Saturday, August 1, 2009


1 Thessalonians 5:2-4

2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

These words, as all the Lord’s words, are very compelling and thought provoking. When you think about a thief coming in the middle of the night, when you are most unaware and unprepared, it can be a rather frightening prospect. Not just for property stolen or damaged, but also for the possibility of personal harm.

He comes like a thief in the night because the vast majority of people are unaware and most definitely unprepared. They are asleep; going through the motion of their life with paying God very little heed, if any. The Lord tells us that if we knew when the thief was to arrive, we would have remained watchful and vigilant. But alas, there is no way to know when or even if the thief might arrive. It is even reasoned that since he has not yet arrived, who knows, maybe the thief will never come. This is what most people desire, for the thief to never come so they can remain safe and comfortable in their slumber.

Jesus is not an ordinary thief by any means just as He is not an ordinary man. By that I mean Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. Most thieves take goods which do not belong to them, but everything belongs to the Lord because He has created it. Isaiah 45:7 (King James Version) 7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. And He is in control of it. All of it. From beginning to end because He is the Alpha and the Omega. A righteous man will find comfort in this while a wicked man should be greatly troubled.

The wicked do not want the Lord to come because He brings their destruction with Him, and there will be no place for which to hide themselves. They know He is coming but would rather deceive themselves and others that He is not because otherwise some would conduct their lives differently and possibly be saved. The Lord comes as a thief in the night because most people are not looking for Him to come. Actually, truth be known, they are not just not looking for His return, but more don’t want Him to come. Most people get pretty aggravated when their slumber is disturbed and for those who now sleep they will be very startled to say the least.
One reason most do not want Jesus to return is people love their lives. They are comfortable in their lives, even with all the strife taking place all around the world, they want to carry on as they are and always have, because that is the way it has been since the beginning of time. Peaks and valleys throughout history to be sure, but the world has and always will maintain because it always has, hasn’t it. We are supposed to love our God above everything and anybody else, even our parents. This includes ourselves as well as our own lives. John 12:25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. And Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

This is not to say the Lord does not want us to be happy, quite the opposite and He is the joy and peace in our hearts because He is the giver and taker of all things. Jesus gives life more abundantly and makes this life bearable through the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.)

Jesus is not an ordinary thief because He does not come just to take away, He comes to give so much more than this life could ever offer under the current fallen condition. For those written in the Book of Life, He brings eternal life.

How one views the return of the Lord may well reveal the condition of the heart. The wicked ones do not ever want Him to return and deny that He will; the lost souls are comfortable in their slumber and do not want their eyes opened any sooner than they are ready to have them opened and are not ready for His return; and His people whom desire nothing else more than for His will to be done on earth, wait patiently and longingly trusting in all His ways.

As always, until the great and awful day of the Lord arrives, and arrive it will, He is our strength. Praise His holy name today and forever and ever.


Ali said...۱۴&user=far&lang=eng&tran=3

Keep the faith,

faithful forever said...

Indeed, Ali, may all God's people be strengthened and become the uppermost. How great is our God.

I am glad it has remained quiet in Malaysia and hope it stays that way.

Love and prayers.

PursuingTruth said...

well said, I agree you can learn a lot about a person in how they view the prospect of the return of the Lord.
Much is happening, keep those wicks trimmed.
Love, PeterZ

faithful forever said...

Great to hear from you PeterZ and I completely agree with you that there is much happening. It is still so amazing because even though there is so much happening, people are still able to deny, and able to carry on the status quo. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Whether this is real or propaganda, it could very well be the catalyst 'they' have been looking for:

..but of course, it's acceptable for us to do this:,27574,25873708-401,00.html

Reminder about Peter's radio show today which can be found at Always uplifting, and always worth the time.

Love and prayers to all.

faithful forever said...

And things just keep getting stranger and stranger:

faithful forever said...

Can we begin to imagine the frustration, the oppression, the injustice...we cannot. But we can pray and hold them in our hearts:

faithful forever said...

Four earthquakes today in the US/Mexico and one in Guam, but I can't find any info on the Guam quake:|main|dl1|link5|

faithful forever said...

