The Babylonian Imperial System
I am arguing that the story of the fall of man reveals that the "secret knowledge" of good and evil (as given by the Anunaki to the Sons of the Serpent) was how to build (example: Masons are builders, and this is their "craft") a totalitarian system of total human control, in order to rule the lives of the "uninitiated barbarians" and exist as gods on earth. I am also arguing that this explains the doctrine of orignial sin, because the fall of the Serpent Seed has affected all of us, and we have wittingly or unwittingly participated in this fall up to this very day because of the systems they have created, and forced us to live under. I will refer to this systme as the Babylonian Imperial System which has SIX (the number of man) characteristics:
1. A powerful military/police state structure .that is well financed and is given powers to enforce orders, and destroy rebels.
This is the foundational societal institution in Babylon, and is the classic sign that the Babylonian Empire has emerged. This is because this imperial system is fundamentally exploitive and as a result it will cause anger and apathy in the population, and in vassal kingdoms, which must be tightly controlled or the empire will begin to crumble. If necessary, the empire will use its highly trained and well financed military and police to destroy or kill those who dare to want change. This is what happened to Judah when Zedekiah, the puppet King of Nebuchadnezzar, rebelled. His kingdom was destroyed, his people massacred and enslaved, and the Solomonic Temple was burned to the ground. Zedekiah was then forced to watch his sons executed, then his eyes were torn out, and he was beheaded. The Babylonian Imperial System must be feared in order to keep control.
2. Hierarchical, Pyramid Control Structure.
Babylonian Imperial Systems and their supporting institutions are always based upon hierarchy, symbolized by the pyramid, or Ziggurat. This makes sense since this organizing symbol guarantees power is concentrated in the hands of a privileged few, and a large number of powerless people remain at the bottom who can easily be dominated and controlled by being forced to fight with each other for the ascending space on the pyramid. And, by using the religious symbol of a pyramid, it imparts a message of divine authority which can easily be transferred into social relationships as “the divine wants us to rule, and for the majority to be our servants.” As a result, any effective revolt against imperial power can be nullified as each person is too busy fighting his neighbor for a competitive edge, even though they will likely never rise very far above their low station. Hierarchy also links empire symbolically with Egypt; the home of the Great Pyramids, and along with Mesopotamia, the world’s first empires. It also links empire symbolically to the Exodus, God’s magnificent event of liberation for those trapped at the bottom of the pyramid, which foreshadows what may well happen in our lifetime.
3. A well financed, organized, and committed propaganda machine to sell the empire’s vision of the world to the population and other empires, and to get them all to agree freely to live their lives according to the rules dictated by the command structure.
The empire must present themselves as good, peaceful, and decent and the world they have created must be presented as natural and just. Violence works best as a threat; if it is applied in its most brutal forms in all cases, then the population will become mobilized to fight back. Empires must gain the cooperation of most citizens, and convince them to accept the kingdom/empire freely. This can only happen through manipulation, lies, and other tricks which are all called propaganda. Babylon was a considered seat of culture and architecture, Rome was thought to be an empire of justice, Egypt was considered an enlightened center of science, mathematics, and religion. Babylonian Imperial Systems need a good propaganda machine to cover up the evil that supports their existence.
4. Economic and Political Power held mostly in the hands of a small elite, with a large middle class of managers and functionaries to help oversee and organize the accumulation of further wealth for the elites (like the task masters in Egypt during the Exodus), and a much larger group of poor and outcasts who are trapped in ruin, misery, and suffering.
The suffering on the part of the lowest members of society, who comprise the largest number of people, is rationalized as a failure in the individual, their race or religion, or both as a means of scapegoating and domination, but it also serves to help the elites to alleviate their conscience, which may be convicting them based upon their plundering, dominating behavior. Kingdoms/empires seem metaphysically to have to exist in a world in which the weak are deliberately dominated, exploited, murdered and abused, and where everyone believes this is natural and appropriate. It is as if their reason for existence depends on having large numbers of powerless people to dominate, exploit, and control. This seems to argue in favor of my thesis that the powerless are God’s people, and as such are attacked as enemies.
5. Apostate Religious Authority that supports the prevailing system giving it “divine authority” by which it benefits economically/socially as a result of its support.
Apostate Religious Authority, while not as foundational as the Police State structure, is perhaps empire’s most critical institution of support because it provides a divine mandate for the hierarchical system (which Apostate Religion also uses to its advantage) and support for the following lies as expressed by the imperial system:
• That God (or the gods) has blessed and chosen the empire, and the elites who control it, to be great, powerful, and rich thus giving them a divine mandate to dominate, accumulate obscene amounts of wealth, and use violence as a means of control.
• That the middle class must work harder and be more obedient to authority in order to advance in the divine kingdom. If that happens, God (the elites) will reward them through money, status, material goods, and community recognition.
• That the poor and marginalized are being punished by God or the gods, and that, while they may suffer now, God will reward their patient endurance in the next life. In other words, it is God’s will that they suffer now, are exploited, and have no hope, so they should accept it and not complain.
