involved in would ultimately bear horrible fruit. So God had to define right and wrong, good and evil, because man is so shortsighted that he often cannot see what will cause harm to himself or to a neighbor.
Halloween is a good example of this, for it is nothing short of the glorification of evil. Its roots go back to the Celtic festival of Samhain, who was the "lord of the dead." It was a boiling mixture of drunkenness, revelry, licentiousness, vandalism, treachery, superstition, anarchy, and rank demonism. Today, this festival is dressed up in a creative costume and dubbed "fun for the kids," but its essence is the same. The world calls it "harmless fun," but it is obvious from Scripture that it is "evil in the sight of the LORD."
However, Proverbs 8:13 says that those who fear God instinctively and earnestly loathe those things that do harm to life and liveliness, even if the harm is not immediately apparent. If we fear God—if we respect Him and what He stands for—then we also oppose all that He is against, which certainly includes anything associated with "the evil one" or his subservient "evil spirits."
Straying from His holy word is really not advisable even when we may find it comforting or exciting.
Love prayers and blessings to all.
This second way that "evil" is used in the Bible—"what is detrimental in terms of its effects on mankind" or "that which does harm to life or liveliness"—can be quite subjective, thus the Bible also defines it as "what is wrong according to God's intent." A common description in the Old Testament is that a certain person or group "did evil in the sight of the LORD." This description is key because the people did not consider their deeds to be evil. In their view, they were harmless acts. Nobody was getting hurt, and nothing detrimental occurred (that they could see), so they did not consider their behavior to be evil. But what they did was evil—in God's sight.
Israel and Judah justified blatant idolatry and even child sacrifice by saying that they were not doing any harm, or that the harm it might do to the child was insignificant compared to the "greater good" that they believed would come from the sacrifice. The same justification is used for the practice of abortion today.
Israel did not consider temple prostitution to be harmful either, but in the eyes of God—the only eyes that see objectively—what they did was evil. It was evil not just in terms of going against God's intent; it went against God's intent because it was injurious to those involved in it, even though they could not see it. In their myopic pride, they were unable to see that what they were involved in would ultimately bear horrible fruit. So God had to define right and wrong, good and evil, because man is so shortsighted that he often cannot see what will cause harm to himself or to a neighbor.
Halloween is a good example of this, for it is nothing short of the glorification of evil. Its roots go back to the Celtic festival of Samhain, who was the "lord of the dead." It was a boiling mixture of drunkenness, revelry, licentiousness, vandalism, treachery, superstition, anarchy, and rank demonism. Today, this festival is dressed up in a creative costume and dubbed "fun for the kids," but its essence is the same. The world calls it "harmless fun," but it is obvious from Scripture that it is "evil in the sight of the LORD."
However, Proverbs 8:13 says that those who fear God instinctively and earnestly loathe those things that do harm to life and liveliness, even if the harm is not immediately apparent. If we fear God—if we respect Him and what He stands for—then we also oppose all that He is against, which certainly includes anything associated with "the evil one" or his subservient "evil spirits."
Straying from His holy word is really not advisable even when we may find it comforting or exciting.
Love prayers and blessings to all.
Apologies for the double post - not sure how I did that but, it's worth reading twice anyway!
God is amazing.
Thanks Dave for intoducing some sanity to the discussion. I don't see how you got that past the Guardian at the door...anyway, you are correct that we are in a process of transformation that has taken several decades, and is reaching its apex in the very near future. This change is completely invisible to those that are bound up in dogma and false belief. When they say it comes as a thief in the night, it will be these religious nuts that will be the most surprised to find that the universe has thousands if not millions of beings that are of the same grade as the Christ, and many more that are well beyond that point. The revelation of these things is at hand, and those that linger in the death grip of a devastating end to mankind will find great shame in their stance and conviction that God must slavishly follow the predictions of human authors penning thousands of years ago. Our friends have been here in great force for several dacades, and are of such a degee of advancement that they bring their own complete environments with them. Some may call these evirons motherships, but they are thriving living entites, just like the beings that inhabit them, and they come at this final hour to lead and guide us the the next step on our universal adventures.
'..thousands if not millions of beings that are the same grade of the Christ.'
'Bout sums it up how deep deception can go, and the Lord's word is 'dogma and false belief' reveals misplaced faith, but no surprises there. What I can't figure out is why you guys want to keep posting here? As for the Guardian at the door, if that is me, I cannot place any restrictions on posts - not hard to figure out how to get past when there is nothing to get past. Hope your alien friends are more intelligent.
Every person shall witness the glory of the Almighty God and Savior of the world Jesus Christ; quite the opposite of 'complete invisibility':
Isaiah 40:5 (KJV)
5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus, come. When He does, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is King. All glory to God in the Highest. Rejoice and make a glad sound unto the Lord for He is coming to reign.
You are indeed the Guardian at the door, which you proved with your first comment accusing David of not reading the Bible anymore. David has clearly read that book from cover to cover and forwards and backwards, your hysterical remark shows how bound up in dogma you are. He has chosen to augment his understanding with the input of new revelation, which you have chosen to turn a blind eye to. He has simply placed the Bible into its true context and meaning, and has acknowledged that it has served its purpose, and now is the time to pay attention to the teachings now flooding the planet and saturating every being on it. A dark heart cannot sense these new teachings, because that is the mechanism by which God makes the distinction between those that are ready to move on, and those that need more time. Your focus on everything dark and despicable about humanity has turned you bitter, and your hope is that all who do not believe as you do should perish. This attitude has been pointed out in many kind and gentle ways to you, yet you persist in seeing everything through dark glasses. All these dark events that you contantly dredge up are merely signs to awaken the sleeping ones of which you are one.
ETs is simply a technical term that defines a being as not native to the earth, and who has had no incarnations upon it, and therefore most operate from a different set of restrictions and possibilities than do we who are legitimately incarnated. Ethical beings that follow the laws of the cosmos cannot set foot upon this world with out explicit invitation, those that violate this edict are what you would call demons. Dark thoughts are what invite demons to our world, because in that sense they do follow the law...think on that next time your thoughts drift off into anything negative. It is through concerted efforts of millions of us earthlings that have realised this great truth, and who hold only thoughts of love, that there are armies of light here presently that are systematically dismantling the dark empires. This monumental effort is complicated by the fact that everything must occur in a concealed fashion until the official day of disclosure of their presence, because we are still operating under a policy of non-intervention by outside influences.
You really need to take a good hard look at yourself and do some introspective work, and not condemn everything that you cannot immediately grasp.
Point taken and always good advice to take a good hard look at ourselves. I will work out my own salvation with trembling.
What you see as negativity and darkness, is affirmation and confirmation of God's word to me. By your own words, and David's (Dave?), not my words, that God's word is no longer relevant because it is more prudent to augment your understanding with the input of new revelation. Where does the new input come from? Occult symbolism is filled with winged disks, is it not? Now that should make one wonder.
The Lord God, not I, will decide who is saved and who shall perish. I do desire to see evil destroyed and an end to this world under satan's rule. I desire the will of the Lord.
I wonder who you think is illegitimately incarnated as opposed to your term of those who are legitimately incarnated. You really fancy yourself a higher being and the Lord says it is the meek who inherit the earth. Another contradiction to His word.
You keep trying to systematically dismantle the dark empire. Hint: might need to try a little harder with those concerted efforts as things are getting worse - just as the Lord God almighty has warned, a time like no other. By the grace of the One and Only true God, I will try to further His Kingdom in the way I feel led. Whether you approve or not. And I reject your new age mumbo jumbo, and demons cannot harm me unless the Lord allows. If the Lord allows, may it further serve His will.