Found a link; just a moderate quake in Guam:

faithful forever said...

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Amen. Keep the faith.

South Japan has had a 6.5 earthquake today, and Russian and Georgian tensions are growing:

Anonymous said...


Indeed that great and awful day of the Lord will arrive. Great post as usual my dear sister.

Things are getting interesting and you just wonder how confusion is really confusing. Just bizzare.
Goergia is taking part in naval exercise along with Ukraine, RUSSIA and Rommania. Or could it be a set up by either side for an ambush? Anything is possible.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

Thanks for that link, Annon, and your kind words. I am always greatly blessed by your spirit and what a gift from God you are.

That is one long naval exercise, if I do say so myself. It is very interesting because I read an article last night that claimed Russian subs have been patrolling our East Coast. It stated that they were in international waters, but patrolling just the same.

Confusion is the name of the game right now and I am ever more thankful for the Lord our God showing us everything we need to know, and not having to fear what we are witnessing. Without Him, we would be as lost as the rest of the world, and that is one place I would much rather not be. I treasure the one-mindedness and being one with each other as our Lord prayed for us to be as He and the Father are. It is remarkable and I give Him praise for all He does for His flock.

Two people in my office yesterday, who I believe are 'Conservative right Christians' were all in an uproar about Obama's healthcare plan stating that on 'page 14 through 18' it calls for old and sick people to commit suicide. And they believe it. They stated that we need a revolution or for someone to take him out. They have no idea how they are playing into the hand of the devil. And they feel righteous about it. What a trip watching it all unfold.

I am so thankful that we have this outlet to watch it together. I love you my brother and can't wait to wrap my arms around you at the Feast. For now, holy kisses and prayers to you my brother.

And to all.

faithful forever said...

Russian subs article:

...and how much more is going on that we don't even hear or know about.

Interesting times indeed and I can't help but be excited at the prospect of every dirty deed and those who do them being exposed...major revelations in this time of revelation.

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

faithful forever said...

I report, you decide:

faithful forever said...

Man, things are moving faster and faster:

Stay blessed and keep looking up indeed; and be of good courage for our redemption draweth near...the Almighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise His holy name.

faithful forever said...

Psalm 119:103 (King James Version)

103How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

faithful forever said...

Ali said...۱۱&user=far&lang=eng&tran=3

Keep the faith,

faithful forever said...

Beautiful, Ali. Thank you and I love your sharing the Quran with us. I may well never have gotten to see it otherwise.

Whoo-hoo; I feel like celebrating. Whether the lawsuit goes anywhere or not, the truth is still being told:

faithful forever said...

Did you hear about this, Ali?

Ali said...

Dear FF,

Yeah, I have this colleague coming from Hajj to Tehran. Here in Malaysia, one of the major universities got closed for a week because of some cases of Swine Flu. A very distant relative of us also died recently in Canada, because of Swine Flue !! It is strange.

Keep the faith,

faithful forever said...

My dear brother Ali, I agree it is strange and there will be stranger things to come as well. I hope your country stays calm for Ahmadinejad's inauguration. Love and prayers.

Keepin' the faith,

faithful forever said...

I found this Ali, and hope it does not make you too homesick, but it might be a good thing that you are out of Iran:

faithful forever said...

I LOVE the truth. Great article. Brace ourselves, there is going to be so much more coming:

faithful forever said...


Speaking of confusion, I am finding that lately with the world spinning faster and faster toward all that is coming, that tt takes a lot of discernment even for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Is there a tide that is turning, or are they making it appear that way. With the news coming out about the black market organ harvesting, and insiders testifying against Eric Prince of Blackwater, but what is real and what is serving their agenda. It is hard to tell, but the Lord will reveal everything and someday all questions will be answered. Many good things are coming for those who have been awakened. I believe this because the Lord says so and because I can feel it. I have no idea if Ned Dougherty and his message is real, but I believe that all things are possible with the Lord and we shall soon see the strength and power of those words.

Ezekiel 34:11-12

11For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.

12As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

Amen. Be of good courage for the Lord our God is with us. Whom shall we fear but Him.