• In some extreme cases, the Apostate Religious Authority is given sanction to abuse and dominate the poor in a manner similar to the empire as a reward for their fidelity to the cause. Examples include the Inquisition, the role of churches in the European conquest and colonization of the New World, the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests and the cover-up by Ecclesiastical Authorities. In our day and age, the Apostate American Evangelical Church fully supports wars which cause harm and suffering to the poor and powerless around the world and at home. This confirms Apostate Religion as the Harlot of Revelation, drunk on the blood of the saints.
6. Attacks against true religion, and those who practice it.
In the West, agnosticism, devotion to pleasure and distraction, atheism, money and power, are presented by Hollywood and the Media as positive expressions of a clear thinking mind, while committed religious people are vilified as closed minded zealots and fanatics. Apostate Religious Authority confirms this view by presenting itself as opposed to science, debate, discussion, peace, and democracy, and interested only in the sexual and reproductive sins and temptations of the faithful. In America, it supports imperial ambitions, and is silent on its abuses. We pray for American troops, as we should, yet we do not pray for the millions slaughtered in war by America and the West. Churches punish gays but reward soldiers who murder in the name of God and Country. Mainline Apostate Churches such as the Catholic Church, or Episcopal Church, are in decline making membership seem pointless. Even if one joins a local mainline denomination, they are rarely challenged intellectually or spiritually, and simply sit in a pew every Sunday in an apathetic state of suspended animation, ensuring no real change will happen. Other denominations are more emotional, but try to use emotion and enthusiasm as a way of creating a religious ideologue who is more robot than disciple. He/she can then be easily mobilized to achieve certain political objectives which support the empire (Teri Shiaivo). As a result, true religion never emerges to challenge the heresy of Apostate Religion, or the Beast of Empire. If true religion ever does emerge as a movement for change, the leader of the movement is target for personal attacks, and if this fails, he/she is eliminated. This usually stops the movement dead in its tracks, and allows the kingdom/empire/Apostate Religion to claim the leader and movement as its own by creating memorials, or by recognizing them as a saint, which of course pacifies the vast majority of people who are victims of their already powerful propaganda machine. A great example of this is the Reverend Martin Luther King, who when he was alive was called a communist, traitor, anti-christ, was assassinated, and now that he is dead, everyone deeply connected to the American Imperial System invokes his name with reverence to make themselves seem righteous. It is the Beast of Revelation with the Mouth of a Lamb, hypocrites who destroy the righteous and then use their memory to control and dominate.
(you may refer also to this link H:\Dragon Society - Real History, Dragon Philosophy and The Importance of Royal Bloodlines.htm which details the divine right of Kings, which sheds further light on the Babylonian Imperial System)
The Babylonian Imperial System appears to have emerged in a powerful and organized way about 8000 BCE, which would make sense since this is the time period that the Sons of the Serpent first begin to spread out through the known world.
According to
"So how did this state of affairs came to be. Domination systems, dominator cultures, and hierarchical societies arose at the time of the Domestication revolution. approximately 8000 BC. According to this timeline, "The availability for the first time in human history of a dependable food supply ...made it possible to support larger societies. .... food surpluses became common.... freed some workers to do other forms of work, such as crafts leading to the division of labor. Surplus food and crafts were traded with others. (Trade) Durable goods could now be saved and some people accumulated more than others. (Accumulation of valued goods) People now had possessions worth fighting over. (Feuds and wars over possessions). Captives from battles were forced to do less appealing work. (Slavery) Some people accumulated much over time while others accumulated little. (Inequality increased). The wealthy wanted to pass their benefits on to their children. (Wealth became hereditary) Wealth and power became concentrated in the hands of a few. (Power becomes concentrated and chiefs, kings, and feudal society emerged). With the agricultural revolution 5500 BC "The invention of the plow drawn by animals made agricultural production vastly more efficient than before permitting far more land to be farmed by fewer people. This resulted in an even greater food surplus. It also freed far more people for other types of work, creating an even greater division of labor. Jared Diamond details some of the additional specifics of the process.
According to Walter Wink, since the time of Babylon (1250 BC): "The story that the rulers of domination societies told each other and their subordinates is what we today might call the Myth of Redemptive Violence. It enshrines the belief that violence saves, that war brings peace, that might makes right. It is one of the oldest continuously repeated stories in the world."
This historical situation can be confirmed in Genesis 4. Cain, a tiller of the soil murders his brother Abel, a shepherd. The Bible seems to be giving us a clue here: the emerging farming states, which become Babylonian Empires, are based upon domination of the weak. The knowledge of good and evil offered by the serpent is nothing more than the domination and murder of the weak accomplished by total insitiutional control of every aspect of human life. This process will enshrine the Serpent Seed as gods, who know and create the conditions of life and death, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. This is whay they are called the Sons of Cain, because Cain is their spiritual ancestor.
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By now news of an upcoming Conservative Bible has spread throughout the
media and Internet. This news can be viewed as just another
15 years ago