I can agree that angels and demons are extra-terrestials because both originate(d) in the heavens, but why not just say angels and demons. Good and evil of which God has created both to serve His purpose.
Your words copied: All these dark events that you contantly dredge up are merely signs to awaken the sleeping ones of which you are one.
Think about that and the contradiction it brings. It may make you a chuckle as well.
I don't care if you post here. I wouldn't stop you or anyone else from posting, even if I had the capability. For you see, the truth, real truth according to God's holy word that you call dogma, is such a beautiful thing that it will defend itself.
The word of the Lord will endure forever and I put all my faith in Him. Forever and ever.
Let me address a few of your points, about what is a legitimate incarnation, and the meaning of the word meek. A legitimate incarnation is when you enter this world through the birth canal of a woman, and you resign yourself to a state of limited awaremess of your beginnings, and you are cutoff from memory of your past. This allows a fresh start with each incarnation, and is a great gift from the Almighty...especially if there are dark deeds in your past. Every human alive has fallen at one time or another in their sojourns, and it would be a waste to throw away all the good one has done because of one failure. This state of forgetfullness is a very dangerous one, because the possibility exists that you may totally forget your divine origins, and become trapped or bound to the earth, a condition that can last for thousands of years before enlightenment is recovered. Beings that have nefarious purposes never want to enter that state of forgetfullness, because they are aware of their fallen state, and know for a certainty they will become earthbound if they incarnate...so they don't. What they do instead is to attempt to displace the legitimate soul incarnate in an earthly body, and step in and take over while they are still aware of their origins. This is known as spirit possession. They take advantage of implicit permissions given through the negative thoughts and emotions of the host. The host is often not aware of this invader. That is illegitimate incarnation.
As for meek, let me say this as a preface...all apples are fruits, but not all fruits are apples. Look carefully at the following definitions of the word, and maybe you will notice that the first definition defines the qualities of meekness, and the second how some but not all people exhibit those qualities. Great beings are patient, humble and gentle, but not easily imposed on or submissive.
1 Showing patience and humility; gentle.
2 Easily imposed on; submissive.
The same reasoning applies to ETs, some are angels, some are not. There are many beings in the universe and they all have their purpose and form of existence. There are demons on earth that are homegrown, they were once humans, there are also others who come from other worlds through the implicit invitations of malevolent human thoughts.
() said:
'..thousands if not millions of beings that are the same grade of the Christ.'
Thats quite a statement. Its obvious that the Spirit of Christ doesn't resonate with that of yours. Hence you equate him with demonic beings who are engaged in abduction and mutilation of humans and animals. When you have categorically and entirely rejected the prophecies and prophets of the past, how can one engage in a reasoned argument with you. You are indeed blinded by the "army of lights" and Truth is hidden from you. I am sorry brother, you need to be released from this bondage. I can see the "angel of light" has taken you hostage and soon, when the King of Kings comes in His glory and power, you have no where to hide. Neither will the armies of light protect you or fight on your behalf.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Meekness is an interesting topic. Meekness, as in Biblical meaning, is often misunderstood. In this backward twisted world it is often viewed as weakness, but in all actuality, it is quite the opposite. I found this explanation which is accurate:
The focus of true meekness is not in our outward behavior only or in our relationships to other human beings. Neither is the focus on our natural disposition. Rather, it is an inwardly developed tender-heartedness, and the performing of it is first and chiefly toward God. It is the attitude in which we accept God's will toward us as good, and thus without disputing or resisting. (end)
As always, Jesus is our best example for meekness. He glorified the Father in everything He did, even His anger at the merchants in His Father's temple was meekness, and the ultimate meekness was the willing sacrifice of Himself because it was the Father's will. Now that is meekness.
How amazing is our God that He should lay down His life willingly and take the place of every sinner, even the ones who did not love Him whom He asked for forgiveness for while dieing an excruciating painful death. Yet He is still rejected, minimized, despised, spit upon and disputed.
The day of reckoning is upon us and we shall each receive what we have sown by a righteous and just God. Come Lord Jesus, come.
Psalms 119:127-128 (KJV)
127 Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.
128 Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.
Concerning all things indeed.
Praise His holy name on the highest high and love the Lord God Jesus Christ with all that you are and He will shine on you because He loves you dearly. He only desires that you love Him too.
Not too much to ask for the price He paid for each and every one of us.
My brother Annon. Greetings and holy kisses. Always a joy to read your words and feel your presence here.
Rather enjoyed your show of meekness as well.
Meekness is a solid footing on an unshakable foundation with trust and all faith in a mighty powerful God. May He continue to shine His face upon you. I love the Son in my eyes.
Love and blessings Annon. and more love and more blessings. You should really write more. The Lord has great plans for you.
Hello (), Anon and FF,
My wish by bringing up 2012 was to start a discussion. Looks like I got my wish! Sometimes discussions can get heated, and so has this one.
FF and Anon, it is not beyond Christian Theology to say that Christ is a divine spirit as well as a person, the Logos. Read the Gospel of John, in the beginning was the Word (LOGOS)and the word was with God, and the Word was God. This Logos is the Christ, and this spirit is the "light" of the World. The Logos has incarnated throughout human history(as Jesus and other great teachers), it incarnates in US as Christian believers, and can incarnate in other life forms IF they exist. This in no way makes Jesus any less of the Son of God, because the Bible says the very same thing. Again from John, "this Word(LOGOS) was the Light of men, but men loved the darkness, because their deeds were evil." There is great truth here, it means that Jesus as the pre-incarnate Logos has been giving men light for centuries, he gave light to the Jews as well, but when this light became flesh and dwelt among us, it was rejected because people love their ideas, the dark world that they created. As () points out, darkness comes by invitation, therefore if there is evil in the world it is because human beings love falsehood, not God. If Christians struggle with sin, it is because they have refused to reject its power in their lives, plain and simple.
To me, 2012 is a SYMBOL. I do not think anything unusual will happen immediately at the stroke of midnight, but it is a SYMBOL of a massive influx into our world of divine light from the LOGOS, from CHRIST. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is changing. Nothing will ever be the same. Humans introduce both goodness and error into life. However, once error gains a foothold, it take WORK for humans to remove it, because we learn to love falsehood, and despise the light. As I have tried to explain before, as it says in the Bible, you must repent, which means CHANGE YOUR MIND. What you think may be true, but it also could have a great deal of falsehoods in it related to self-love. However, people do not think they need to change, it is everyone else who does, and so we find our scapegoats and we target them for destruction, and in the process destroy ourselves.
2012 represents how God does things, God regenerates and makes all things NEW. If God did not do this, then humanity would have long ago perished. It appears to us that God is destroying in anger, but it is love. God loves us too much to leave us in error. So, he regenerates. We can either accept this, or fight against it, but if you fight against it you will be broken. Look at what happened to the Jews in 70 AD, or the RC Church during the Reformation. Islam is going through this now as well, and it is heading along the path to destruction. A New Church is emerging.
2012 is a date when certain celestial alignments occur with respect to the earth and other bodies in our galaxy, and this alignment is used as a universal reference to allow far flung civilizations from other star systems to arrange a rendezvous here at a give place and time. Time proceeds at different rates for each civilization, depending on their degree of advancement, so alignments of planetary and solar bodies is the only foolproof method to make arrangements that span millenia of time. This 2012 alignment was know for millions of years, so it is not really a prophecy to predict its occurance. It has simply been decided on the planes of existence that oversee and guide our evolution that this would be the final days of our development for this stage. Whomever has attained the required level of development at that moment moves forward, and those that haven't don't...it's really that simple.