I do know every time they talk about 'peace' there is anything but:

Love and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Have a look at this link. It is the weirdest stuff I stumbled upon.

Stay blessed and keep looking up.


faithful forever said...

faithful forever said...

Thinking about you, Ali:

Anonymous said...

Exposing the health care protest at town hall meetings. Manipulating the people:

Ali said...


Oh! Yeah! That thing! We had it here and few of my friends went into the crowd to interview people. It is about ISA: Internal Security Act in Malaysia and the opposition want it to be removed. Thank God I live far from all these.

I appreciate your concern FF.

Keep the faith,

faithful forever said...

Wow, talk about carried away:

Ali, I too am thankful you live far from all that. The world is going to stay with your books and not be involved. Love ya.

Thanks for the Maddow link, Anonymous. Many hands make light the load.

Annon, my dear brother, I am still thinking about the Jacko thing. There is probably so much more to things than we can ever imagine.

Interesting times though.

Love and prayers always.

faithful forever said...


With the 'christian right' being whipped into a frenzy against Obama's policies (by design) and made to be led into wandering after the beast, and many 'conservatives' are incredibly, extremely very uptight. Just a random thought from an active imagination: with Sotomayer being confirmed today by the Senate with the issue of illegal aliens being one of their major points of irritation, and then you read that Obama is going to Mexico this weekend amid marked increased violence, and 8/8 is an interest date...and is the stage being set? Stay tuned for updates as they become available. A staged event such as this scenario could certainly spark a civil war and they really, really like civil wars. Isn't it so bizarre, Clinton and Bush's policies (NAFTA) caused the influx of aliens and the righties blame this adm. I am surrounded by some of these righties and see their irratic beliefs in action frequently and they are mad to begin with and now the flames are being stoked to further the agenda of the beast. And they have no clue the path they are on and they cannot even allow a thought of entertaining that it is propaganda. Talk about blinded.

That's my rant for today. Until next time, love and prayers in this time like no other.;_ylt=ApqWC41kVg0XW.U8oyYI_hOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTM3NTlsbTBjBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMDkwODA2L3VzX21leGljb19kcnVnc19vYmFtYQRjcG9zAzYEcG9zAzMEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNkcnVna2lsbGluZ3M-

Sandra said...

Love your rant and I totally agree. They are being manipulated and lied to and they have no idea that they are listening to evil that wants to hate and destroy.

We just need to stay on the path of righteousness and love. I pray that their eyes will open but it is up to them to ask the Lord for guidance in all truth but my belief is that they don't do that but instead go to their pastors and politicans whose agenda is of the beast.

Love you sister

faithful forever said...


Oh, you are so right about trusting their pastors and politicians more than the Lord. Just had that conversation with one of them yesterday. She said exactly that: 'until she hears it from her pastor or the president, she won't believe it.' We were discussing 911, albeit very briefly because I know her mind and heart are closed. Both are locked down tight with indoctrination, and I praise the Lord for breaking the chains of this world that bind and blind. We all have a choice and I have to wonder why they do not seek the Lord, but I think they believe the Lord is on their side and they are comfortable in their self-righteousness. This particular woman is one of those, like the majority of Americans allegedly recently polled, that believe dropping the atomic bombs on Japan was warranted. I am thankful to be set apart from this world once again.

People who call themselves Christian and condone killing in any manner, especially in the name of the Lord, do not know the Lord.

It should be no surprise the actions and beliefs of these modern-day Pharisees, but it is fascinating watching it unfold and if Obama is 'taken out' (like the woman kept repeating), whether real or make believe, people like her will celebrate the event as a victory for God and country. Shameful and so disheartening, but such is the way of the world - for now, but not much longer.

Only love can conquer all things, and it will.

Glad you enjoyed my rant, and thanks for saying so. It really means a lot to me and the edification is always a blessing. I love you my beautiful sister.

Malachi 3:15-18 (King James Version)

15And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.

16Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

17And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

18Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.


young brother said...

FF, terrific work, once again. I really loved your point about how Christ isn't like a normal thief because he owns everything anyway. Amen!