The prophecies that were presented by apostles and such are simply man's interpretations of the conditions that might prevail at the time this end phase occurs, and are contingent on our state of mind at that time, they are not things which must occur, but what may occur. They are a warning. If we heed the warning, have a change of heart, or reform our understanding, then they won't happen.
Many forces conspire to prevent this final moment from proceeding smoothly, as there are dark civilizations that have been exploiting us for thousands of years and have much to lose if we make the transition gracefully. This has resulted in a final battle which is ongoing as we speak, and has been in a heated state for the past 20 years. The result will be great upheavals in the world, especially for those that follow the dark path of exploitation of their fellow man. The earthly parties to this exploitation are bankers and financiers, corporations, religions, politics, the military and even the educational systems. These are the ones that will suffer destruction ultimately, as they cannot serve man in the next phase of his existence. If you are not part of the dark aspect of any of these you have little to worry about, as for you the transition is assured to be relatively painless.
There is no set date that this transition occurs on, it could happen earlier if we were of the right frame of mind. However, it is also not open ended at this point and our brothers and sisters from afar will step in and announce their presence sometime around 2012 if we do not take the initiative ourselves. It would be much to our credit to openly and officially make this declaration as a united huminty, than to have the teacher finally step in and do it for us.
Well said. This sums up the 2012 phenomenon. Terrence McKenna felt that UFO's were intelligences, not as he says humourously "Berrelian starships from Gigibouti", but superior intelligence capable of effecting our lives significantly. To me, this is an example of angelic intelligence, guardians of the planet who in 2012 will be allowed to intervene as a gift of God's Grace. But that is my opinion.
What will happen? It will appear to some as the end of the world, since all the systems and institutions you mentioned are doomed to fail. To me, it will represent an opportunity to create something new.
What a bunch of utter and complete nonsense.
I know my beliefs are as such to you as well, for the things of the Spirit are foolishness to the flesh.
It is the mark of the coming singularity that folks are settling into camps, digging in against change. The Christian Church as it has existed for 2000 years is dying. Mainline Catholic and Protestant faiths are in free fall, evangelical churches are enjoying a small increase, however the Religious Right has nipped that in the bud. Judaism is in decline, and Islam as well(dont believe the hype about it being the fastest growing religion. It is not). Every major religion will see its numbers decrease significantly within the next 20 years, except for the fanatics who wish to make everyone believe as they do.
If the trend continues, then error and violence will emerge victorious. Unless God intervenes. And God will, but not in the way that the religious harlot systems expect, because they had their time and their time is past. They MUST GO! And they will.
Clearly, logic is not your stong suite. The word 'hence' follows a logical statement, not a wild and careless opinion. To associate all ETs with abductions and mutilations is evidence only of your utter ignorance. To say the prophesies have been fullfilled and have served their purpose hardly presupposes their rejection, in my opinion. You also might want to read up on what the word 'light' refers to.
For everyone here:
Beautiful Song. Hope you all enjoy.
I was surfing around and came across this by a woman named Liz Colado and thought it might be a blessing for someone as it is really beautifully written and should cause anyone to stop and ponder her words if even for only a short time. Hope you enjoy:
Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Thanks for the link FF.
You're so welcome and right back at ya Dave...pretty song. Love is such a treasure. Money makes the world go around and this is true enough in our world, but the one that is coming that is love making the world go round is the one worth living for - even while in this pit of a world. The Almighty has it all figured out down to the smallest of detail.
Found this and thought it was pretty cool, and in Hong Kong of all places. It gave me a renewed appreciation of Noah's meekness:
With a new year upon upon us and the start of a new decade, I hope and pray for God's will to be done here on earth and the wisdom to not be fooled by whatever traps and snares are set before our paths in these incredible days we are witnessing at the end of time.
Great, wonderful, and miraculous events to behold are soon to be upon us as well.
Love and blessings.
Beautiful ....love the peace and love that is in this song. Wow the comments have gotten real intense. I think that is the reason I don't come to this site very often. Personally I just don't have the will to argue against others beliefs. The spark of divine love is in all of us and we either nourish it or let it die out. Here is hoping we all find peace and love. To bring out the positive and throw off the negative.
Your friend in Christ Jesus.
We can't get anywhere. We are world apart in our faith, thinking and choice. I see no common ground between us. Surely we are seeing a different light at the end of the tunnel. I personally choose my "utter ignorance" instead of following your "logic" and compromise my faith in the Word of God which you categorically labeled as human predictions when it is infact inspired by the Holy Spirit. With due respect and love, I advise you, brother, to look deep into your soul.
There is a grain of truth in what you've said regarding the mothership. I can support that with this clip. You are right they are beings who want to take humanity "home". You've already made the choice. As for me, no thanks. I don't wanna go "home".
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
I think when you say that you are worlds apart in your faith you are exposing your own fear of being somehow "infected" mentally or in spirit by () and his ideas. What do you fear? If you are secure in your belief, and you know in your heart that Christ approves of you, you should in no way be fearful. If () is a liar and a deceiver, you will discern it. () seems respectful, intelligent, and incredibly patient considering how he has been treated, being accused of all sorts of evil intentions. I would think you would have that in common with () if nothing else, being respectful, intelligent, and patient. After all, this is what the master commands.
What The Master commands is to reject untruths that are not consistent with His teachings.
I for one am going to choose to ignore this invasion as there are much more important issues at hand than this distraction.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
For the Lord, not UFOs.
He alone is the Savior of the world.
No one is asking you to accept or reject. Just remember that there are people here who have these ideas, who are made in the divine image, as you are, and who deserve respect. That is what the master commanded, however his church long ago forgot that as it solidified itself in worldly power and sensual attraction. Unfortunately, we are all products of these churches, and we suffer because of it.
Thats all. And thank you for indulging me, I liked that we got everyone back into a topic like the old days.
Dave, I greatly appreciate your sentiment. This is not like the old days to me. This is strife and division. In the old days we discussed our insights and differences while searching the Bible for clarification. This current topic springs from the minds of men.
Your friend and what seems like your leader () is not respectful, and never has been in my opinion.
Seeing how those who control our world have brought us a lot of mind psyops regarding UFO's in movies and secrecy, want us to believe in them so they can further their agenda. Perhaps a Blue Beam Project to stage an alien invasion or a staged return of Jesus, which will confuse and confound the masses for their purposes.
It's ok to not see eye to eye and to be able to openly discuss those differences, but when the discussion is not Biblically grounded, I have no interest in it. I believe it is good to have an awareness of the traps and snares that the foe may be planning, thus the words of the Lord for being wise as serpents, but to try to sway people from the foundation of the Bible is not of God. In any way.
Thanks Dave for your kind words. As you no doubt are aware, bringing new teachings is a most difficult task, particularly when the old ediface has been badly corrupted and stultified from its original pristene and pure beginnings. Many current believers cannot understand that there is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater...but the bathwater must go. I avoid ever attacking anything in the Bible directly, as I also believe it is the inspired work of God, but this is a separate matter to what is now contained in it through edits and ommissions and revisions. Those who wish to stake their belief on ideas of its infallibility are soon to be awakened to the manner it has been used to enslave mankind. Without the assistance from those spirits that remained behind as watchers and guardians, and who have observed first hand the gradual perversions that have crept in and purpose they were to serve, the identity of the culprits, we would have no hope of untangling the truth from the fictions and misdirections.
As regards respect, there is little hope of finding that with those that identify with the Bible on a personal level, and have a great deal of their ego invested in what they believe. Also the statement that I am your leader or vice versa is absurd as you and I have no connection whatsoever...aside from what we understand in common. My task as I see it is to present new information to those that would be too fearfull to even read or consider it, and indeed to illicit a reaction...the rememberance of that reaction is what later will be the pathway to awakening when the truth is finally revealed to them.
Take me to your leader(LOL)....
() I understand exactly what you are saying, and I agree. This experience simply confirms for me the awful truth that the Church creates confusion, and has nothing to do with the truth of God, nor his Christ. How can you free your mind if you are unaware of its oppression?
Only a spirit of confusion could view knowledge as evil. It is like when the church arrested Gallileo.
Well, Im out for now. Ill be back though
Isn't there some other place you would rather invade that is more enlightened than us dogma-ridden, Bible thumpers..I mean surely you would be happier bringing your new age ideas to other new age people. I don't mind being left in the stone age by your kind.
It is just a mere coincidence that you, Dave and Sandra show up at the same time (again), in support of each other and nobody else and you expect to be believed that there is no connection. Labeled haters for not conforming - just like before with Obamamania. I suppose that was all a coincidence as well.
Millions of websites out there that would probably soak up your ideas as quick as you do, and yet you come here. Sandra says she doesn't have the will to argue her beliefs, but here she is.
All of it makes no sense but it's not connected. Got it.
When you quote me please get it right. I have no problem explaining my beliefs but as I said and quoted here "Personally I just don't have the will to argue against "others beliefs."
I don't feel the need to argue against "OTHERS" belief. Or for that matter to accuse others of evil intentions for speaking their beliefs. I am grounded in my knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and what he wanted us to accomplish as his followers. You always want to accuse others of some kind of motive for coming here. I came because Dave who is a contributor to this site wrote something. That is all.
Hoyt (see you later)
Same context, Sandra.
I'm not interested in playing the games you guys are preoccupied with.
Oh ye hypocrites.
You know I have been trying to deal with you in a kind way and never wanted to hurt your feelings but I am going to tell you something..you and the way you treat others who might disagree with you is the same way christians treated the Indian people who had a different way of looking at God and the spiritual world.
So go ahead and believe you are the righteous one my friend. Time will tell. You have a very judgemental spirit full of accusations against all that think different from you.
No Sandra, you have always wanted to hurt my feelings.
Don't call me your friend when you don't mean it.
O ye hypocrites.
"I think when you say that you are worlds apart in your faith you are exposing your own fear of being somehow "infected" mentally or in spirit by () and his ideas."
No not at all. I have no fear of anything apart from the fear of God almighty. I reiterate my statement that we are worlds apart and there is no way we can come together in our beliefs. Its way beyond disagreement of ideas and beliefs. We are entirely in different camps. Make no mistake, the lights () has been talking about highly are but demonic spirits that, a thousand of them in my right and ten thousands of them in my left, would fall just at the sound of His name . I have no fear! If calling someone a brother and advise him to exmine his heart is disrespect in your eyes, be it so. I have no problem with () or anyone here. I have a problem with someone trying to discredit the Word of God and want to force something else down my throat. I have only one King whom I worship and wait for His return. And His name is Jesus Christ. If () tells me "commander Ashtar" is on his way to bring transformation to the earth, then thats his master, not mine.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Ok...we are not friends anymore. I thought since we both loved Jesus that it made us friends in the Lord. My mistake and I won't make that error again.
The truth will be revealed no matter how you try to run people off this blog who think differently.
Judge and you will be judged. Hypocrite for telling my truth..interesting.
...been trying to deal with me in a nice way.
And it's not so interesting.
Hey Sandra,
Funny, I don't see a lot of Bible thumping just a lot of temper tantrums. You know I always wondered why every Christian church had such incredible intolerance and then I realized, its because it is under God's judgment. Centuries of inquisitions, crusades, wars in the name of Jesus, the conquest of the new world,on and on. Jesus has vomited us out of his mouth, and rightly so. We should be on our knees begging his forgiveness, Sandra we should be begging your people for forgiveness for stealing your land, your culture, your identity, and your spirit. This country was a Garden of Eden before we came here, and look what we have done to it. All in the name of a false Jesus, a Jesus of conquest, domination, intolerance, and hatred. How dare we do that to his holy name? WE HAD NO RIGHT. You want to talk genocide, the genocide of native people around the globe in the name of Christian and Islamic Civilization, the so-called "GREAT" monotheistic religions, is a holocaust beyond description. But no museums will be created because it does not fit the paradigm. You deserved it, according to the churches, because you were heathen demon worshipers. Shameful.
What hope is there for the church? Not much I am afraid. There is something new coming down the road, and its happening with God's blessing and Christ's Power. The oppressed of this world are going to get justice. I may be out of the loop on this one, I just hope that when the scales of power are reversed, the downtrodden of this world see fit to give me and my family a chance. Because the first WILL be last, and the last WILL be first. Its coming. Get ready.
One last thing. IF and I say IF ufos are real, and they are capable of visiting earth, and their designs were malevolent, there would be nothing we could do about it. Nothing at all. Like the conquest of the New World, we would be easy prey. Also, I see no logic in pretending to be enlightened masters, or spiritual gurus from the stars. All they would have to do is bribe the leaders of our countries with technology and power, and the game would be over without a shot being fired. It seems ridiculous to convince us they are spiritual masters, and then turn into devils at the last moment. If they are millions of years advanced from us, this seems quite "below." Them. Also, why come thousands of light years to mutilate cattle? Seriously, are cows that precious? Isn't it possible that a real ufo revelation may be being preempted by the powers that be in order to discredit them in advance? Because if they make contact, it will change everything.
I have my doubts about the space brothers, and the Ashtar Command. There has been much written about the so-called channeling of aliens as govt psyops. I think this may be an example of this, but I am not sure.
Now this is interesting:
FF and Annon
Why would anyone simply spend all day talking to those that already have this knowledge, what would that accomplish? It is really not a matter of stroking egos, and finding aggreement on all things. At one time the gospel was to tell all the world of the love of Christ, and that we all had eternal life, now the good news is that he is here to deliver on His promises. Yet you reject the very thing you are awaiting most anxiously to occur because it is not packaged in the form you expect. Instead you have become the very image of what you abhore, a narrow minded bigot who feels the need to attack someone as pure and innocent as Sandra who has indeed handled you with superhuman self control. I don't know Sandra or Dave at all, have no idea where they are, what they look like or what they believe...I do know that they are on a beautiful path, one that does resonate with many things I believe. That we are often here at the same time has more to do with the tone and depth of the discourse, and a lot to do with avoiding the empty platitudes flung about willy nilly by you and annon. That what you do is not a dialogue, but your vanity attempting to prove your acceptability to the Christ, as though there existed some bizzare form of spiritual entitlement that only Christians were privvy to. To insult them for agreeing with my words is the truest type of hypocracy.
Another article from another true believer, Liz Colado. I love the harmony that truth resonates:
7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Keep standing fast my brother. The reward is immeasurable. God is so good t those who love Him. He is working all things to the good. Even in the persecution. I hold you in my heart and my prayers in these trying times. We have been provided an opportunity to express our faith, and as the darkness grows, so does God's light. The light He has given you has been a blessing to behold. May He continue to fill you up.
The days soon ahead are going to be simply amazing. Rejoice for salvation draweth near. Praise His holy name. Come Lord Jesus.
Hi Dave,
Yes the Lord will get his just revenge and I know my people will survive. We have always been put down for our beliefs so it does not surprise me the attacks I have gotten on this site because I have asked for tolerance and love. You don't have to believe all that is being written on this blog site but the courtesy of showing the love of Christ in dealing with others is all that I have asked for and I guess it is not going to happen.
No we don't know each other but seem to run in to each other on here at times. Let them believe in their delusions that somehow we are in a conspiracy...if you want to see a pic of me just click on my name on my comments.
Enjoy your evening and all the quotes from the Bible will not save those who are intolerant of others.
Florida's cold snap has caused a $115 million dollar loss in crops. It looks like snowmageddon in NY and Jersey, and California is experiencing more rain. People can discern the weather, but not the time, and yet it is the weather that is making some people take a little more notice about the time we find ourselves in. It is wreaking havoc in many places that will have lasting effects on people's lives all around the world.
Prayers for all whose lives are being affected by the extreme weather as well as all the earthquakes.
NATO is attempting a second take over of Bora Bora, bombs are exploding in many countries, protests against economic oppressors have become routine, and mostly complacency still abounds. And the wolves in sheep's clothing are ravenous.
A time like no other is upon us.
John 8:1 (KJV)
True children of Abraham believe in Christ.
Love and blessings in His name.
It's vengeance. The Lord will take vengeance upon the ungodly. (2 Thessalonians 1)
God has never called His people to be tolerant of false beliefs.
Thanks for the peek, its nice to have a face to go along with the words.
The day is nearing when the ascended souls of the tribes will show they hold no grudges as they personally deliver many a fallen white man from hater hell.
I would be more than willing to conspire with you to bring this silly world to its senses.
Thanks for the pic Sandra, nice to put a face to a name.
I have seen the info posted from the Atlantean Conspiracy, and it offers some interesting information. Interestingly, Muslims believe that Gog and Magog will be aliens who live east of the Caucasus Mountains in Asia, so this idea of off world entities visiting earth in the last days is not new. Many ancient people and tribes call themselves star people, and believed they were founded as a people by beings from inside the earth and beyond. These are of course legends, and it is common for people (like a dim wit like Hitler) to take this literally. We are dealing with intelligence here, not physical beings (I think at least).
I think that anyone who really reads my posts should know that the alien presence I am referring to are not humanoids in ships, but direct communications from the universe, mediated by intelligences far advanced from us. How it manifests on earth is up to us, as the internal becomes external, we must interpret it in our own way. There is no doubt that an infernal aspect exists in this whole thing, and one must have discernment, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. But discernment is in no way outright rejection. All life is a mixture of good and bad, and all information received in this world is as well. There is a simple test: if the message denies the Christ (that is the principle of Yahweh/Jesus manifest in God's creation) and tries to present another message, then it is false. Because FF, you are right, there is no God but Yawheh/Jesus. However, this God is ever active, ever creating and destroying, and unfortunately our church system is being destroyed. I must look for the new knowledge, the new thing he is doing or else I risk missing it and being trapped in Babylon.
The same goes with ancient religions, like those practiced by native peoples. There was much good as well as bad in these practices, however that does not make them demonic. just particular to their situation and cultural and historical experiences. Something new came, and they were unable to adjust to it. But as Sandra says, they have practiced survival and they are uniquely positioned to survive whatever is coming down the road. Are we?
On the article posted by Liz Colado,
There is evidence to suggest that the earth quakes referred to in all sacred scriptures are symbolic of an "awakening" among God
s people which "shakes" the earth with their presence and causes a shifting of ideas, positions, etc. Jesus said he came to light a fire, this was another symbol to show how he wanted to shake people out of their stupor, the hypnosis of organized religion to accept the new thing Yahweh was doing.
Dave, Can you please cite the Bible verse that says Jesus came to light a fire when you get a chance? I am not familiar with that.
You did catch that those, like Hitler, were following the serpent seed with their crazy beliefs, right?
The religious system is the Harlot, the whore of Babylon. God's church on this earth has been dead since very shortly after He was crucified. But soon He is going to be raising up His endtime church which He tells us will be more glorified than His beginning church. Israel of God; the body of Christ.
It is going to be awesome.
I am glad you acknowledge that Hitler was indeed following the serpent seed. I have gotten on discussions on this site against Hitler and his beliefs but was put down by Ali who seemed to think he had good things to say and was misunderstood.
Loving Christ and following his teachings is my mission in life. His teachings if followed would change the world. No longer would people be caught up in this capitalist babyalon system but live life in love and peace.
I don't think anything we have been taught or given has been accurate. Everything has been a lie.
I think it is possible that Hitler started out by trying to do the right thing - he wanted to restore the wealth of Germany to the German people away from the grips of the money changers, but he sold out like so many of them do. You either join them or get assassinated. Maybe that is what Ali was talking about. I recall some of the conversation. The holocaust did not happen the way we have been taught either.
Everything that has happened and is currently happening, has been to bring us to where we are now. It is a most exciting time.
And yes, Sandra, if people followed Jesus' teachings, the world would be a different place, but that is not what is to be. But everything is the way it is supposed to be.
Mild earthquake (3.8) in Indiana last night and the tremors were felt in Chicago.
China is readying for war:
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
FF, here is the actual passage:
Luke 12:49-53 (New International Version, ©2010)
Not Peace but Division
49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
This is symbolic of Jesus' intention to shake up the people of god.
Thank you Dave. Fire that refines and fire that destroys. This is our mighty God.
John 16:33 (King James Version)
33These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Love and peace in His name.
Hitler was a tin horn dictator from the very beginning, and a murderer. He was also an occultist, but when we say this we need to understand what we mean. Occult means hidden, and that is not always a bad thing, after all God keeps hidden his truths from his enemies. Hitler was initiated into an ancient secret society dedicated to using fear, terror, war, and black magic in order to rule the world. They believed, interestingly enough, in Nordics, Pleadians, Greys, and other so-called aliens who were believed, by Hitler, and Alistair Crowley and others to be the ancient gods who seeded this planet and established the Aryan Race as superior and divinely entitled to rule. They used the Swastika, which was an ancient symbol for the sun, and made it black-which is of course a symbol for those who understand of their commitment to black magic and power. The sun is a symbol for light, make it black then you are saying to the world, our power is opposed to the light, we wish to bring darkness, ignorance, pain and suffering. So, I disagree Hitler was a good man who got caught up in the system. His Nazi party, by virtue of their symbols, policies, and tactics clearly stated for the world who they were, and what they were all about.
For the record, Pope Pius the 12th recognized the Nazi Party, actively supported their activities during the second world war, knew what they were doing to Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals and others in the concentration camps, and chose to not only do nothing, but actively support Nazi Germany. And he was made a saint by the church! Also, the Reformed Lutheran Churches in Germany also supported Hitler, and knew what he was doing with dissidents, Jews, and others and said nothing. In the Middle East, Islamic Armies offered Hitler two full divisions to help fight the allies and kill Jews. Jesus told us to judge a tree by its fruit. Hitler was evil, and he sure had a lot of support from the world's great monotheistic religions. So where does the true evil lie. Where's the fruit?
I believe aliens are the least of our worries. We have terrestrial enemies, who are willing to destroy their own world, and their fellow humans, for power and money. And theses enemies of humanity hide behind God and the cloak of religious holiness.
It is a delight for us to bring you good tidings, and we continue to urge you to work, you tireless human beings, towards the prompt establishment of the internal government of the Light of Planet Earth. Work, work, work so that the vibrational change takes place within a short period of your lineal three-dimensional time.
The Light Workers of your humanity and our vast cosmic, celestial, angelic, intraterrestrial and astral hosts, united in a common front, will, just like a battering ram, bring down the wall of those who have taken refuge in their own selfishness and who try to oppose the change!
There will be no more space for those with a frozen heart and a greedy mind! The change promised by us will bring about a much more spiritual and altruistic humanity, one who will not be self-centered and focused only on their own well-being, but who will be interested in the betterment of society in general and who will champion for the raising of all humanity to heights unknown to men on this planet.
When our encounter becomes a reality, we will be able to help you to improve and evolve in a few short years, which otherwise would have taken you centuries and even millenniums to achieve if you had not had our help.
None of us know in depth the Plan God has conceived in His Cosmic Mind; but we do know that it will be successful in materializing on the physical plane where you live, and that our struggle against the darkness, which characterizes the dark beings in high spheres of power, will sooner or later be crowned with success.
You can be sure of that because God, being the Creator of all situations, cannot fail, can never fail!
We would like to ‘inoculate’ you with our optimism, which is born from our trust in the happy development of God’s Plans; that is why we would like to pass onto you that optimism so that you go forward with a solid faith and trust. Leave behind all fears and advance, advance more and more each day with a firm step, with your heads held on high, and proud to know that you are going to be co-protagonists of the flourishing of the New Era on this planet.
I give you my blessing, given to you by the Supreme Being through me.
Peace and Love
Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
You might want to watch this "you tube" on the holocast. Hitler got his example on how to treat the Jewish people from the American System...
The powerful and hard-hitting documentary, American Holocaust, is quite possibly the only film that reveals the link between the Nazi holocaust, which claimed at least 6 million Jews, and the American solution to the Natives of this land.
This does not mean that I don't care and love those of the white race. I love all God's people who truly follow the teachings of Christ and try to live their life in compassion and caring for this dying world. To try and set on fire God's people to live the life the Lord instructed us to do and in our small part to follow "on earth as it is heaven." To get out of this system and live free as God intented us to do without the shackles of this world...
Did not mean to bring up Hitler again but since you said Hitler was following the "serpent seed" I wanted to acknowledge your remark. Hitler was evil and I do agree with Dave on that.
Let his Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.♥♥♥
No need to explain Sandra. This is an untold story.
Hitler was the spearhead of a massive invasion of Dark ET forces from other worlds. They used him as a human figurehead to rally the German people to seek world domination. Hitler benefitted from centuries of war and confusion, slavery and church abuse that laid out a red carpet for these invaders to use a legal loophole to enter this world. This loophole is called Implied Permission, which results from the accumulated negative subconscious emotions such as hate, envy, and domination acting as an attracting force. Once here they set about to sytematically pervert all our institutions to suit their devious purposes. Every single institution became infested and that is the reason for all the turmoil at present as these corrupted entities now must be swept clean. Bush was the final gasp of this invading effort, but failed due to them overreaching and their succumbing to personal greed and wealth.
Sandra, here is a great lecture:
Found this after watching your link.
In 1990 Gloria Estefan and her family were involved in a major motor accident when the Estefan's tour bus crashed with a tractor trailer in Pennsylvania. Her husband and son received minor injuries but Gloria was critically injured with a broken vertebra. She took a year to recover and this song was written by her about her recovery.
Often it takes a shaking to bring people back to God...all the wordly possessions mean nothing and we realize it is love and the light of Jesus that will save us all.
Thanks Dave I will go to the link after I get my young Down Syndrome man ready for the day...I caregive and he keeps me in a loving state. Thank the Lord for him.
Let his Kingdom come and let me be a tool in my small community...
Thanks for the posts (). Interesting message. It asks us to continue to work to bring light into the world. What better goal can we all have than that?
Its a long lecture Sandra, but I think it shows that all things are being revealed, and will continue to be revealed as we approach the end of this age
Yes () thanks for the posts. Sorry I did not say anything earlier but your posts did lead me to post the song "Coming out of the Dark". I love the song and do believe that it does take a shaking to wake up people from their existence in the Matrixs. To view the world without all the material trappings and to see what is really important in life.
Peace and Love.
Thank you for the link. Took me all day to get through it because I would have to pause it and get work done than go back to it. The truth is so hard for some to swallow because they bought into the lie...I thought it was interesting when he actually read the writings of those involved in the slaughters in this country and in other countries. Hard to deny when you have the writings of those involved.
As you have done unto the least of these, so have you done unto me....Jesus (Matthew 25:40)
Some good resources from Emmanuel Swedenborg if anyone has interest.
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks. jasmin holzbauer
Proverbs 3:5 (King James Version)
5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
All the words of the Lord comfort, strengthen and soothe the soul.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Thanks for the link on Bible Meanings. I put it in my favorites. Looks like a good tool to have when quoting verses in the Bible.
Wishing all a new year of learning wisdom and knowledge in the Lord. Let us all walk the path of truth and compassion in a world that so needs people of God to be a light in this dark world. ♥♥♥
Nice video
Timely message
It is still happening today...“Hundreds are murdered and thousands are forced off their land of origin to grow the palm oil that goes in your cosmetics.”
Quantitative easing in the making:
What's in the Heart - Children of the 7th Generation
What's in the Heart is a documentary film in production that looks at the history and reasons why American Indians have the worst health disparities of any population in the country. The film highlights remarkable Native Americans who are helping to heal their communities with remarkable programs.
Thanks Sandra, I look forward to seeing it.
It is going to be an interesting year and I rejoice in all the Lord has done, is doing and what is to come.
When the New Madrid quaked in 1812, it is said to have rang church bells in New York.
The Bible tells us Mystery Babylon's destruction comes quickly in which the Lord tells us that some of His people may be martyred, and I am merely speculating, but the New Madrid fault zone, like Yellowstone, could certainly fulfill the prophecy.
Love and blessings to all.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
Beautiful picture Sandra, by the way, and I apologize for not having had a chance to see your most recent link, but it is heartwarming to hear of people helping each other wherever and whenever they can.
Love and peace in His name.
'Devil' crabs and lots of them are washing up dead on Britain's shores:
Yep, it is going to be an interesting year.
Dont know if anyone loves Les Mis like I do, but this is an incredible clip form the epilogue.
Thank you for your kind words and for going to the link. The key to this story is learning to forgive and to move on to help others within the community. We can not change the past but we can change the way we move past the hurt and realize in order to heal the hurt of generations we must forgive as was taught by Jesus.
Forgive them for they know not what they do!!
While we are each trying to shine His light in ways we are called and moved to do, the trials and tribulations on a global scale increase dramatically on a near daily basis. Yet people seem comfortable in their comfortableness because their lives have not been turned upside down like so many have around the whole globe from many causes such as earthquakes, famine, floods and rampant disease, etc. It appears that it will take a tremendous shaking to get people out of their comfort zones to see the prophecy being fulfilled. While we can mostly control our immediate lives, we have no control over the world. But it doesn't mean we can pretend it is not happening just as the Bible tells us it would happen. This is a blessed time. A time for preparation. A time of change.
This year is going to be a very revealing and prophetic year if the beginning is any indication. There have already been two major quakes in S.America, a partial solar eclipse, spikes in food prices due to crop damage from inclimate weather worldwide, and more threats of war; strange phenomenon and reports of a more-than-usual rapid magnetic pole shift.
Love and peace to all.
Stay blessed and keep looking up.
He has great wonderous things to show us. More than we can even begin to imagine.
Mark 13:34-37 (King James Version)
34For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.
35Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
36Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
How amazing and gracious is our mighty God.
Sudden increase in activity at Katla:
San Francisco was also rattled by a 4.1 earthquake.
I think that we all are awakening to the idea of change, but change is a part of our universe, and has been since the beginning. The problem that I see is that human philosophies and ideas are going to change as well as the physical world we inhabit, and I am not sure that people are ready for that, in fact I know they are not. For example, think about how easy it is for you or I to track events on the internet. 15 years ago we could not do this, so if computers and the net were not here now, we would all effectively be in the dark about a whole host of issues and changes. All of us are being exposed daily to ideas, people, cultures, events that previously would have been out of the range of our perceptions. What are we to make of this?
Well, something new is coming. Change is happening on the physical earth, but also in the human condition. If we see it as only destruction, then of course we will miss it. God creates-God does not destroy. If the universe he created is ready to evolve into something new, then, to use a parable of Jesus, the old wine skins will burst with the new wine, but the new wine will come and replace the old. This we interpret as destruction, but it does not have to be. We have a part to play in this transition and it goes way beyond simply waiting for God to slap his enemies and pat his children on the back and say "Good Job."
I think the problem with modern Christianity stems from a complete misunderstanding of Paul's idea of justification by faith. Most Christians believe that all they need to do is say "I believe" and its enough, but its not. We have to be active, we have to live what we say we believe, and we have to be open to the randomness of God, that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are his ways our ways. God does not act according to a pattern set down by men. That is why prophecy predictors are ALWAYS wrong. Hal Lindsay has been wrong from day one. The 2012 crowd is wrong as well, they are missing the point of 2012 when they see it as an actual end date. It is actually a start date.
Dave, Of course God does not act according to a pattern set down by men. He has a time and a season and a purpose for everything. Praise His holy name on high.
The Lord God Almighty, not me, says repeatedly through His people that He is going to trodden down His enemies under His feet and return to dwell with His people. He also tells us there are signs leading up to these events. How the Lord will fulfill these prophecies, we all have yet to see for many things are sealed up until the end. We will not and cannot know how God will work, but, unlike you, I believe Him when He says this is what will be done. And we don't have to worry about 'missing it.'
I will agree with you that what is coming is a new beginning, a restoration, but it is an end to this system of things and those who have taken the mark of it. I do not believe it has anything to do with the 2012 date as proposed by those who did not worship Him - the Mayan, the Hopi, Incas, etc.
This time is all about Jesus; for Him, by Him and because of Him. NOTHING, we are nothing without Him. You would do well to remember that, Dave. The Lord God Jesus Christ will make sure His people are ready.
Psalm 60:12 (King James Version)
12Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.
Malachi 4:3 (King James Version)
3And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
There is a change already here and you can see the signs all around. Those that don't realize that the world is changing and want to go back to the dark days are fighting it through organizations like the tea party and even some liberal groups. People have to accept personal responsibility for the state of the world and make changes that will be pleasing to God. Those that fight the change will be left behind until they stop blaming others for the state of the world. Through the years we all have participated in the growth of Babylon and as such we need to repent of our part in this beastly system. We are here to make changes within our communities and get out of the economical system of Babylon. We are to do on earth as it is in heaven. We are to walk the talk of Jesus and people will see our works and give praise to God our Father. Not praise to us for we are only a vessel for his love and compassion and all glory goes to the Lord.
The Hopi were not visited by Jesus so their prophesies are from the Creator God who spoke to them and warned the people of the coming times.
Amen, all glory to the Lord Jesus. May He find favor in some small way with our discussion.
While we are a part of this 'beastly system' the beasts are ruling no matter what we do even when we are doing the work of the Lord. We are in bondage of which ONLY Jesus can free us from. The 'change' will not be affected by us but Him. Quite possibly through us, but we cannot do it without Him. While we are doing good, the evil ones are tightening their grasp for their plans of world domination (NWO) and sitting in the seat of the Lord. Or so they are deceived into believing.
Found a site about the Hopi and Mayan beliefs which sounds very similar to the views that are being expressed here. In my understanding, the current day Hopi do not worship Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Everything else is sinking sand and will be washed away.
Love and peace in the precious holy name of Jesus Christ.
James 2:14-26 (New King James Version)
Faith Without Works Is Dead
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your[a] works, and I will show you my faith by my[b] works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?[c] 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”[d]And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
If Luther took this passage as seriously as he took Paul's passages on justification, then Christianity would not be in decline, but would have long ago established God's Kingdom on Earth.
Great point about those who are resisting change. However, their resistance will only break them. The fire of God's Love is pouring down on us, and it is revealing all truth in its light.
By your account again then Dave, we are on a time table that we are in control of by our actions. I believe there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Lord tells us it will not be by His might, but by His Spirit. There will be no mistaking it when He comes again, speaking of when He returns in spiritual sense.
Faith without works is dead. But it is not by any of our work that will earn us salvation either. But by His merciful, amazing grace.
I have asked before and have never received an answer, but maybe this time will be different.
What can we do that we are not already doing that will bring about the end of the beastly system and usher in Heaven on earth?
We wait patiently on the Lord.
Sounds like HAARP could be the unusual radar event in Bebee, AK:
When scientists cannot explain it, you know it's God. Imagine the brilliance of this currently taking place in the wondrous Heavens:
A timely blessing from the Daily Berean.
1 Thessalonians 4:1
(1) Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the Lord Jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God;
New King James Version
When we really mature in our spiritual life, we see more, we know more, we feel more, we do more, and we repent more. It is all in proportion to our closeness to God! We are, in short, growing in grace (as Peter said in II Peter 3:18).
No one who neglects the spiritual big four—Bible study, prayer, meditation, and occasional fasting—can expect to make much progress in sanctification because these are the channels through which spiritual strength flows from God. This is why having access to God through Jesus Christ is so important. These efforts produce faith and then obedience, and fresh supplies of His grace flows.
There are no spiritual gains without pains. Would we expect a crop from a farmer who never even looked at his fields until harvest time? That is ridiculous! The farmer has to get out in his fields and sow the seeds. Does not God say in James 3:18 that "the fruit of righteousness are sown in peace by those who make peace"? The fruits of righteousness have to be sown! That is work.
What are the fruits of righteousness? They are love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, kindness, faith, self-control—but they have to be sown, fertilized, cultivated, and pruned. We see a process. As those fruits begin to be produced, sanctification cannot be hidden any more than the fruit on a tree can be hidden. We will never attain to holiness without Bible study, prayer, fasting, meditation, and obedience because through them is how spiritual life is sown, cultivated, fertilized, and tended so that fruit is produced.
The daily Berean offers good spiritual advice. I like how they encourage folks to read study, pray, and fast. I would add one thing to the message you posted: charity or compassion towards your neighbor. Christian. All spiritual practice must lead to this, if it does not then it needs to be left behind, or altered.
Dave, I enjoy those as well and glad to hear that you do, too, because I have another one. It is about works as well. How amazing is our God. I liked the previous Berean because it shows a different kind of 'work' than we usually think of.
Galatians 3:10
(10) For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them."
New King James Version
Paul is quoting here from Deuteronomy 27:26, a principle echoed in Jeremiah 11:3.
"Of works," like "of faith" in verses 5 and 7, shows a person's origin—their source or basis of their spiritual life, and what they depend on. This follows the theme that we are justified and glorified (saved) by grace through faith, and not by our own righteousness. So Paul is saying here that those people who have their basis of spirituality in their own works and righteousness, rather than in their Creator, are under a curse.
In this verse, as with much of the rest of his letter to the Galatians, Paul is addressing the problem of justification by works—he is not condemning the law. It is evident from his other writings that Paul is not in any way anti-law (Romans 2:12-16,26; 3:31; 6:12; 7:12,22,25; 8:7; I Corinthians 7:19; I Timothy 1:8-11; II Timothy 2:5; Titus 1:16; 2:11-14; Hebrews 1:8-9; 8:10; 10:26-29), but rather in this epistle he is endeavoring to show the place that law and works should hold in a Christian's life. He is against the misuse or abuse of law. God's law plays a vital part within the sanctification process, because it is during this time in a Christian's life that character is being built, that we are growing, overcoming, etc.—all of which require that a standard of conduct (law) be present.
James explains this further in James 2:10-12:
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
This shows that our own righteousness could never suffice for the purpose of justification, because we all have sinned. But after we have been justified and entered into the New Covenant, the law is still very much valid for the purpose of sanctification. We are told in James 2:12, as in other places, that we will be judged, and the standard for that judgment will be the law of God.
Found this interesting and wanted to pass it along:
I've always liked things like sand clocks, lava lamps, and the like to well-wishing of just spend space staring at it as a configuration of catharsis. In a opportunity, it helps me with meditation, to free lay stress and scarcely assume just about nothing. That's why since I was a kid, in preference to of dolls and cars I've in any case at ease more of such pieces like sand clocks, lava lamps, tuneful boxes etc. So I was most pleased when I base the[url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-1260-2-Laser++LED+Light+Show+Laser+Top+Gyroscope+with+Music+Effects.html] 2-Laser + LED Spry Appear Laser Ace Gyroscope with Music Effects[/url] from DealtoWorld.com protection the Toys section. It's like a harmonious belt, a spinning top, and a light divulge all rolled into one. Which is capacious diversion! The gyroscope will whirl for round a minute. The laser light show with accompanying music makes this gyroscope a pretty corresponding exactly tiny that my friends get also been most amused with.
My dogs are also nice-looking intrusive around the laser gyroscope I got from DealtoWorld.com. They evermore follow the gyroscope as it spins, although at first place they kept barking at the laser slight advertise, and also because it produces music. But after they got employed it, they've stopped barking but simply save up following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also unbelievably amused by it. Sometimes it's proper to have entertaining toys throughout the ancestry so that you can desert the bit of frippery trifle with on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you go get up foodstuffs or get changed. The gyroscope is inseparable such play with with this purpose.
The gyroscope I bought from DealtoWorld.com has a dragon as a intent plot on it, and produces a gegenschein show with red, blue, and unskilled colours. Nick a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser luminosity show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that great but allowable enough to treat any redone customer to the house. The gyroscope is red and raven, making it look particular imperturbable, and to some virile with that dragon imprint.
The music light show gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also utilized this gyroscope to their heels my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy chore of decorating the b & b latitude with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as rise so that the laser brighten register produces a ideal effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the sunrise effects created a sort of romantic atmosphere. She loved it, by the going, to my relief. I also bought the candles from DealtoWorld.com. These days it seems to be my default shopping site suitable all gifts and ideas for romanticist occasions.
Since Christmas is coming, this laser radiance upstage gyroscope can perhaps be a momentous Christmas contribution looking for the toddler or methodical the favoured! Alternatively, the gyroscope can altogether be a gracious reckoning to the traditional Christmas decorations. I can imagine placing it near the Christmas tree and perchance spinning it when guests succeed in the house. Looks like [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] is getting my business still again!
Another great from the Berean:
Printer version
1 Corinthians 1:26-29
(26) For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. (27) But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; (28) and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, (29) that no flesh should glory in His presence.
New King James Version
Nobody will ever come before God and say, "I did it by the strength of my own hands." Though this person may have faith and a strong will, he is certainly not perfect. Many times, when the Israelites' faith broke down, God had to intervene in some way to save them. Whether it is Israel at the Red Sea or Israel out in the wilderness, time and again He had to intervene and spare them, even in times when they showed a measure of faith.
Since man's creation, humans have been exalting themselves against God by choosing to do things their own way. However, there is only one way that works eternally, and every human being will be led to see his weaknesses and know that it is by grace that we are saved. This realization does wonders to a person's feelings about himself, making humility possible. This, in turn, makes it possible for him to yield to God, which makes it possible for him to deal with other human beings, not with a high hand or as a master to a slave, but as a friend—as an understanding brother or sister who has gone through similar experiences and seen their own failures, and who can commiserate, sympathize, show compassion and mercy, encourage, and inspire the one who has failed.
God will work in each person and will do it in such a way that he will come to realize that merely knowing the truth—and even believing the truth and acting on it—are not enough. God must save them by grace.
This is not to say that works are unimportant. They are vital to maintaining and developing a relationship with God. They are important in building character, and in this sense, without works we will have a difficult time being saved. If nothing else, doing good works shows that a relationship exists between a person and God. So works are important to earning rewards, to building character, to providing a witness for God, but they still will not save us of and by themselves because, since we are imperfect, they are also terribly flawed.
The 4 Agreements Part 1 - Audio Book
Thanks, anonymous (I think); check out your link a little later.
Another great and timely Berean:
Jeremiah 17:9-10
(9) " The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
(10) I, the LORD, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.
New King James Version Change Bible versions
Clearly, there is something radically wrong with man. The Bible discloses the seat of man's problem as being his heart, his inner being, including his reason. We are full of falsehood, duplicity, and contradiction. We conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselves.
Perhaps it is in this area that the heart performs its most destructive work; it conceals the exceeding sinfulness of sin and its tragic consequences and seriousness. It deceives us into thinking that it is not so bad or that God is so merciful that He will overlook it. Was it this kind of thinking that preceded the sudden deaths of Aaron's sons, Uzza, and Ananias and Sapphira?
Do you suppose He can overlook an attitude that so casually takes for granted sinful acts that caused the horribly painful and ignominious death of One who was truly innocent, His Son? Does He merely ignore an attitude that cares so little for its own life that it deliberately attempts to bring that wonderful gift of life to an end? Does He just avert His eyes when we do something that forms a part of our character that will prevent us from being in His image? Some people seem to think so, but is there innocence in this kind of reasoning?
Our own heart deceives us into taking sin lightly. But, believe the Bible, God is NOT taking sin lightly because He loves His creation. Sin has caused all the emotional and physical pain and death that mankind has experienced since Adam. Each of us is suffering to some degree from it right at this moment. Does this bring us happiness? Do we love sin so much that we want it to continue? Are we fully aware it may destroy us? Do we want our sinful way of life to end?
There is only one way it will end, and that is to follow Jesus' advice: "Unless you repent you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). When we repent and begin controlling ourselves so that we do not sin, it will not stop sin in the world. But unless WE stop sinning, sin will never be stopped. EACH PERSON has to come to see that he is personally responsible for stopping sin in his own life. He cannot wait for others to stop before he stops. The government will not do it for him. Nobody but the individual can stop his sinning unless God takes away the person's chance to repent by putting him to death.
We cannot allow ourselves to be deceived into taking this casually as the world does. They say, "Everybody's doing it." Millions cheat on their spouses. Who knows how many have literally "gotten away with murder"! Many cheat the government of their income taxes and never get caught. But we cannot cheat God. How could we escape the gaze of a Being so acutely aware of what is happening that He sees even a sparrow falling? David writes, "Where can I go from Your Spirit?" (Psalm 139:7). God not only sees the acts, but discerns what is "going on" in the heart (verses 1-4, 23-24).
Amen. Praise God for all He does.
Prayers for all those around the world who are suffering because of bad or unusual weather.
Australia had 'an instant tsunami' of 26 feet of water in Brisbane and has killed 9 people and many have to be evacuated.
A link for the Brisbane tsunami:
The mystery continues; a flock of a hundred birds are dead in California and more dead fish in Chicago:
Six inches of rain fell in a half hour; 'Biblical proportions' in Toowoomba, Australia:
Meteor in Oklahoma:
It's reported that 48 of the 50 states have snow.
Brazil is having bad floods and mudslides, as well as S.Africa:
He holds the whole world in His hands.
Winter Storm and crazy weather warnings for Hawaii:
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